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Domain Model

Amy Boyer edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 4 revisions


Represents a project in Panoptes


Represents a set of image processing operations. Owned by a Project, owns multiple PipelineStage objects


Represents a single, configurable operation to be performed in sequence by Theia on a working directory of images called a JobBundle. Owned by a Pipeline. The parameters for a PipelineStage are used to construct each sequential Operation to be performed by a Pipeline


Represents a single request to a single imaging Pipeline to process one or more scenes from a specified location. Belongs to a Project and Pipeline. Produces associated RequestedScene objects (for USGS scenes) and JobBundles. Saving an ImageryRequest object automatically queues a locate_scenes task.


Specific to USGS adapter. Represents a pending request to USGS for imagery. Belongs to a Pipeline and an ImageryRequest We poll periodically to see if a requested scene is available, at which point we create a JobBundle for it.


Represents a location where processing operations are occurring. All PipelineStages will be applied to a JobBundle in order. Belongs to a Pipeline and an ImageryRequest. Has an associated PipelineStage called current_stage to indicate its progress in the processing pipeline. Saving a JobBundle automatically queues a process_bundle task.

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