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Interpreting the Log Files

Will Granger edited this page Aug 28, 2019 · 4 revisions


Interpreting the Log Files

The app creates a new log file on startup titled after the current date (ex: log_7-31-2019_0.csv) with the final number reflecting the number of log files for the day. This document includes information logged with each event as well as context for when each event would occur.

x = event should contain information
time = Timestamp measured in hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds
event = Title of event captured
user = User executing event. Ex: AquaUser
subjectID = Subject id of the current subject. Ex: 30085052, if available
state = State of the classifier at the time of event. Ex: Summary or Classifier. Summary denotes the classifier is currently on the classification summary screen showing answer counts while Classifier denotes the classifier is currently showing the current subject with three answer buttons.
context = Extra event-specific information accompanying each event.
peer = When sending notifications, this column contains the name of the user receiving notifications. Ex: GreenUser
answer = When submitting a classification, this column records the answer selected

time event user subjectID state context peer answer
x Log_Started
x Open_Classifier x
x Drag_Galaxy x
x Drop_Galaxy x x x
x Move_Map direction moved Ex: North
x Scroll_To_Bottom x
x Selected_Galaxy_Example x x x title of example selected Ex: Smooth
x Ask_For_Help x x x Request_Sent x
x Ask_For_Help x x x User_Busy x
x Ask_For_Help x x x Already_Helping x
x Ask_For_Help x x x User_Unavailable x
x Ask_For_Help x x x Already_Asked x
x Ask_For_Help x x x Already_Seen x
x Ask_For_Help x x x Pending_Request x
x Ask_For_Help x x x Drag_To_Begin x
x Accept_Galaxy x x x x
x Decline_Galaxy x x x x
x Helped_User x x x
x Intent x x x
x Close_And_End x x x session time Ex: 00:04:19
x Keep_Classifying x x
x Hide_Close_Confirmation x x x
x Dismiss_Still_There x x
x Close_From_Still_There x x session time Ex: 00:04:19
x Close_Timeout x x session time Ex: 00:04:19
x Submit_Classification x x x total number of classifications from user Ex: 6 x
x Random_Galaxy x x
x Choose_Galaxy x
x Toggle_Leveler x x x
x Tap_Drop_Zone x x
x Log_Ended


  • Log_Started: The app has started with logging beginning immediately.
  • Open_Classifier: A user pressed the "Start" button to begin a classification session.
  • Drag_Galaxy: A user began dragging a galaxy from the middle of the table. This does not always entail a drop.
  • Drop_Galaxy: A user dropped a galaxy onto a classifier. A galaxy can be dropped onto multiple classifiers but cannot be dragged out of a classifier.
  • Move_Map: A user pressed one of the four "Move Map" buttons on the sides of the center space view.
  • Scroll_To_Bottom: This event occurs when a user scrolls vertically to the bottom of the descriptive text accompanying an example on the "Examples" pullout to the right of a classifier. This only occurs if there is hidden text overflowing the box that allows for vertical scrolling.
  • Selected_Galaxy_Example: A user selected one of the three galaxy examples on the "Examples" pullout to the right of the classifier.
  • Ask_For_Help:
    • Request_Sent: A notification to help was successfully sent to another user without any of the following roadblocks.
    • User_Busy: A user tried to ask another volunteer at the table for help, but that volunteer is busy assisting another user.
    • Already_Helping: A user sent a help request to a volunteer at the table who is already helping that user classify their current galaxy.
    • User_Unavailable: A user tried to send a help request to a closed classifier.
    • Already_Asked: A user tried to send a help request to a volunteer who has already declined that user in assistance.
    • Already_Seen: A user tried to send a help request to a volunteer who has already classified said galaxy. In this case, the notification panel opens for that user detailing the volunteer's previous answer.
    • Pending_Request: A user has sent a help request to a volunteer who still has a pending notification from another user. In this case, the volunteer must respond to that pending notification before they can receive any other requests.
    • Drag_To_Begin: A user does not currently have a galaxy in their classifier and cannot ask another volunteer for help.
  • Accept_Galaxy: A user has a notification to receive a galaxy from another user at the table and has accepted that invitation, thus putting that galaxy onto their classifier.
  • Decline_Galaxy: A user received a help request but declined the invitation.
  • Helped_User: A user finished classifying a galaxy that was originally sent to them from another volunteer at the table.
  • Intent: A user pressed the checkbox aside the "Yes, I'll check it out online" text on the close confirmation window.
  • Close_And_End: A user pressed the button on the close confirmation view to intentionally close the classifier and end their session.
  • Keep_Classifying: A user pressed the "Keep Classifying" button on the close confirmation view to close the view and continue their session.
  • Hide_Close_Confirmation: A user pressed the "Cancel" button on the close confirmation view to dismiss the close confirmation view and continue their session.
  • Dismiss_Still_There: The "Are You Still There?" view appeared and the user pressed the button to continue their session.
  • Close_From_Still_There: The "Are You Still There?” view appeared and the user pressed the button on that view to end their session.
  • Close_Timeout: A classifier has been idle for the entire timeout period and closed due to inactivity.
  • Random_Galaxy: A user just finished classifying and pressed the button to load a random subject.
  • Choose_Galaxy: A user just finished classifying and pressed the button to choose their next galaxy from the center of the table.
  • Toggle_Leveler: A user pressed the leveler to the left of the classifier to slide the leveler open or closed.
  • Tap_Drop_Zone: A user touched the drop area and, in doing so, was served a galaxy.
  • Log_Ended: The app has shutdown and logging has ceased.