Question Answering on SQuAD dataset is a task to find an answer on question in a given context (e.g, paragraph from Wikipedia), where the answer to each question is a segment of the context:
In meteorology, precipitation is any product of the condensation of atmospheric water vapor that falls under gravity. The main forms of precipitation include drizzle, rain, sleet, snow, graupel and hail... Precipitation forms as smaller droplets coalesce via collision with other rain drops or ice crystals within a cloud. Short, intense periods of rain in scattered locations are called “showers”.
Where do water droplets collide with ice crystals to form precipitation?
within a cloud
Datasets, which follow this task format:
- Stanford Question Answering Dataset (SQuAD) (EN)
- SDSJ Task B (RU)
Question Answering Model is based on R-Net, proposed by Microsoft Research Asia ("R-NET: Machine Reading Comprehension with Self-matching Networks") and its implementation by Wenxuan Zhou.
Default config could be found at deeppavlov/configs/squad/squad.json
- squad_dataset_reader - downloads and reads SQuAD dataset
- data_path - path to save dataset
- squad_iterator - create batches from SQuAD dataset
- squad_preprocessor - preprocesses context, question by cleaning data and tokenizing
- in: context_raw, question_raw - not processed contexts and questions
- out:
- context - processed context (cleaned unicode symbols and quoting)
- context_tokens - tokenized context
- context_chars - tokenized context split on chars
- c_r2p - mapping from raw context to processed context
- c_p2r - mapping from processed context to raw context
- question - processed question
- question_tokens - tokenized question
- question_chars - tokenized question split on chars
- spans - mapping from word indices to position in text
- context_limit - maximum length of context in words
- question_limit - maximum length of question in words
- char_limit - maximum number of chars in token
- squad_ans_preprocessor - preprocesses answer
- in:
- ans_raw - not processed answer
- ans_raw_start - start position of not processed answer in context
- c_r2p
- spans
- out:
- ans - processed answer
- ans_start - start position of processed answer
- ans_end - end position of processed answer
- in:
- squad_vocab_embedder - builds vocabulary and embedding matrix
- in:
- context_tokens
- question_tokens
- out
- context_tokens_idxs
- question_tokens_idxs
- fit_on: context_tokens and question_tokens
- level - token or char
- emb_folder - path to store pretrained embeddings
- emb_url - url to donwload embeddings
- save_path - path to save vocabulary and embedding matrix
- load_path - path to load vocabulary and embedding matrix
- context_limit - maximum length of context in words
- question_limit - maximum length of question in words
- char_limit - maximum number of chars in token
- in:
- squad_model - model to find answer on question in context
- in: context_tokens_idxs, context_chars_idxs, question_tokens_idxs, question_chars_idxs
- in_y: ans_start, ans_end
- out:
- ans_start_predicted - start position of predicted answer
- ans_end_predicted - end position of predicted answer
- word_emb - pretrained word embeddings
- char_emb - pretrained char embeddings
- context_limit - maximum length of context in words
- question_limit - maximum length of question in words
- char_limit - maximum number of chars in token
- train_char_emb - update char_emb during training or not
- char_hidden_size - size of word embedding built on characters
- encoder_hidden_size - hidden size of encoder cells
- attention_hidden_size - hidden size to use to compute attention
- learning_rate
- keep_prob - dropout keep probability
- grad_clip - gradient clipping value
- save_path
- load_path
- squad_ans_postprocessor - extracts predicted answer from context
- in: ans_start_predicted, ans_end_predicted, context_raw, c_p2r, spans
- out:
- ans_predicted - text of predicted answer in raw context
- ans_start_predicted - start position of predicted answer in raw context
- ans_end_predicted - end position of predicted answer in raw context
Tensorflow-1.4.0 with GPU support is required to run this model.
Warning: training with default config requires about 10Gb on GPU. Run following command to train the model:
python -m deeppavlov.deep train deeppavlov/configs/squad/squad.json
Interact mode provides command line interface to already trained model.
To run model in interact mode run the following command:
python -m deeppavlov.deep interact deeppavlov/configs/squad/squad.json
Model will ask you to type in context and question.
Pretrained model is available and can be downloaded:
It achieves ~79 F-1 score and ~70 EM on dev set. Results of the most recent solutions could be found on SQuAD Leadearboad.
If you want to train this model on SDSJ Task B then you should follow these steps: