Terrafor module for creating EC2 instances.
This module creates the following resources:
- EC2 instance
- EBS volumes
module "my_ec2" {
providers = {
aws = aws
source = "git::https://github.com/zoitech/terraform-aws-ec2.git"
ami = "ami-123456789abcd"
instance_type = "t2.micro"
key_name = "mykey"
subnet_id = "subnet-12345678912345678"
vpc_security_group_ids = ["sg-12345678912345678"]
root_block_device = [{
volume_type = "gp2"
volume_size = "100"
encrypted = true
kms_key_id = "arn:aws:kms:eu-central-1:123456789123:key/abcdefgh-abcd-abcd-bcd-123456789123"
delete_on_termination = true
ebs_volume_data_disks = {
"/dev/sdf" = {
size = 60
type = "gp2"
"/dev/sdg" = {
size = 80
type = "gp2"
"/dev/sdh" = {
size = 100
type = "gp2"
tags_instance = {
Name = "myinstance"
tags_root_volume = {
Name = "myinstance-root"
tags_ebs_volume_data_disks = {
Name = "myinstance-data"
Please refer to CHANGELOG.md for the latest release.
module "my_ec2" {
source = "git::https://github.com/zoitech/terraform-aws-ec2.git?ref=1.0.0"