We provide some python scripts for mission planning, simulation and dataset capturing. The capturing is now only developed for DJI M300 drones with H20t payload and OSDK support.
Firstly, select a mission area in website: http://geojson.io/ .
Copy the JSON content to file area.json. A mission simulation can be visualized and planned with script, the camera parameters should corresponding to the zoom level:
cd python
python3 ./1_mission_simulation -area area.json -height 300 -v_max 15 -kml mission.kml -cam '[1920,1440,3350.778698,3350.778698,960,720]'
Run 2_rtmv_capture.py on Manifold 2C, the gimbal should rock like the following gif:
python3 python/2_rtmv_capture.py -height 300 -v_max 15 -cam '[1920,1440,3350.778698,3350.778698,960,720]'
Import the mission to your remote and fly, a rtmv file will be captured in your folder, now you can visualize it in the mapwidget:
python3 python/3_rtmv_play.py -rtmv data/sample.rtmv -cam '[1920,1440,3350.778698,3350.778698,960,720]'
Generate a task from the captured rtmv file:
python3 python/4_task_generation.py -rtmv data/sample.rtmv -task data/sample -height 300 -v_max 15 -cam '[1920,1440,3350.778698,3350.778698,960,720]'
Stitch the task to orthophoto:
python3 python/5_highstitch.py -task ./data/sample/task.json -out dom.png
The ortho should looks like this: