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Invenio installation

1. About

This document specifies how to quickly install Invenio v2.0.0 for the first time. See RELEASE-NOTES if you are upgrading from a previous Invenio release.

2. Prerequisites

Here is the software you need to have around before you start installing Invenio for development.

Unix-like operating system. The main development and production platforms for Invenio at CERN are GNU/Linux distributions Debian, Gentoo, Scientific Linux (RHEL-based), Ubuntu, but we also develop on Mac OS X. Basically any Unix system supporting the software listed below should do.

2.1. Debian / Ubuntu LTS

If you are using Ubuntu 13.10 or later, then you can install Invenio by following this tutorial. Note: the recommended Python version is 2.7.5+

$ python --version
Python 2.7.5+
$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install build-essential git redis-server \
                       libmysqlclient-dev libxml2-dev libxslt-dev \
                       libjpeg-dev libfreetype6-dev libtiff-dev \
                       libffi-dev libssl-dev \
                       software-properties-common python-dev \
                       virtualenvwrapper subversion
$ sudo pip install -U virtualenvwrapper pip
$ source .bashrc

2.1.1. MySQL

MySQL Server will ask you for a password, you will need it later and we will refer to it as $MYSQL_ROOT.

$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

2.1.2. Node.js

node.js and npm can be installed using NodeSource's script.

$ curl -sL | sudo bash -
$ sudo apt-get install nodejs

2.2. Centos / RHEL

If you are using Redhat, Centos or Scientific Linux this will setup everything you need. We are assuming that sudo has been installed and configured nicely.

$ python --version
$ sudo yum update
$ sudo rpm -Uvh
$ sudo yum -q -y groupinstall "Development Tools"
$ sudo yum install git wget redis python-devel \
                   mysql-devel libxml2-devel libxslt-devel \
                   python-pip python-virtualenvwrapper
$ sudo service redis start
$ sudo pip install -U virtualenvwrapper pip
$ source /usr/bin/

2.2.1. MySQL

Setting up MySQL Server requires you to give some credentials for the root user. You will need the root password later on and we will refer to it as $MYSQL_ROOT.

If you are on CentOS 7, the mysql-server package is not available in the default repository. First we need to add the official YUM repository provided by Oracle. The YUM repository configuration can be downloaded from the MySQL website. Choose the desired distribution (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 / Oracle Linux 7 for CentOS 7) and click Download. The download link can be retrieved without registering for an Oracle account. Locate the "No thanks, just start my download" link and pass the link URL as a parameter to rpm.

# only needed with CentOS version >= 7
$ sudo rpm -Uvh

# for every CentOS version
$ sudo yum install mysql-server
$ sudo service mysqld status
mysqld is stopped
$ sudo service mysqld start
$ sudo mysql_secure_installation
# follow the instructions

2.2.2. Node.js

Node.js requires a bit more manual work to install it from the sources. We are following the tutorial: digital ocean: tutorial on how to install node.js on centor

$ mkdir opt
$ cd opt
$ wget
$ tar xvf node-v0.10.29.tar.gz
$ cd node-v0.10.29
$ ./configure
$ make
$ sudo make install
$ node --version
$ npm --version

2.3. OS X

The steps below can be used to install Invenio on a machine running OS X 10.9 or later.

First, we need to install the Homebrew package manager. Follow the installation procedure by running following command:

$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

You need to check that /usr/local/bin occurs before the /usr/bin, otherwise you can try following commands:

$ echo export PATH="/usr/local/bin:$PATH" >> ~/.bash_profile
$ source ~/.bash_profile (to reload the profile)

Next, you should check if everything is up-to-date!

$ brew update
$ brew doctor
$ brew upgrade

Now, it is time to start installing the prerequisites.

$ brew install python --framework --universal
$ pip install virtualenv
$ pip install virtualenvwrapper
# edit the Bash profile
$ $EDITOR ~/.bash_profile

Add the following to the file you have opened and paste the following lines.

export WORKON_HOME=~/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/

Save the file and reload it by typing:

$ source ~/.bash_profile

and continue with the installation of prerequisite packages:

$ brew install redis
$ brew install mongodb


See MySQL on OS X for installing mysql.

In order to install libxml2 and libxslt packages run:

$ brew install automake autoconf libtool libxml2 libxslt
$ brew link --force libxml2 libxslt

The following might not be necessary but is good to have for completeness.

$ brew install libjpeg libtiff freetype libffi
$ pip install -I pillow

Install node by following Node on OS X

For bower, type:

$ npm install -g bower

After the configuration section install the following(required for the assets):

$ npm install -g less clean-css requirejs uglify-js

See the following sections Installation , Configuration and Development The commands for OS X are the same as in Linux.


When initializing the database, type:

$ inveniomanage database init --user=root --yes-i-know (because we have no root password)


For developers, honcho is recommended and will make your life easier because it launches all the servers together as it finds the Procfile.

2.3.1. MySQL

We will install MySQL but without a root password. It should be easy to set the root password once you are connected in MySQL.

$ brew install mysql
$ unset TMPDIR
$ mysql_install_db --verbose --user=`whoami` \
 --basedir="$(brew --prefix mysql)" \
 --datadir=/usr/local/var/mysql \

You can start, stop, or restart MySQL server by typing:

$ mysql.server (start | stop | restart)

2.3.2. Node.js

Install node by typing:

$ brew install node

2.4. Extra tools

2.4.1. Bower

Bower is used to manage the static assets such as JavaScript libraries (e.g., jQuery) and CSS stylesheets (e.g., Bootstrap). It's much easier to install them globally (-g) but you're free to choose your preferred way.

# global installation
$ sudo su -c "npm install -g bower"
# user installation
$ npm install bower

2.4.2 git-new-workdir (optional)

For the rest of the tutorial you may want to use git-new-workdir. It's a tool that will let you working on the same repository from different locations. Just like you would do with subversion branches.

$ mkdir -p $HOME/bin
$ which git-new-workdir || { \
     wget \
     -O $HOME/bin/git-new-workdir; chmod +x $HOME/bin/git-new-workdir; }

NOTE: Check that ~/bin is in your $PATH.

$ export PATH+=:$HOME/bin

3. Quick instructions for the impatient Invenio developer

This installation process is tailored for running the development version of Invenio, check out the :py:ref:`overlay` documentation for the production setup.

3.1. Installation

The first step of the installation is to download the development version of Invenio and the Invenio Demosite. This development is done in the master branch.

$ mkdir -p $HOME/src
$ cd $HOME/src/
$ export BRANCH=master
$ git clone --branch $BRANCH git://
$ git clone --branch $BRANCH git://

We recommend to work using virtual environments so packages are installed locally and it will make your life easier. (invenio)$ tells your that the invenio environment is the active one.

$ # choose an unique name for your virtual environment
$ export VENAME=invenio
$ mkvirtualenv $VENAME
(invenio)$ # we are in the invenio environment now and
(invenio)$ # can leave it using the deactivate command.
(invenio)$ deactivate
$ # Now join it back, recreating it would fail.
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ # That's all there is to know about it.

Let's put Invenio and the Invenio Demosite in the environment just created.

(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv
(invenio)$ mkdir src
(invenio)$ cd src
(invenio)$ git-new-workdir $HOME/src/invenio/ invenio $BRANCH
(invenio)$ git-new-workdir $HOME/src/invenio-demosite/ invenio-demosite $BRANCH

If you don't want to use the git-new-workdir way, you can either:

  • create a symbolic link,
  • or clone the repository directly into the virtualenv.

Installing Invenio.

(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv src/invenio
(invenio)$ pip install -e .[development]

Some modules may require specific dependencies listed as extras. Pick the ones you need. E.g. to add images support, we can do as follow:

(invenio)$ pip install -e .[img]

If the Invenio is installed in development mode, you will need to compile the translations manually.

(invenio)$ python compile_catalog


Translation catalog is compiled automatically if you install using python install.

Installing Invenio Demosite. exists-action i stands for ignore, it means that it'll will skip any previous installation found. Because the Invenio Demosite depends on Invenio, it would have tried to reinstall it without this option. If you omit it, pip will ask you what action you want to take.

(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv src/invenio-demosite
(invenio)$ pip install -r requirements.txt --exists-action i

Installing the required assets (JavaScript, CSS, etc.) via bower. The file .bowerrc is configuring where bower will download the files and bower.json what libraries to download.

(invenio)$ inveniomanage bower -i bower-base.json > bower.json
Generates or update bower.json for you.
(invenio)$ cat .bowerrc
    "directory": "invenio_demosite/base/static/vendors"
(invenio)$ bower install
(invenio)$ ls invenio_demosite/base/static/vendors

We recommend you to only alter bower-base.json and regenerate bower.json with it as needed. The :py:class:`invenio.ext.assets.commands.BowerCommand` is aggregating all the dependencies defined by each bundle.

The last step, which is very important will be to collect all the assets, but it will be done after the configuration step.

3.2. Configuration

Generate the secret key for your installation.

(invenio)$ inveniomanage config create secret-key

If you are planning to develop locally in multiple environments please run the following commands.

(invenio)$ # sanitaze for usage as database name and user
(invenio)$ export SAFE_NAME=`echo $VENAME$BRANCH | sed -e 's/[^A-Za-z0-9]//g'`
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_EMAIL_BACKEND flask_email.backends.console.Mail
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_BIBSCHED_PROCESS_USER $USER
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_DATABASE_NAME $SAFE_NAME
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_DATABASE_USER $SAFE_NAME
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_SITE_URL http://localhost:4000
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CFG_SITE_SECURE_URL http://localhost:4000

Assets in non-development mode may be combined and minified using various filters (see :ref:`ext_assets`). We need to set the path to the binaries if they are not in the environment $PATH already.

# Local installation (using package.json)
(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv src/invenio
(invenio)$ npm install
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set LESS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname lessc | head -1`
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set CLEANCSS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname cleancss | head -1`
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set REQUIREJS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname r.js | head -1`
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set UGLIFYJS_BIN `find $PWD/node_modules -iname uglifyjs | head -1`

All the assets that are spread among every invenio module or external libraries will be collected into the instance directory. By default, it create copies of the original files. As a developer you may want to have symbolic links instead.

# Developer only
(invenio)$ inveniomanage config set COLLECT_STORAGE

(invenio)$ inveniomanage collect
Done collecting.
(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv var/invenio.base-instance/static
(invenio)$ ls -l

3.3. Development

Once you have everything installed, you can create the database and populate it with demo records.

(invenio)$ inveniomanage database init --user=root --password=$MYSQL_ROOT --yes-i-know
(invenio)$ inveniomanage database create

Now you should be able to run the development server. Invenio uses Celery and Redis which must be running alongside with the web server.

# make sure that redis is running
$ sudo service redis-server status
redis-server is running
# or start it with start
$ sudo service redis-server start

# launch celery
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ celery worker -E -A invenio.celery.celery --workdir=$VIRTUAL_ENV

# in a new terminal
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ inveniomanage runserver
 * Running on
 * Restarting with reloader


On OS X, the command service might not be found when starting the redis server. To run redis, just type:

$ redis-server

Troubleshooting: As a developer, you may want to use the provided Procfile with honcho. It starts all the services at once with nice colors. By default, it also runs flower which offers a web interface to monitor the Celery tasks.

(invenio)$ pip install honcho flower
(invenio)$ cdvirtualenv src/invenio
(invenio)$ honcho start

When all the servers are running, it is possible to upload the demo records.

$ # in a new terminal
$ workon invenio
(invenio)$ inveniomanage demosite populate --packages=invenio_demosite.base

And you may now open your favourite web browser on

Optionally, if you are using Bash shell completion, then you may want to register python argcomplete for inveniomanage.

eval "$(register-python-argcomplete inveniomanage)"

4. Final words

Happy hacking and thanks for flying Invenio.