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The Graph Format of MAPLE

We create a graph format of MAPLE for graph mining tasks (e.g., node classification, link prediction). You can download the datasets from HERE. Once you unzip the downloaded file, there are 20 folders, corresponding to 20 datasets. Each of the 20 datasets is a heterogeneous graph with 4 types of nodes (i.e., papers, labels, venues, and authors) and 4 types of edges (i.e., paper-paper edges, paper-label edges, paper-venue edges, and paper-author edges). Each node is associated with text information, which can be viewed as node attributes.


Dataset Statistics

Node Statistics

Folder Field #Paper Nodes #Label Nodes #Venue Nodes #Author Nodes
Art Art 58,373 1,990 98 54,802
Philosophy Philosophy 59,296 3,758 98 36,619
Geography Geography 73,883 3,285 98 157,423
Business Business 84,858 2,392 97 100,525
Sociology Sociology 90,208 1,935 98 85,793
History History 113,147 2,689 99 84,529
Political_Science Political Science 115,291 4,990 98 93,393
Environmental_Science Environmental Science 123,945 694 100 265,728
Economics Economics 178,670 5,205 97 135,247
CSRankings Computer Science (Conference) 263,393 13,613 75 331,582
Engineering Engineering 270,006 10,683 100 430,046
Psychology Psychology 372,954 7,641 100 460,123
Computer_Science Computer Science (Journal) 410,603 15,540 96 634,506
Geology Geology 431,834 7,883 100 471,216
Mathematics Mathematics 490,551 14,271 98 404,066
Materials_Science Materials Science 1,337,731 6,802 99 1,904,549
Physics Physics 1,369,983 16,664 91 1,392,070
Biology Biology 1,588,778 64,267 100 2,730,547
Chemistry Chemistry 1,849,956 35,538 100 2,721,253
Medicine Medicine 2,646,105 36,619 100 4,345,385

Edge Statistics

Folder Field #Paper-Paper Edges #Paper-Label Edges #Paper-Venue Edges #Paper-Author Edges
Art Art 7,184 141,542 58,373 76,728
Philosophy Philosophy 63,610 220,311 59,296 66,232
Geography Geography 263,331 164,799 73,883 267,861
Business Business 797,408 301,773 84,858 199,068
Sociology Sociology 267,524 209,142 90,208 143,573
History History 30,055 219,295 113,147 137,854
Political_Science Political Science 165,629 358,152 115,291 172,497
Environmental_Science Environmental Science 761,972 265,040 123,945 533,108
Economics Economics 1,532,072 886,380 178,670 351,288
CSRankings Computer Science (Conference) 1,464,679 1,603,672 263,393 892,758
Engineering Engineering 1,212,376 1,346,644 270,006 824,892
Psychology Psychology 5,023,328 1,876,655 372,954 1,419,064
Computer_Science Computer Science (Journal) 1,494,272 2,453,776 410,603 1,353,330
Geology Geology 7,628,445 2,572,523 431,834 1,533,938
Mathematics Mathematics 2,385,322 3,155,560 490,551 1,055,335
Materials_Science Materials Science 14,602,443 5,923,115 1,337,731 6,460,288
Physics Physics 18,817,355 9,960,642 1,369,983 13,482,670
Biology Biology 29,148,006 13,196,897 1,588,778 8,914,115
Chemistry Chemistry 20,499,908 11,632,581 1,849,956 7,941,363
Medicine Medicine 12,661,657 14,224,845 2,646,105 14,942,938

Data Format

In each folder (e.g., Art/), you can see 8 files. 4 of them contain node information (i.e., papers.txt, labels.txt, venues.txt, and authors.txt), and the other 4 contain edge information (i.e., paper-paper.txt, paper-label.txt, paper-venue.txt, and paper-author.txt).

For node files, each line represent one node. The first column is the node ID; the second column is node text information (i.e., paper title+abstract, label name, venue name, and author name). For example,


PAPER_2795952975	reading sugar mill ruins the island nobody spoiled and other fantasies of colonial desire
PAPER_2009758184	issues in the levantine epipaleolithic ...
PAPER_2333162778	the life and unusual ideas of adelbert ames jr ...


LABEL_2780583484	papyrus
LABEL_2778949450	scientific writing
LABEL_2780412351	purgatory


VENUE_26308392	the journal of aesthetics and art criticism
VENUE_93676754	modern language review
VENUE_998751717	classical world


AUTHOR_12035	stephen rickerby
AUTHOR_127649	clementine deliss
AUTHOR_1395514	tomas garciasalgado

For edge files, each line represent one edge. The first column is the source node ID; the second column is the target node ID. Note that the edge in paper-paper.txt is directed, where the first node cites the second node. For example,


PAPER_2009758184	PAPER_2093664100
PAPER_2018118016	PAPER_2324859060
PAPER_2085948119	PAPER_2077568497


PAPER_2795952975	LABEL_52119013
PAPER_2009758184	LABEL_15708023
PAPER_2333162778	LABEL_554144382


PAPER_2795952975	VENUE_48411547
PAPER_2009758184	VENUE_173708173
PAPER_2333162778	VENUE_103229351


PAPER_2795952975	AUTHOR_2100569728
PAPER_2795952975	AUTHOR_2118309675
PAPER_2009758184	AUTHOR_2591088348

MeSH Nodes in Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine Datasets

In the original format of MAPLE, we have three additional datasets Biology_MeSH, Chemistry_MeSH, and Medicine_MeSH, where each paper has its MeSH labels (different from the labels from the Microsoft Academic Graph mentioned above). When creating the graph format of MAPLE, we merge X_MeSH and X datasets together (X = Biology, Chemistry, and Medicine). Therefore, in these three folders, you can see two additional files meshs.txt and paper-mesh.txt representing MeSH nodes and Paper-MeSH edges, respectively.

Node and Edge Statistics

Folder Field #MeSH Nodes #Paper-MeSH Edges
Biology Biology 25,039 19,131,720
Chemistry Chemistry 21,585 8,370,930
Medicine Medicine 25,188 18,162,351

Data Format


MESH_D000818	animals
MESH_D001824	body constitution
MESH_D005075	biological evolution


PAPER_1816482797	MESH_D005810
PAPER_1816482797	MESH_D005808
PAPER_1816482797	MESH_D020125