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executable file
139 lines (64 loc) · 3.18 KB

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executable file
139 lines (64 loc) · 3.18 KB

Sensorimotor Search:

This is the code associated with the research project Interpreting Contact Interactions to Overcome Failure in Robotic Assembly Tasks

Installation Instructions

Run the following lines on a linux terminal to install the required software libraries to run the paper code, please pay attention to the comments above each set of lines to run to make sure you are using the right paths for your file system.

#Assuming you have installed Anaconda 3

conda create -n sens_search python=3.7

conda activate sens_search

#Setting environmental variables for running mujoco and activating renderer


mkdir -p ./etc/conda/activate.d

mkdir -p ./etc/conda/deactivate.d

touch ./etc/conda/activate.d/

touch ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

#CHECK PATHS TO MUJOCO make sure these paths are correct

echo '#!/bin/sh' >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/

echo 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/scr-ssd/software_packages/mujoco/mujoco200/bin' >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/

echo 'export MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH=/scr-ssd/software_packages/mujoco/mujoco200/' >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/

echo 'export MUJOCO_PY_MJKEY_PATH=/scr-ssd/software_packages/mujoco/mjkey.txt' >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/

source ./etc/conda/activate.d/

echo '#!/bin/sh' >> ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

echo 'unset LD_LIBRARY_PATH' >> ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

echo 'unset MUJOCO_PY_MUJOCO_PATH' >> ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

echo 'unset MUJOCO_PY_MJKEY_PATH' >> ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

#CHECK TO MAKE SURE ITS THE RIGHT BASH FILE make sure this alias is going to the right bash file either bashrc.user or create a bash_aliases

echo "alias onscreen_render_muj='export LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/'" >> ~/.bash_aliases

echo "alias offscreen_render_muj='unset LD_PRELOAD'" >> ~/.bash_aliases

#Installing pytorch make sure you have the right cudatoolkit for your computer

conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.2 -c pytorch

conda install -c conda-forge tensorboard

conda install -c conda-forge tensorboardx

conda install -c intel scikit-learn

#echo 'export USE_DAAL4PY_SKLEARN=YES' >> ./etc/conda/activate.d/

#echo 'unset USE_DAAL4PY_SKLEARN' >> ./etc/conda/deactivate.d/

conda install -c conda-forge gym

conda install h5py

conda install matplotlib

#CHECK PATH create project directory

mkdir /scr-ssd/sens_search/

cd /scr-ssd/sens_search/

#Adding and installing robosuite

git clone

pip install hjson pyquaternion pyyaml mujoco-py pybullet==1.9.5 gtimer

sudo apt install libosmesa6-dev libgl1-mesa-glx libglfw3

cd robosuite

pip install -e .

cd ..

#git clone -b

#cd rlkit

#pip install -e .

#cd ..

#git clone

#cd viskit

#pip install -e .

#cd ..

git clone -b paper_code

cd deep_learning 

pip install -e .

cd ..

git clone -b sens_search

cd sensorimotor_search

pip install -e .

cd ..