- Table of Contents
- Unix Tutorial
- Environment Variables
- Symlinks
- Job Submission and Monitoring
- Script-less Submission
- pbsgen-style submission
- Keep Job Running After Disconnection
- Submission Script from Scratch
- Project Organization
- Project Documentation
- Two Shared Lab Folders
- Legacy Data Folders
- How to Mount Network Drives?
- Transfer files from/to HPC
- Ask for new software to be installed
- Reference Genome Folder
- Useful Tools
Follow the following instruction to install VMWare (https://beyond.chop.edu)[https://beyond.chop.edu]
Obsolete link: https://wiki.chop.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=238785326
The new cluster login-node pool is RES-RHEL-HPC-2
You don't need to use the GUI. Once you request the instance, you can disconnect (not logout or restart). The system will send you an email with server name. Use ssh to login that server.
The documentation (including purpose and scope of the change) is here: https://wiki.chop.edu/display/RISUD/Respublica+Rebuild+2021 I recommend you view the video and page here: https://wiki.chop.edu/display/RISUD/%28BETA%29+Moving+From+UGE+-%3E+Slurm Full slurm scheduling docs for our cluster: https://wiki.chop.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=261751857 The replacement for jupyterhub is documented here: https://wiki.chop.edu/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=261751861
You can use firefox in VDI through (thanks to Kai Wang)
wget https://download-installer.cdn.mozilla.net/pub/firefox/releases/95.0.2/linux-x86_64/en-US/firefox-95.0.2.tar.bz2
tar xaf firefox-95.0.2.tar.bz2
and share folders through (only works with Horizon 7 on personal computer).
Click "Preferences"/"Options", then "Drive Sharing"/"Share folders", then select the local folder that you want to access in remote server. Then the folder will be automatically "/home//tsclient/", so you can read and write to this folder and access it from remote server.
Specs of Respublica, how many nodes, cpus.
More advanced bash scripting guide https://tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/
source /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labtools/bashrc/chop/bashrc_hpc_zhoulab
to ~/.bashrc
Symlinks are great ways to keep your path simple and clean. The real path can be seen with readlink -f
. Here are some common symlinks:
- Genome sequence and annotations:
ln -s /mnt/isilon/zhou_lab/projects/20191221_references ~/references
- Lab softwares:
ln -s /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labsoftware ~/software
- Shared lab storage (can be mounted as network disk):
ln -s /mnt/isilon/zhoulab ~/zhoulab
- Shared lab storage (cannot be mounted as network disk):
ln -s /mnt/isilon/zhou_lab ~/zhou_lab
- Personal scratch space (faster in IO, but cannot be mounted as network disk, replace CHOPID by your ID):
ln -s /scr1/users/<CHOPID> ~/scr1_<CHOPID>
We have the follow repo cloned to /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labpipelines
for job submission tools
Alias are defined in /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/labtools/bashrc/chop/bashrc_hpc_zhoulab
for quick job submission, deletion, monitoring
will get a node with 2 cores interatively. We commonly used Srun8
or Srun24
These are just mnemonics for those from torque/UGE environment
alias qstat="squeue --me"
alias qwatch="watch squeue --me"
alias qsubi="srun --mem=20G -c 4 -t 12:00:00 --pty bash"
alias qsub="sbatch"
alias qacct="sacct -j"
alias qhost="sinfo"
alias qdel="scancel"
export HPCUSERNAME=zhouw3
qstat on running jobs only
alias qstatz="squeue --me -t R"
alias qwatchz="watch squeue --me -t R"
Execute one job (more about pbsgen below)
pbsgen "<your command>" -submit
Submit multiple jobs with script
find folder/ -type f -name '*.pbs' | sort | xargs -I {} sbatch {}
Find out all jobs running and run
sacct -j -o zhouw3
sacct -j -o zhouw3 -d 1 # just since yesterday
Notice in the examples below qsub
can be replaced with qsub1
, qsub4
, qsub12
and qsub24
Here string (importantly no space before and after EOF
, see here for some tutorial about heredoc).
qsub12 <<'EOF'
<your command>
Pipe in
cat <<'EOF' | sbatch
. ~/.bashrc
<your command>
You can also pipe into both a file and sbatch (so that you keep a record)
cat <<'EOF' | tee <your file name> | sbatch
. ~/.bashrc
<your command>
you can also use echo
if it's just one line.
echo <your command> | sbatch
For R-command, you can do
qsub <<'EOF'
Rscript <<'EOF2'
<your R command>
Note that the sbatch doesn't recognized aliases and addition to .bashrc / .profile. One needs to call ". ~/.bashrc" explicitly
pbsgen gives more control over the pbs file generated, an example:
cat <<'EOF' | pbsgen -submit
<your bash code>
An example for R
cat <<'EOF' | pbsgen -submit
Rscript - <<'EOF2'
<your R code>
Common options:
: submit the generated script-ppn 4
: number of cores (in this case 4 cores, default to 1)-name
: name of the pbs file and job name. if not an absolute path, use current working directory. if absolute path, the basename will be used for job name.-pbsdir
: name of the default pbs folder. if$PBSDIR
is not set, use current working directory as default, otherwise use$PBSDIR
as default.
Example 1: You just don't care where the script file is
pbsgen "echo Hello world"
This creates job j<i>_$NAMEROOT
. <i>
is auto-incremented.
Example 2: You want specify job name but don't care where.
pbsgen "echo Hello World" -name Pearland
This creates job Pearland
at $PBSDIR/Pearland.pbs
Example 3: You want to specify both script path and job name.
pbsgen "echo Hello World" -name ~/test/Pearland
This creates job Pearland
at ~/test/Pearland.pbs
Example 4: You want script folder (like current dir) but don't care name
pbsgen "echo Hello World" -pbsdir .
This creates job j<i>_$NAMEROOT
. <i>
is auto-incremented.
Environment variables control the defaults
# change this if you want to just change the folder where pbs file is auto-generated
export PBSDIR=/mnt/isilon/zhoulab/tmp/pbs
# change this if you don't like the job name
export NAMEROOT=LabJob
Customize these in your ~/.bashrc
file after loading the zhoulab file.
Use screen
or tmux
(better for UGE compatibility) and run everything inside.
new panelF11
switch left and rightscreen -r(sr)
ortmux attach
reattachCtrl-a d
detachCtrl-a K(cap K)
kill the current windowCtrl-a [
copy mode and useshift+up/down
to scroll up and downCtrl-a A
set current window title
For more see video tutorial
Most cases you can use pbsgen
and qsubi
, qsub1-24
for auto-generated submission script (see above). But more details of the submission script can be found at
https://wiki.chop.edu/display/RISUD/Grid+Engine. The job specs can be placed either on the command line at the head of the script. There is no time limit.
qsub -l h_vmem=4G -l m_mem_free=4G -pe smp 2 script.sh
This is an important thing about SMP, whatever -l request you make, is multiplied by your SMP count. So if I want 4 cores but 32GB memory, I need to submit with -l h_vmem=8G -l m_mem_free=8G -pe smp 4. With pbsgen
it is specified with -memG 8
Your project workspace should ideally be sitting at ~/zhou_lab/projects/
It'd be better you follow the nomenclature starting with a date when creating your project folder, like 20200102_SPLiTseq_mouse_brain
and 20200106_human_WGBS
Please document every command needed and working directory for analysis. Create your git repository in ~/zhoulab/labprojects
. See my in zhouw3
for some examples.
cd ~/zhoulab/labprojects
mkdir <CHOPID>
git init
Git tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HVsySz-h9r4
There are two shared lab folders /mnt/isilon/zhoulab/
and /mnt/isilon/zhou_lab
Sorry for the confusing nomenclature but zhoulab
can be mounted as a network disk on your local computer which means you don't need to sync files back and forth. You can use exactly the same path on HPC and on your local computer by creating a symlink. For example, one my Mac, I have
ln -s /Volumes/zhoulab/ /mnt/isilon/zhoulab
But because of that functionality, zhoulab
has NO write protection, meaning that important data can get deleted at one mistake! I am now syncing the important data to zhou_lab
which raw data will be kept read-only, just to add a layer of safety.
There are three of them ~/zhou_lab/HFS10T/
, ~/zhou_lab/HFS8T/
and ~/zhou_lab/HFS3T/
. Please make sure you don't write into them. I will also try make them read-only.
If you use a mac, go to Finder > Go > Connect to Server, then put smb://ressmb03.research.chop.edu/zhoulab
Your drive will be at /Volumes/zhoulab
. I usually also do
sudo mkdir -p /mnt/isilon/
ln -sf /Volumes/zhoulab/ /mnt/isilon/zhoulab
so that you can use the same path on HPC and local machine.
transfer files from HPC to local:
scp [email protected]:/path/on/hpc/ ~/path/on/local
transfer files from local to HPC:
scp ~/path/on/local [email protected]:/path/on/hpc/
transfer directory from HPC to local:
scp -r ~/path/on/local [email protected]:/path/on/hpc/
module avail
module load gcc/6.4.0
see https://wiki.chop.edu/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=RISUD&title=Software
go to service portal
search "other request", click on "other request"
fill out the form, describe the package you would like installed, then "Order Now"
References genome is shared among users. Let's all agree to use the following link for now.
~/references -> /mnt/isilon/zhou_lab/projects/20191221_references
All genome assembly is organized by their name (UCSC id if available, Ensembl id if not).
Underneath each folder like ~/references/hg38/
you will find annotation which contains the annotation of that genome including cpg island, etc.
Index for each software will be contained in its own folder like ~/references/hg38/biscuit
├── annotation
│ ├── cytoband
│ │ └── cytoBand.txt.gz
│ ├── rmsk
│ │ ├── rmsk.comp.txt
│ │ ├── rmsk.num_cpg.txt
│ │ ├── rmsk.txt.bed
│ │ ├── rmsk.txt.gz
│ │ ├── rmsk2.txt.bed
│ │ └── rmsk_hg38.gtf
│ └── transcripts
│ ├── CCDS.20180614.release22.txt
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gff3.gz
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf.gz
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf.havana_clean.bed
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf.transcript.bed
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf.tss.bed
│ ├── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf.tss.lincRNA.bed
│ └── gencode.v28.annotation.gtf.tss.protein_coding.bed
├── biscuit
│ ├── hg38.fa.bis.amb
│ ├── hg38.fa.bis.ann
│ ├── hg38.fa.bis.pac
│ ├── hg38.fa.dau.bwt
│ ├── hg38.fa.dau.sa
│ ├── hg38.fa.par.bwt
│ └── hg38.fa.par.sa
├── composition
│ └── hg38.fa.comp
├── hg38.fa
├── hg38.fa.fai
└── liftOver
└── hg19ToHg38.over.chain.gz