An interactive mobile application that allows users to load images, and display these images in a dynamic layout that responds to device orientation. Users can rate images (1-5), and filter them based on this rating.
- A star filtering system to filter the images based 0-5 rating
- Overflow Menu:
- Clear filter: reset the filter to 0
- Load images: load 10 local goose images
- Delete image: remove all images from view
- Each image card contains:
- The image
- A star rating system to rate the image based 0-5 rating
- A clear button to reset the rating to 0
- Click the image to view in a new window (click again to dismiss)
- Portrait:
- A single vertical list of image cards
- Landscape:
- A list of image cards with two columns
- All states are preserved when orientation changes:
- Filter number
- Images with their ratings
- Filtered images
- Scroll position
- Under
, the rest of the images arejpg
- Built with
onAndroid Studio 3.1.3
. - Tested on AVD
. - Built on
macOS 10.13.6