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628 lines (422 loc) · 22.1 KB


All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The project adheres to Semantic Versioning.


New features


  • The --allow-origin parameter has been added to the finalize command.

  • IPv6 addressing is now supported. (#615)

  • Field, CryptoHash, StorageValue and ExonumJson traits have been implemented for chrono::Duration structure. (#653)


  • Additional service example has been added along with frontend. (#646)

Bug fixes


  • Already processed transactions are rejected now in NodeHandler::handle_incoming_tx method. (#642)

  • Fixed bug with shutdown requests handling. (#666)


  • Frontend has been updated to reflect latest backend changes. (#602 #611)

Internal improvements


  • Default implementation of check method was added to Field trait to reduce boilerplate. (#639)

  • Metrics are now using chrono::DateTime<Utc> instead of SystemTime. (#620)


  • Split service components to separate modules. (#604)


  • Method ProposeData::set_history_hash has been removed. (#604)

0.7 - 2018-04-11

Breaking changes


  • POST-requests are now handled with bodyparser crate, so all the parameters must be passed in the body. (#529)

  • ProofListIndex and ProofMapIndex root_hash method has been renamed to merkle_root. (#547)

  • Proofs of existence / absence for ProofMapIndexs have been reworked. They now have a linear structure with two components: key-value pairs, and additional proof information allowing to restore the Merkle root of the entire index. MapProof interface has been reworked correspondingly. (#380)

    Migration path:

    • Consult documents for the updated workflow for creation and verification of MapProofs.
    • See the README in the storage::proof_map_index module for theoretical details about the new proof structure.
  • with_prefix constructor of all index types has been renamed to new_in_family. Now it uses index_id instead of prefixes. Moreover, blockchain::gen_prefix method has been removed. Instead, any type that implements StorageKey trait, can serve as an index_id. (#531)

  • Several Schema's methods have been renamed (#565):

    • tx_location_by_tx_hash to transactions_locations.
    • block_txs to block_transactions.
  • SystemTime previously used as storage key or value turned out to show different behavior on different platforms and, hence, has been replaced with chrono::DateTime<Utc> that behaves the same in any environment. (#557)

    Migration path:

    • Replace all SystemTime fields with chrono::DateTime<Utc> ones.
    • Use DateTime::from and into() methods to convert your existing SystemTime instances into suitable type when constructing transactions or working with database.
  • Blockchain method tx_from_raw() now returns Result<Box<Transaction>, MessageError> instead of Option<Box<Transaction>>. (#567)

  • events module becomes private. (#568)

  • CryptoHash trait is no longer implemented for Hash. (#578)

  • network_id attribute has been removed from NodeInfo and RawMessage. HEADER_LENGTH remains the same, first byte of RawMessage is now reserved and always set to 0. (#579)

  • exonum::explorer module has been reworked to add new functionality. (#535, #600) In particular:

    • The explorer now allows to iterate over blocks in the blockchain in the given height range, replacing old blocks_range method.
    • block_info and tx_info methods of the explorer are renamed to block and transaction respectively.
    • TransactionInfo moved from the api::public module to the explorer module.
    • BlocksRange moved from the explorer module to the api::public module.
    • TxInfo is renamed to CommittedTransaction.
    • BlockInfo fields are private now, yet accessible with getter methods.

    Migration path:

    • Rename imported types and methods as specified above
    • Use explicit type parameter in TransactionInfo and CommittedTransaction (e.g., TransactionInfo<serde_json::Value> or TransactionInfo<MyTransaction>) if you need to deserialize transaction-related data returned from the explorer HTTP API.
    • Consult explorer module docs for further possible changes in API.
  • validators-count command-line parameter has been added. Now, when generating config template using generate-template command, you must specify the number of validators. (#586)

  • majority_count parameter has been added to the StoredConfiguration. See exonum-configuration changes for more details. (#546)


  • Rollback mechanism in Testkit is reworked to work with checkpoints (#582):

    • old rollback by blocks in Testkit was removed;
    • checkpoint method was introduced to set checkpoints;
    • new rollback rolls back to the last set checkpoint.

    Migration path:

    • Replace every old rollback(blocks) by a pair of checkpoint() and rollback().
  • Testkit api now contains two methods to work with the transaction pool (#549):

    • is_tx_in_pool - for checking transaction existence in the pool;
    • add_tx - for adding a new transaction into the pool.

    Migration path:

    • Instead of calling mempool(), one should use is_tx_in_pool or add_tx methods.
  • TestKitApi::get_err method now returns ApiError, rather than a deserialized object, as it is for get. For checking such results in tests you may want to use assert_matches.


  • majority_count: Option<u16> configuration parameter is introduced. Allows to increase the threshold amount of votes required to commit a new configuration proposal. By default the number of votes is calculated as 2/3 + 1 of total validators count. (#546)


  • SystemTime has been replaced with chrono::DateTime<Utc>, as it provides more predictable behavior on all systems. (#557)

New features


  • ExecutionError::with_description method now takes Into<String> instead of String which allows to pass &str directly. (#592)

  • New database field added to the NodeConfig. This optional setting adjusts database-specific settings, like number of simultaneously opened files. (#538)

  • Added v1/user_agent endpoint with information about Exonum, Rust and OS versions. (#548)

  • ProofMapIndex now allows to retrieve a proof of presence / absence for an arbitrary number of elements at one time with the help of get_multiproof method. Correspondingly, MapProof allows to verify proofs for an arbitrary number of elements. (#380)

  • storage::UniqueHash trait that represents a unique, but not necessary cryptographic hash function, is introduced. (#579)

  • Added the opportunity to parse configuration files with missing empty structures. Fields of such structures are equal to the default values. (#576)

  • CryptoHash, Field, StorageKey and StorageValue traits are implemented for the uuid::Uuid. (#588)

  • Display trait is implemented for types from the crypto module. (#590)

  • transactions! macro now allows empty body. (#593)


  • create_block* methods of the TestKit now return the information about the created block. (#535)

  • TestKit::explorer() method allows to access the blockchain explorer. (#535)


  • A more complex example has been added featuring best practices for service writing. (#595)

Internal improvements


  • RawTransaction now has its own implementation of fmt::Debug trait instead of #[derive(Debug)]. The template of RawTransaction’s debug message is Transaction { version: #, service_id: #, message_type: #, length: #, hash: Hash(###) }. (#603)

  • Non-committed transactions are now stored persistently in the storage instead of memory pool. (#549)

  • Sandbox tests have been moved inside of the exonum core. (#568)

  • The requested transactions in the TransactionsRequest are now sent by batches, rather than one by one. The number of batches depends on the size limits of the message. (#583)


  • Request logging for TestKitApi now encompasses all requests. The log format is slightly changed to allow for the generic request / response form. (#601)

0.6 - 2018-03-06

Breaking changes


  • exonum::crypto::CryptoHash trait is introduced, and StorageValue::hash and Message::hash methods are removed. (#442)

    Migration path:

    • For implementations of StorageValue, move the hash method to CryptoHash implementation instead.
    • For implementations of Message simply remove hash method, there's a blanket impl of CryptoHash for Message.
    • Add use exonum::crypto::CryptoHash to use the hash method.
  • The StorageKey trait is re-implemented for signed integer types (i8, i16, i32 and i64) to achieve the natural ordering of produced keys. (#443)

    This change will break indices using signed integers as keys. To emulate the old implementation, you may create a wrapper around a type (e.g., struct QuirkyI32Key(i32)) and implement StorageKey for it using big endian encoding. Then, use the wrapper instead of the int type in indices. See the unit tests for StorageKey for an example.

  • Transaction::execute method now returns TransactionResult that is stored in the blockchain and can be accessed through api. The changes made by transactions that return Err are discarded. To migrate, add Ok(()) as the last line to the execute method. More generally, make sure that the method returns Ok(()) on successful execution. (#385)

  • Service transactions are now defined through transactions! macro that automatically assigns transaction IDs based on the declaration order. (#457)

    Migration path:

    • Move all separate transactions declared as message! into one transactions! macro.
    • Remove ID constants.
    • Replace TYPE constants with a single SERVICE_ID constant.
  • Several variants were removed from ApiError enum. (#474)

    Migration path:

    • Use generic ApiError::BadRequest variant or create IronError directly.
  • CommandExtension uses failure::Error instead of Box<std::error::Error> for errors. (#474)

    Migration path:

    • std::error::Error can be converted to failure::Error via .into() method.
  • storage::Error implements failure::Fail instead of std::error::Error. (#474)

  • CryptoHash for () now correctly calculates a hash of an empty byte array instead of returning Hash::zero(). (#483)

  • Removed the 'static bound from the return value of the blockchain::Service::service_name() method. (#485)

  • StorageKey trait now requires ToOwned implementation. (#392)

  • Connect message has been extended with a user agent string, which breaks binary compatibility with previous versions. (#362)

  • Log output become more human-readable. Now it uses rfc2822 for time formatting. This change can break scripts that analyze the log output. (#514)

  • output_dir argument of the generate-testnet command has been renamed to output-dir. (#528)

  • peer_addr argument of the generate-config command has been renamed to peer-address. (#528)

  • Blockchain::new and Node::new now accept Into<Arc<Database>> instead of Box<Database>. (#530)

    Migration path:

    • Just pass database argument as is, for example instead of Box::new(MemoryDb::new()) use MemoryDb::new().


  • Most types renamed to avoid stuttering (see here for an explanation of the term) (#496):

    • ConfigurationService to Service
    • ConfigurationServiceFactory to ServiceFactory
    • TxConfigPropose to Propose
    • TxConfigVote to Vote
    • ConfigurationSchema to Schema
    • StorageValueConfigProposeData to ProposeData

    Check the crate documentation for more details.

    Migration path: Rename imported types from the crate, using aliases or qualified names if necessary: use exonum_configuration::Service as ConfigService.

  • Multiple APIs are no longer public (#496):

    • Message identifiers
    • Mutating methods of the service schema
    • Module implementing HTTP API of the service

    Check the crate documentation for more details.

    Migration path: The restrictions are security-based and should not influence intended service use.

  • ZEROVOTE is replaced with the MaybeVote type, which is now used instead of Vote in the schema method signatures. The storage format itself is unchanged (#496).


  • The structure Time is removed, use SystemTime for saving validators time in ProofMapIndex instead. (#20)

  • Renamed methods validators_time/validators_time_mut to validators_times/validators_times_mut in Schema. (#20)

New features


  • StorageKey and StorageValue traits are implemented for SystemTime. (#456)

  • StorageValue and CryptoHash traits are implemented for bool. (#385)

  • Height implements std::str::FromStr. (#474)

  • v1/transactions endpoint has been extended with the transaction execution status. (#488)

  • Key-indexes interface now allows to use borrowed types for the search operations. (#392)

  • Added v1/shutdown endpoint for graceful node termination. (#526)

  • TransactionInfo from the public api module became public. (#537)


  • Modified signature of the TestKitApi::send method, which previously did not accept Box<Transaction>. (#505)

  • Added possibility to init a logger in TestKitBuilder. (#524)


  • Information about configurations by /v1/configs/actual, /v1/configs/following and /v1/configs/committed endpoints is extended with the hash of the corresponding proposal and votes for the proposal (#481).

  • Implemented error handling based on error codes (#496).

Bug fixes


  • ExonumJsonDeserialize trait is implemented for F32 and F64. (#461)

  • Added round and propose timeouts validation. (#523)

  • Fixed bug with the extra creation of the genesis configuration. (#527)

  • Fixed panic "can't cancel routine" during node shutdown. (#530)

Internal improvements


  • Consensus messages are stored persistently (in the database), so restart will not affect the node's behavior. (#322)

  • Runtime index type checks have been implemented for every index. (#525)

0.5.1 - 2018-02-01

Bug fixes

  • Fixed logger output. (#451)

0.5 - 2018-01-30

Breaking changes

  • The order of bytes and bits in the DBKey keys of ProofMapIndex became consistent. (#419)

    The change influences how Merkle Patricia trees are built for ProofMapIndex: the bits in each byte of a DBKey are now enumerated from the least significant bit (LSB) to the most significant bit (MSB), compared to MSB-to-LSB ordering used before. Note: this change will break old storages using map proofs.

  • The Database trait is simplified: it is no longer required to implement state-sharing clone method. Instead, the merge method now takes a shared reference to self. (#422)

  • message! and encoding_struct! no longer require manual SIZE and offset specification. (#413)

  • from_raw(raw: RawMessage) method is moved to the Message trait. To migrate, add use exonum::messages::Message. (#427)

  • Changed iterators over Patch and Changes data into custom types instead of standard collection iterators. (#393)

  • Fixed typo in SparceListIndexKeys and SparceListIndexValues. (#398)

  • Removed default state_hash implementation in the Service trait. (#399)

  • Removed info method from the Transaction. (#402)

  • Replaced config param timeout_events_capacity with internal_events_capacity. (#388)

  • The Transaction trait now inherits from ExonumJson. (#402)

  • Renamed DBKey to ProofPath and moved a part of its functionality to the BitsRange trait. (#420)

New features

  • Added patch method to the Fork structure. (#393)
  • Added a public healthcheck endpoint. (#405)
  • Added serialization support of floating point types through special wrapper (F32 and F64). This feature is hidden behind float_serialize gate. Note: special values (Infinity and NaN) aren't supported. (#384)
  • Added a possibility to set maximum message size (pub max_message_len field in ConsensusConfig). (#426)
  • Added support for CORS. (#406)
  • Added run-dev command that performs a simplified node launch for testing purposes. (#423)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed consensus on the threshold of 1/3 sleeping validators. (#388)
  • Fixed a bunch of inconsistencies and mistakes in the docs. (#439)
  • Fixed a bug with message header validation. (#430)

Internal improvements

  • The list of peer connections is now restored to the latest state after the process is restarted. (#378)
  • Log dependency was updated to 0.4, which can cause issues with the previous versions. (#433)
  • Better error reporting for configs in the .toml format. (#429)

0.4 - 2017-12-08


  • Allow creating auditor node from command line. (#364)
  • Added a new function merge_sync. In this function a write will be flushed from the operating system buffer cache before the write is considered complete. (#368)
  • Added conversion into boxed values for values which implement Service or Transaction traits. (#366)
  • Added constructor for the ServiceContext which can be useful for the alternative node implementations. (#366)
  • Implemented AsRef<RawMessage> for any Exonum messages that were created using the message! macro. (#372)
  • Implemented additional checks for conversion from raw message. (#372)


  • Changed a signature of open function in a rocksdb module. RocksDBOptions should pass by the reference. (#369)
  • ValidatorState in the ServiceContext replaced by the ValidatorId. (#366)
  • add_transaction in the ServiceContext replaced by the transaction_sender which implements the TransactionSend trait. (#366)
  • The Node constructor now requires db and services variables instead of blockchain instance. (#366)
  • The Blockchain constructor now requires services keypair and an ApiSender instance. (#366)
  • mount_*_api methods in Blockchain instance now do not require ApiContext. (#366)
  • Rename method last_height to height in Schema. (#379)
  • last_block now returns Block instead of Option<Block>. (#379)
  • Replaced rocksdb command-line parameter to more generic db-path. (#376)
  • Obsolete trait HexValue replaced by the FromHex and ToHex traits. (#372)
  • Changed Patch and Changes from type definitions into opaque structures. (#371)
  • Help text is displayed if required argument is not specified. (#390)


  • Removed round method from the ServiceContext. (#366)
  • Removed redundant FromRaw trait. (#372)
  • Removed redundant current_height method in Schema. (#379)


  • Fixed crate_authors! macro usage, this macro can't return static string in new clap version. (#370)
  • Fixed mistake in description of the height getter in the ServiceContext. (#366)
  • Fixed #15 consensus on the threshold of 1/3 sleeping validators. (#388)

0.3 - 2017-11-02


  • New events implementation based on the tokio with the separated queues for network events and timeouts and different threads for the network and node code (#300)
  • Added a new index SparseListIndex. It is a list of items stored in sequential order. Similar to ListIndex but it may contain indexes without elements (#312)
  • Implement FromStr and ToString traits for public sodium types (#318)
  • Add a new macro metric! for collecting statistical information (#329)
  • Make type DBKey public because it is used in MapProof (#306)


  • RocksDB is a default storage (#178)
  • Field events_pool_capacity in MemoryPoolConfig replaced by the new EventsPoolCapacity configuration (#300)
  • Changed a build method new and added a new build method with_prefix for indexes (#178)
  • Changed a signature of gen_prefix function in a schema module (#178)
  • NodeBuilder works with ServiceFactory as trait object instead (#357)
  • Debug formatting for crypto types are improved (#353)
  • Added description of deserialization error for message types (#337)
  • Clarified usage (#345)


  • Support of LevelDB is removed (#178)


  • Fix the issue causing timeouts are ignored when the event pool is full (#300)
  • Fix network failure due to incorrect processing of the incoming buffer (#322)

0.2 - 2017-09-13


  • Add RockDB support (#273)
  • Add TimeoutAdjusterConfig, Constant and Dynamic timeout adjusters (#256)
  • Add stream hashing and signing: HashStream and SignStream (#254)
  • Add new type definitions Height and ValidatorId (#262)
  • Fields of BlockInfo and TxInfo are now public (#283)
  • Public export of PROOF_MAP_KEY_SIZE constant (#270)


  • MapProof variant fields are renamed: left_hash and right_hash to left_node and right_node (#286)
  • RequestBlock is renamed to BlockRequest and Block is renamed to BlockResponse (#287)
  • All request messages are renamed: RequestFoo to FooRequest (#287)
  • Improve log formatting (#291 #294)
  • Make panic message during command line arguments parsing cleaner (#257)


  • Fix network discover failure due to incorrect processing of the incoming buffer (#299)
  • Fix snapshot behavior for MemoryDB (#292)
  • Disallow generate-testnet with 0 nodes (#258)

0.1.1 - 2017-09-13


  • Fix segfault when LevelDBSnapshot is destroyed after LevelDB (#285)
  • Fix panic during BlockResponse message processing if the transaction pool is full (#264)
  • Fix panic during deserialization of malformed messages (#278 #297)

0.1 - 2017-07-17

The first release of Exonum.