Keep open in a browser, you'll need it.
Since Marathon is installed by default on DCOS this is a NOP.
- Got to DCOS dashboard and click on the Marathon service
- In the Marathon UI
- Start simple app such as
while [ true ] ; do echo "Hello DCOS" ; sleep 5 ; done
- Scale up and down
- Make yourself familiar with health checks
Note that we will use HTTPie in the following but you can use curl
should you wish to do that.
$ http POST http://$DCOS_DASHBOARD_FQHN/service/marathon/v2/apps < velocity-training/mesos-marathon/marathon-hello-world.json
There are two more sample app specs here in this directory: marathon-peek.json
that launches a Docker images and marathon-private-registry.json
that launches a Docker registry.
$ http http://$DCOS_DASHBOARD_FQHN/service/marathon/v2/apps | python -mjson.tool
$ dcos marathon app add velocity-training/mesos-marathon/marathon-private-registry.json
$ dcos marathon app list