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Mesos and Marathon 101

Keep open in a browser, you'll need it.

Install Marathon

Since Marathon is installed by default on DCOS this is a NOP.

Launch apps via the Marathon UI

  • Got to DCOS dashboard and click on the Marathon service
  • In the Marathon UI
  • Start simple app such as while [ true ] ; do echo "Hello DCOS" ; sleep 5 ; done
  • Scale up and down
  • Make yourself familiar with health checks

Marathon Ui

Launch apps via Marathon HTTP API

Note that we will use HTTPie in the following but you can use curl should you wish to do that.

$ http POST http://$DCOS_DASHBOARD_FQHN/service/marathon/v2/apps < velocity-training/mesos-marathon/marathon-hello-world.json

There are two more sample app specs here in this directory: marathon-peek.json that launches a Docker images and marathon-private-registry.json that launches a Docker registry.

List apps via Marathon HTTP API

$ http http://$DCOS_DASHBOARD_FQHN/service/marathon/v2/apps | python -mjson.tool

Use Marathon in DCOS

$ dcos marathon app add velocity-training/mesos-marathon/marathon-private-registry.json
$ dcos marathon app list