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Usage in the Web Browser

tests\vite-app is a Vite project demonstrating browser usage of aws-jwt-verify including how to configure browser-based testing using Cypress.


The Why Vite page highlight how code is bundled differently for dev vs. production:

  • Vite pre-bundles dependencies using esbuild.
  • Vite serves source code over native ESM.
  • Vite bundles for production using Rollup.

When using Rollup, aws-jwt-verify requires @rollup/plugin-node-resolve and the { browser: true } configuration. Here is the minimal vite.config.js to support that:

import { defineConfig } from "vite";
import resolve from "@rollup/plugin-node-resolve";

export default defineConfig({
  build: {
    rollupOptions: {
      plugins: [resolve({ browser: true })],


The cypress\integration folder includes both functional tests that interact with an HTML form in the web browser and unit tests that use JwtRsaVerifier directly. To enable the unit tests to work, @cypress/webpack-preprocessor is required. Here is the minimal cypress\plugins\index.js to support that:

const webpackPreprocessor = require("@cypress/webpack-preprocessor");

module.exports = (on, config) => {
  const options = webpackPreprocessor.defaultOptions;
  on("file:preprocessor", webpackPreprocessor(options));

  // additional code including vite "dev-server:start"
  return config;

How to run the tests

If you haven't already done so, create a local build of aws-jwt-verify:

  • Clone the repo: git clone
  • Install dev dependencies and create installable archive: cd aws-jwt-verify && npm install && npm run pack-for-tests
  • Install Vite and Cypress dependencies: cd tests/vite-app && npm install

The script will test browser usage by:

  1. Generating JWTs and a JWKS for the tests (npm run tokengen).

  2. Starting the Vite dev server (npm run dev) and running the Cypress tests (npm run cypress:run).

  3. Running a Vite distribution build (npm run build), starting the Vite preview server (npm run preview), and running the Cypress tests (npm run cypress:run:preview)


The combination of running both functional and unit tests, against both the Vite dev and preview server has the result of providing samples for and testing aws-jwt-verify with each of webpack, Rollup, and native ESM.