This will automatically update all mods in a Factorio installation. It is intended to be used on a headless server on Linux and run by a cron job, but works on any distro of Factorio.
After using the very nice factorio-updater script I found that my local Factorio started to have a lot of mod updates that the server didn't. Copying them manually is a bit of a hassle. Remembering to check everyday would require me to be sober occasionally. Who's got time for that?
You'll need ruby installed. Any reasonably recent version will do nicely.
sudo apt install ruby -y
sudo yum install ruby -y
Get a copy of this script on your server:
sudo mkdir /opt/factorio-mod-updater
sudo chown `whoami` /opt/factorio-mod-updater
git clone /opt/factorio-mod-updater
This was deliberately written to use no dependencies or libraries so that it can just be copied to your server.
If you setup your server to math the defaults in factorio-init (in /opt/factorio) then you're almost done!
You probably already have your username and token configured in your server-settings.json.
Make sure you have a mods directory:
mkdir -p /opt/factorio/mods
And copy a mod-list.json in there (macOS):
scp ~/Library/Application\ Support/factorio/mods/mod-list.json factorio@supersexyserver:/opt/factorio/mods/
On Windows it's location is:
Just execute it to use the default paths and user config:
and you will see it check your mods:
Checking AddAssemblerBatteries, bobtechsave, Power Armor MK3, ZRecycling
Connecting to
AddAssemblerBatteries by DRY411S 0.14.2
bobtechsave by Bobingabout 0.14.1
Power Armor MK3 by jimmy_1283 0.0.4
ZRecycling by DRY411S 0.14.1
Mods do not need to be installed or any particular version. The latest version of anything in your mod-list.json will be installed and any old versions will be removed.
If you play Factorio you probably like automation. Let's assume you have factorio-init and factorio-update installed and configured...
crontab -e
0 10 * * * /opt/factorio-init/factorio stop; /opt/factorio-init/factorio update; /opt/factorio-mod-updater/factorio-mod-updater; /opt/factorio-init/factorio start
This will stop your server, update the factorio version, update all mods, and start your server at 10:00 am - my server is running in GMT, so this is early in the morning local time.
Now sit back and enjoy. Fresh mods make you 16% more attractive to the opposite sex.
Paths and user details can be overridden if needed.
Usage: factorio-mod-updater [options]
-s, --server-settings PATH location of server-settings.json for username and token
-u, --username USERNAME username instead of server-settings.json
-t, --token TOKEN token instead of server-settings.json
--mod-host SERVER server to query for mod data and downloads
-p, --path PATH directory to Factorio
-m, --mods-path PATH location of mods dir containing mod-list.json
-h, --help Prints this help
If you have a different factorio location or special name for your server-config you can feed it the path:
factorio-mod-updater -p /var/srv/factorio -s ~/factorio/happyfunconfig.json
server-settings.json is only used for username and token. You can skip it if you specify them on the command line:
factorio-mod-updater -u CoolAccountName -t 123GIBBERISH
- install and remove mods
- match mods and versions of remote server
- some kind of integration with factorio-init scripts
- save settings to a config file?
- use a mod/auth config from a remote url?
- figure out how to scp/echo mod-list from Windows easily
Pull requests and bug reports are always welcome!
Thanks to factorio-init and factorio-update!