Navigating through open source projects is a great way to learn grow and improve your programming skillset. The best way to utilize this repo is by looking at the below sections and seeing how you can leverage this towards your own unique learning style.
Within most corporate entities the standard work of developers include working on user stories. The user stories use the format
- As a [USER],
- I want to [FEATURE]
- In order to [BUSINESS VALUE]
- Acceptance Criteria
The first row lets the developer know what type of user the feature is for. For instance is this an administrator, normal user, new user? When building out a feature it's good to know who it's for so we know what kind of permissions to set in place. The second row describes the specific feature or action to complete for example I want to log in with an email address and password, I want to modify user profiles etc. The third row is to properly communicate the business value. As developers we need to be cautious of building out a feature just for the sake of building it. We are PROBLEM SOLVERS not code monkeys if there is no proper business value behind completing the feature why do it? The last section is the Acceptance criteria which helps us know when this story is DONE. Referring back to the login feature ( I want to login using my email address and password) a proper acceptance criteria would be to return an error message upon failed login attempt or even to lock the users account after 4 failed login attempts.
These user stories will be located in the project Project Name through this you can see what features we are working on and even take a step ahead and try to implement it yourself. Within the Story there will be a list of tasks to help you hone in on what needs to be done to complete the story as well.
Feeling confident with a resume to back it? HELP US OUT! Look out for this Tag (Help Wanted) within the issues listing opened by one of the members on our Dev team and email me here ([email protected]) with the subject [HELPING WITH MEETMYTYPES PROJECT] and let me know how you can help. Considering we are all doing this part time it would be great to have extra hands on code reviews for features in the testing phase.
Just looking through and analyzing the code will also help arm yourself with proper coding practices that you can utilize in your own project to take it to the next level!!