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The goal of this repository is to allow rapid immplementation of knowledge base embedding models and evaluation on tasks.

Some key features:

  • Implementations of common knowledge base embedding models
  • Implementation of the General Framework as described in [1]
  • Full integration with Tensorboard including Embeddings visualizer
  • Benchmarking tasks
  • Knowledge base data manipulation functions.
  • Unit testing

To install see Installation. To get a brief overview of the features see the introduction section To use the command line interface to train and benchmark models see training and Benchmarking.


from this directory run

pip3 install -e . --user

this way you install a development version of the module. This code has been tested with Tensorflow 1.2.0

Easy to use!

If you have data in the form of a knowledge base (for example FBK15) you can get started and train knolwedge base embeddings in a few lines of code!

# we want to use the StructuredEmbedding model:
from import StructuredEmbedding

# data handling techniques:
from embedKB.datatools import KnowledgeBase
from embedKB.datatools import Dataset

# load the training data
kb_train = KnowledgeBase.load_from_raw_data('./data/train.txt')
kb_train.convert_triples() # convert the triples into a numpy format
train_dset = Dataset(kb_train, batch_size=32) # a wrapper that implements negative sampling

framework.create_objective() # create the max-margin loss objective
framework.create_optimizer() # create the optimizer
framework.create_summaries() # create the summaries (optional)

# train!

To ask for the "score" for any given triple you can do framework.score_triple(1, 4, 5) or there is a batch mode that is available.


Knowledge Base Preparation

Make sure that the triples are in a tab separated file of the form:

head_entity  relationship  tail_entity
head_entity  relationship  tail_entity
head_entity  relationship  tail_entity

You can then use embedKB.datatools.KnowledgeBase to manipulate and save the knowledge base into an appropriate format for downstream training:

from embedKB.datatools import KnowledgeBase

# load the raw txt files:
# this will also create a dict with the entity mappings.
kb = KnowledgeBase.load_from_raw_data('../data/train.txt')

# convert the triples from the file ../data/train.txt
# into a numpy array using the dicts we created above.
print(kb.n_triples) # this will print the number of triples available

# save the numpy converted triples
# save the mappings

Negative Sampling and data consumption

Embeddings are usually trained with negative sampling. The object embedKB.datatools.Dataset implements this and will allow us to consume for learning. First we load our training and validation data:

# this reloads our training knowledge base
kb_train = KnowledgeBase()
# mappings get saved into standard names:
kb_train.load_mappings_from_json('./processed/entity2id.json', './processed/relationship2id.json')

# we now create a validation knowledge base:
# this just reuses the entities and relationss from `kb_train`
kb_val = KnowledgeBase.derive_from(kb_train)
# since we have not yet converted our validation data
# we load the raw triples.
# as before, use this function to convert triples into numpy format.

The Dataset object takes in a KnowledgeBase and makes it ready for use in training. You must specify a batch_size during creation:

train_dset = Dataset(kb_train, batch_size=64)
val_dset = Dataset(kb_val, batch_size=64)

This is what you will feed into the Embedding models. The Dataset object has a generator which does negative sampling on the fly. To inspect a single batch:


You will see that it contains a tuple each with a tuple of three numpy arrays representing head_entity_ids, relationship_ids and tail_entity_ids.


There are currently two tasks implemented for benchmarking:

  1. Triple Classification
  2. Entity Prediction

It's as easy as a few lines:

# using the filtered version of the task:
task = EntityPredictionTask(kb, workers=5, filtered=True)
task.benchmark(val_dset, framework)


Model under from [1] are implemented for you. You can use ./scripts/ to run them.

usage: [-h] -m MODEL_NAME [-e ENTITY_DIM] [-r RELATION_DIM]
                   [-data DATA] [-reg REG_WEIGHT] [-lr INIT_LEARNING_RATE]
                   [-gpu GPU] [-n_epochs N_EPOCHS]
                   [-batch_log_freq BATCH_LOG_FREQ] [-batch_size BATCH_SIZE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL_NAME, --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        model to run
  -e ENTITY_DIM, --entity_dim ENTITY_DIM
                        model to run
  -r RELATION_DIM, --relation_dim RELATION_DIM
                        model to run
  -data DATA, --data DATA
                        location of the data
  -reg REG_WEIGHT, --reg_weight REG_WEIGHT
                        regularization weight
  -lr INIT_LEARNING_RATE, --init_learning_rate INIT_LEARNING_RATE
                        initial learning rate
  -gpu GPU              ID of GPU to execute on
  -n_epochs N_EPOCHS, --n_epochs N_EPOCHS
                        number of epochs
  -batch_log_freq BATCH_LOG_FREQ, --batch_log_freq BATCH_LOG_FREQ
                        logging frequency
  -batch_size BATCH_SIZE, --batch_size BATCH_SIZE

For example:

cd scripts
python3 -m TransE -e 50 -r 50 -data '../data/Release' -n_epochs 100

Will run TransE. The data and models are check pointed and saved into ./TransE.


You can find the script for bencmarking in ./scripts as well.

python3 scripts/ -h
usage: [-h] -m MODEL_NAME [-e ENTITY_DIM] [-r RELATION_DIM] -f
                    FOLDER [-gpu GPU] -t TASK

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m MODEL_NAME, --model_name MODEL_NAME
                        model to run
  -e ENTITY_DIM, --entity_dim ENTITY_DIM
                        model to run
  -r RELATION_DIM, --relation_dim RELATION_DIM
                        model to run
  -f FOLDER, --folder FOLDER
                        location of the model and kb
  -gpu GPU              ID of GPU to execute on
  -t TASK, --task TASK  the task to benchmark upon

Two tasks are already implemented:

  • ept: Entity Prediction as described in [2]
  • tct: Triple Classification as described in [3]


There are a few unit tests. To run:

python3 -m pytest


[1] Yang, Bishan, et al. "Learning multi-relational semantics using neural-embedding models." arXiv preprint arXiv:1411.4072 (2014).

[2] Bordes, Antoine, et al. "Translating embeddings for modeling multi-relational data." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2013.

[3] Socher, Richard, et al. "Reasoning with neural tensor networks for knowledge base completion." Advances in neural information processing systems. 2013.