To be used in Telegram crypto minings apps that work by tapping. Originally made for TapSwap bot.
UPDATE: In this version everything is flawless and app will use ocr to find out when to tap and when to cooldown. You can use the bot whenever you want. It has a minor anti-spam built-in function as well.
- Install scrcpy
- Add ADB to environment path (the folder of scrcpy)
- Verify you can execute events
adb shell input keyevent A
(types "a") - Install Python and add to path
- Install Tesseract OCR for your OS
- Install the requirements:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the app:
change it according to your situation
to test the tap location, run adb shell input keyevent X Y
and replace X Y with your numbers
you can find the exact coordinate using "show pointer location" in developer options of your phone
Free for personal usage. Credit me for other usages: my name + the url to my github (or simply the word "github")