From 5e445806da44b3f98d328671daf50dc90d7dddf7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 23:06:18 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 01/22] Depend Batteries

 INSTALL.txt |  3 ++-
 _oasis      |  1 +
 _tags       |  5 ++++-    | 14 ++++++++++----
 src/META    |  3 ++-
 5 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)

diff --git a/INSTALL.txt b/INSTALL.txt
index 56e4ecc..df3fea6 100644
--- a/INSTALL.txt
+++ b/INSTALL.txt
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: d8647aab35472aa99dc849c8470fd60c) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 5ab0562daedc5ecac055660efd427885) *)
 This is the INSTALL file for the ucorelib distribution.
 This package uses OASIS to generate its build system. See section OASIS for
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ Dependencies
 In order to compile this package, you will need:
 * ocaml
 * findlib
+* batteries (>= 2.1) for library ucorelib
 * oUnit for executable test
diff --git a/_oasis b/_oasis
index c13ee4a..42a02ab 100644
--- a/_oasis
+++ b/_oasis
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ Library ucorelib
   Modules:    UCoreLib
   Build: true
   Install: true
+  BuildDepends: batteries (>= 2.1)
 Executable test
   BuildTools: ocamlbuild
diff --git a/_tags b/_tags
index 6f1005c..3519504 100644
--- a/_tags
+++ b/_tags
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: d1565b51aca25016b55e19f051f934e0)
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: d494b9845ed839fef1b7c3a7f0a7a07b)
 # Ignore VCS directories, you can use the same kind of rule outside 
 # OASIS_START/STOP if you want to exclude directories that contains 
 # useless stuff for the build process
@@ -15,9 +15,12 @@
 "_darcs": not_hygienic
 # Library ucorelib
 "src/ucorelib.cmxs": use_ucorelib
+<src/*.ml{,i}>: pkg_batteries
 # Executable test
 "test/test.byte": use_ucorelib
 "test/test.byte": pkg_oUnit
+"test/test.byte": pkg_batteries
 <test/*.ml{,i}>: use_ucorelib
 <test/*.ml{,i}>: pkg_oUnit
+<test/*.ml{,i}>: pkg_batteries
diff --git a/ b/
index 409bce8..7927757 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 (* generated for the first time by OASIS v0.3.0 *)
-(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 04a1fc378a4fe61d8c9370b5b29330fa) *)
+(* DO NOT EDIT (digest: 911c449ba9cec6648246c74d2a72be6d) *)
    Regenerated by OASIS v0.3.0
    Visit for more information and
@@ -5829,7 +5829,12 @@ let setup_t =
                       bs_install = [(OASISExpr.EBool true, true)];
                       bs_path = "src";
                       bs_compiled_object = Best;
-                      bs_build_depends = [];
+                      bs_build_depends =
+                        [
+                           FindlibPackage
+                             ("batteries",
+                               Some (OASISVersion.VGreaterEqual "2.1"))
+                        ];
                       bs_build_tools = [ExternalTool "ocamlbuild"];
                       bs_c_sources = [];
                       bs_data_files = [];
@@ -5936,7 +5941,8 @@ let setup_t =
      oasis_fn = Some "_oasis";
      oasis_version = "0.3.0";
-     oasis_digest = Some "\150\245\003HB\161c\213\160i\153\236V\015l\145";
+     oasis_digest =
+       Some "\019\243q\247\158 \231\252\201\141\022\203\145\137\004\140";
      oasis_exec = None;
      oasis_setup_args = [];
      setup_update = false;
@@ -5944,6 +5950,6 @@ let setup_t =
 let setup () = BaseSetup.setup setup_t;;
-# 5948 ""
+# 5954 ""
 let () = setup ();;
diff --git a/src/META b/src/META
index fcfbaa4..14a8c6e 100644
--- a/src/META
+++ b/src/META
@@ -1,7 +1,8 @@
-# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 233061cbaf77fc5d77d38b183e9c0a38)
+# DO NOT EDIT (digest: 368ebddb8be14c2681f69deed84d954a)
 version = "0.0.1"
 description = "A light weight Unicode library for OCaml"
+requires = "batteries"
 archive(byte) = "ucorelib.cma"
 archive(byte, plugin) = "ucorelib.cma"
 archive(native) = "ucorelib.cmxa"

From 3416dce439d2153631478920fee15e99d72c7b1e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2013 23:07:49 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 02/22] New Text. append

 src/  | 717 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------
 src/uCoreLib.mli |  97 ++++++-
 2 files changed, 606 insertions(+), 208 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4327936..4636c5a 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(** ulib : a feather weight Unicode library for OCaml *)
+(** ucorelib : a feather weight Unicode library for OCaml *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2011 Yamagata Yoriyuki. *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 Yamagata Yoriyuki. *)
 (* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *)
 (* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License *)
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
 (* You can contact the authour by sending email to *)
 (* *)
 exception Out_of_range
 exception Malformed_code
@@ -406,6 +406,315 @@ module UTF8 = struct
+(* Interface to String used for Rope implementation *)
+module type BaseStringType = sig
+  type t
+  val empty : t
+  (* [create n] creates [n]-bytes base string *)
+  val create : int -> t
+  val init : int -> (int -> uchar) -> t
+  val of_string : string -> t option
+  val of_string_unsafe : string -> t
+  val of_ascii : string -> t option
+  val length : t -> int
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  type index 
+  val first : t -> index
+  val end_pos : t -> index
+  val out_of_range : t -> index -> bool
+  val next : t -> index -> index
+  val move : t -> index -> int -> index
+  val equal_index : t -> index -> index -> bool
+  (* Low level functions *)
+  (* bytes of substring *)
+  val size : t -> index -> index -> int
+  (* [blit s1 i1 i2 s2 j] copies the contents of [s1] from [i1] to
+  [i2] into the location [j] of [s2]. *)
+  val blit : t -> index -> index -> t -> index -> unit
+  (* [move_by_bytes s i x] moves index [i] by [x] bytes.*)
+  val move_by_bytes : t -> index -> int -> index
+  val append : t -> t -> t
+  val sub : t -> index -> index -> t
+  val copy : t -> t
+  val read : t -> index -> uchar
+module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
+  include UTF8
+  let empty = ""
+  let is_valid s = try validate s; true with Malformed_code -> false
+  let copy = String.copy
+  let read = look
+  let append = (^)
+  let create = String.create
+  let end_pos s = String.length s
+  let of_string s = if is_valid s then None else Some s
+  let of_string_unsafe s = s
+  let of_ascii s = try Some (UTF8.of_ascii s) with Malformed_code -> None
+  let equal_index s i j = i = j
+  let size s i j = j - i
+  let blit s1 i1 i2 s2 j = String.blit s1 i1 s2 j (i2 - i1)
+  let move_by_bytes s i x = i + x
+module Text' = struct
+ * Rope: Rope: an implementation of the data structure described in
+ *   
+ * Boehm, H., Atkinson, R., and Plass, M. 1995. Ropes: an alternative to
+ * strings. Softw. Pract. Exper. 25, 12 (Dec. 1995), 1315-1330.
+ * 
+ * Motivated by Luca de Alfaro's extensible array implementation Vec.
+ * 
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Yoriyuki Yamagata <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2007 Mauricio Fernandez <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 Edgar Friendly <>
+ * Copyright (C) 2008 David Teller, LIFO, Universite d'Orleans
+ *
+ * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+ * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
+ * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
+ * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
+ *
+ * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * Lesser General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
+ * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
+ *)
+  open BatInt.Safe_int
+  module B = BaseString
+  let int_max (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then y else x
+  let int_min (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then x else y
+  type base_string = {s : B.t; unused : B.index} 
+  type t = 
+      Empty
+    | Concat of node
+    | Leaf of leaf
+  and node = {left : t; left_length : int; right : t; right_length : int; height : int}
+  and leaf = {b : base_string; 
+	      i : B.index;  (*..............:::::::::::::::::::::.... *)
+	      j : B.index;  (*              ^                    ^    *)
+	      len : int}    (*              i                    j    *)
+  let empty = Empty
+  let length = function
+      Empty -> 0
+    | Concat node -> node.left_length + node.right_length
+    | Leaf leaf -> leaf.len
+  let height = function
+      Empty -> 0
+    | Concat node -> node.height
+    | Leaf _ -> 1
+	  (* 48 limits max rope size to 220GB on 64 bit,
+	   * ~ 700MB on 32bit (length fields overflow after that) *)
+  let max_height = 48
+  let leaf_size = 256 (* bytes *)
+  let make_concat l r =
+    let hl = height l and hr = height r in
+    let cl = length l and cr = length r in
+    Concat {left = l; left_length = cl; 
+	    right = r; right_length = cr;
+	    height = max hl hr}
+  let min_len =
+    let fib_tbl = Array.make max_height 0 in
+    let rec fib n = match fib_tbl.(n) with
+      0 ->
+        let last = fib (n - 1) and prev = fib (n - 2) in
+        let r = last + prev in
+        let r = if r > last then r else last in (* check overflow *)
+        fib_tbl.(n) <- r; r
+    | n -> n
+    in
+    fib_tbl.(0) <- leaf_size + 1; fib_tbl.(1) <- 3 * leaf_size / 2 + 1;
+    Array.init max_height (fun i -> if i = 0 then 1 else fib (i - 1))
+  let max_length = min_len.(Array.length min_len - 1)
+  let make_concat l r =
+    let hl = height l and hr = height r in
+    let cl = length l and cr = length r in
+    Concat {left = l; left_length = cl; right = r; right_length = cr; 
+	    height = 1 + int_max hl hr}
+  let concat_fast l r = match l with
+    Empty -> r
+  | Leaf _ | Concat _ ->
+      match r with
+        Empty -> l
+      | Leaf _ | Concat _ -> make_concat l r
+	    (* based on Hans-J. Boehm's *)
+  type forest_element = { mutable c : t; mutable rlen : int }
+  let not_empty = function Empty -> false | _ -> true
+  let add_forest forest rope len =
+    let i = ref 0 in
+    let sum = ref empty in
+    while len > min_len.(!i+1) do
+      if not_empty forest.(!i).c then begin
+        sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
+        forest.(!i).c <- Empty
+      end;
+      incr i
+    done;
+    sum := concat_fast !sum rope;
+    let sum_len = ref (length !sum) in
+    while !sum_len >= min_len.(!i) do
+      if not_empty forest.(!i).c then begin
+        sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
+        sum_len := !sum_len + forest.(!i).rlen;
+        forest.(!i).c <- Empty;
+      end;
+      incr i
+    done;
+    decr i;
+    forest.(!i).c <- !sum;
+    forest.(!i).rlen <- !sum_len
+  let concat_forest forest =
+    Array.fold_left (fun s x -> concat_fast x.c s) Empty forest
+  let rec balance_insert rope len forest = match rope with
+    Empty -> ()
+  | Leaf _ -> add_forest forest rope len
+  | Concat node when node.height >= max_height || len < min_len.(node.height) ->
+      balance_insert node.left node.left_length forest;
+      balance_insert node.right node.right_length forest
+  | x -> add_forest forest x len (* function or balanced *)
+  let balance r =
+    match r with
+      Empty | Leaf _ -> r
+    | _ ->
+        let forest = Array.init max_height (fun _ -> {c = Empty; rlen = 0}) in
+        balance_insert r (length r) forest;
+        concat_forest forest
+  let bal_if_needed l r =
+    let r = make_concat l r in
+    if height r < max_height then r else balance r
+  let is_full_tail leaf = B.equal_index leaf.b.s leaf.j leaf.b.unused
+  let leaf_append leaf_l leaf_r =
+    let size_l = B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j in
+    let size_r = B.size leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j in
+    if size_l + size_r <= leaf_size then
+      let s =
+	if size_l + size_r <= B.length leaf_l.b.s && 
+	  is_full_tail leaf_l 
+	then begin
+	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
+	  leaf_l.b.s;
+	end else
+	  let s = B.create leaf_size in
+	  B.blit leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j s (B.first s);
+	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j s (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) size_l);
+	  s in
+      let b = {s = leaf_l.b.s; unused = B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused size_r} in
+      let leaf = {b = b; i = leaf_l.i; 
+		  j = B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i size_r;
+		  len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len} in
+      Leaf leaf
+    else
+      make_concat (Leaf leaf_l) (Leaf leaf_r) (* height = 1 *)
+  let concat_leaf l leaf_r = 
+    match l with
+    | Empty -> Leaf leaf_r
+    | Leaf leaf_l -> leaf_append leaf_l leaf_r
+    | Concat node ->
+	match node.right with
+	  Leaf leaf_l ->
+	    Concat {node with right = leaf_append leaf_l leaf_r}
+	| _ -> bal_if_needed l (Leaf leaf_r)
+  let append l = function
+      Empty -> l
+    | Leaf leaf_r as r -> concat_leaf l leaf_r
+    | Concat node as r ->
+	match node.left with
+	  Leaf leaf_r ->
+	    (match l with
+	      Empty -> r
+	    | Concat _ -> bal_if_needed l r
+	    | Leaf leaf_l -> leaf_append leaf_l leaf_r)
+	| _ -> 
+	    match l with 
+	      Empty -> r
+	    | _ -> bal_if_needed l r
+  let leaf_of_uchar u = 
+    let s = B.of_string_unsafe (UTF8.make 1 u) in
+    let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
+    {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = 1}
+  let append_uchar l u = concat_leaf l (leaf_of_uchar u)
+  let of_uchar u = Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u)
+  let init ~len ~f =
+    if len < 0 then failwith "Text.init: The length is minus" else
+    let s = B.init len f in
+    let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
+    Leaf {b = b; i = B.first s; j = B.end_pos s; len = len}
+  let of_string s =
+    match B.of_string s with
+      None -> None
+    | Some s ->
+	let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
+	Some (Leaf {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = B.length s})
+  let of_string_exn s = 
+    match of_string s with
+      None -> raise Malformed_code
+    | Some text -> text
+  let of_ascii s =
+    match B.of_ascii s with
+      None -> None
+    | Some s ->
+	let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
+	Some (Leaf {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = B.length s})
+  let of_ascii_exn s = 
+    match of_string s with
+      None -> raise Malformed_code
+    | Some text -> text
+  let of_latin1 s = init (String.length s) (fun i -> UChar.unsafe_chr (Char.code s.[i]))
  * Rope: Rope: an implementation of the data structure described in
@@ -452,148 +761,148 @@ module Text = struct
   exception Invalid_rope
   type t =
       Empty                             (**An empty rope*)
     | Concat of t * int * t * int * int (**[Concat l ls r rs h] is the concatenation of
                                            ropes [l] and [r], where [ls] is the total 
-  					 length of [l], [rs] is the length of [r]
-  					 and [h] is the height of the node in the
-  					 tree, used for rebalancing. *)
+  					   length of [l], [rs] is the length of [r]
+  					   and [h] is the height of the node in the
+  					   tree, used for rebalancing. *)
     | Leaf of int * UTF8.t              (**[Leaf l t] is string [t] with length [l],
-  					 measured in number of Unicode characters.*)
+  					   measured in number of Unicode characters.*)
   type forest_element = { mutable c : t; mutable len : int }
   let str_append = (^)
   let empty_str = ""
   let string_of_string_list l = String.concat empty_str l
-  (* 48 limits max rope size to 220GB on 64 bit,
-  * ~ 700MB on 32bit (length fields overflow after that) *)
+      (* 48 limits max rope size to 220GB on 64 bit,
+       * ~ 700MB on 32bit (length fields overflow after that) *)
   let max_height = 48
-  (* actual size will be that plus 1 word header;
-  * the code assumes it's an even num.
-  * 256 gives up to a 50% overhead in the worst case (all leaf nodes near
-  * half-filled *)
+      (* actual size will be that plus 1 word header;
+       * the code assumes it's an even num.
+       * 256 gives up to a 50% overhead in the worst case (all leaf nodes near
+       * half-filled *)
   let leaf_size = 256 (* utf-8 characters, not bytes *)
-  (* =end *)
-  (* =begin code *)
+      (* =end *)
+      (* =begin code *)
   exception Out_of_bounds
   let empty = Empty
-  (* by construction, there cannot be Empty or Leaf "" leaves *)
+      (* by construction, there cannot be Empty or Leaf "" leaves *)
   let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
   let height = function
       Empty | Leaf _ -> 0
     | Concat(_,_,_,_,h) -> h
   let length = function
       Empty -> 0
     | Leaf (l,_) -> l
     | Concat(_,cl,_,cr,_) -> cl + cr
   let make_concat l r =
     let hl = height l and hr = height r in
     let cl = length l and cr = length r in
-      Concat(l, cl, r, cr, if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1)
+    Concat(l, cl, r, cr, if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1)
   let min_len =
     let fib_tbl = Array.make max_height 0 in
     let rec fib n = match fib_tbl.(n) with
-        0 ->
-          let last = fib (n - 1) and prev = fib (n - 2) in
-          let r = last + prev in
-          let r = if r > last then r else last in (* check overflow *)
-            fib_tbl.(n) <- r; r
-      | n -> n
+      0 ->
+        let last = fib (n - 1) and prev = fib (n - 2) in
+        let r = last + prev in
+        let r = if r > last then r else last in (* check overflow *)
+        fib_tbl.(n) <- r; r
+    | n -> n
-      fib_tbl.(0) <- leaf_size + 1; fib_tbl.(1) <- 3 * leaf_size / 2 + 1;
-      Array.init max_height (fun i -> if i = 0 then 1 else fib (i - 1))
+    fib_tbl.(0) <- leaf_size + 1; fib_tbl.(1) <- 3 * leaf_size / 2 + 1;
+    Array.init max_height (fun i -> if i = 0 then 1 else fib (i - 1))
   let max_length = min_len.(Array.length min_len - 1)
   let concat_fast l r = match l with
-      Empty -> r
-    | Leaf _ | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) ->
-        match r with
-            Empty -> l
-          | Leaf _ | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> make_concat l r
-  (* based on Hans-J. Boehm's *)
+    Empty -> r
+  | Leaf _ | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) ->
+      match r with
+        Empty -> l
+      | Leaf _ | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> make_concat l r
+	    (* based on Hans-J. Boehm's *)
   let add_forest forest rope len =
     let i = ref 0 in
     let sum = ref empty in
-      while len > min_len.(!i+1) do
-        if forest.(!i).c <> Empty then begin
-          sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
-          forest.(!i).c <- Empty
-        end;
-        incr i
-      done;
-      sum := concat_fast !sum rope;
-      let sum_len = ref (length !sum) in
-        while !sum_len >= min_len.(!i) do
-          if forest.(!i).c <> Empty then begin
-            sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
-            sum_len := !sum_len + forest.(!i).len;
-            forest.(!i).c <- Empty;
-          end;
-          incr i
-        done;
-        decr i;
-        forest.(!i).c <- !sum;
-        forest.(!i).len <- !sum_len
+    while len > min_len.(!i+1) do
+      if forest.(!i).c <> Empty then begin
+        sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
+        forest.(!i).c <- Empty
+      end;
+      incr i
+    done;
+    sum := concat_fast !sum rope;
+    let sum_len = ref (length !sum) in
+    while !sum_len >= min_len.(!i) do
+      if forest.(!i).c <> Empty then begin
+        sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
+        sum_len := !sum_len + forest.(!i).len;
+        forest.(!i).c <- Empty;
+      end;
+      incr i
+    done;
+    decr i;
+    forest.(!i).c <- !sum;
+    forest.(!i).len <- !sum_len
   let concat_forest forest =
     Array.fold_left (fun s x -> concat_fast x.c s) Empty forest
   let rec balance_insert rope len forest = match rope with
-      Empty -> ()
-    | Leaf _ -> add_forest forest rope len
-    | Concat(l,cl,r,cr,h) when h >= max_height || len < min_len.(h) ->
-        balance_insert l cl forest;
-        balance_insert r cr forest
-    | x -> add_forest forest x len (* function or balanced *)
+    Empty -> ()
+  | Leaf _ -> add_forest forest rope len
+  | Concat(l,cl,r,cr,h) when h >= max_height || len < min_len.(h) ->
+      balance_insert l cl forest;
+      balance_insert r cr forest
+  | x -> add_forest forest x len (* function or balanced *)
   let balance r =
     match r with
-        Empty | Leaf _ -> r
-      | _ ->
-          let forest = Array.init max_height (fun _ -> {c = Empty; len = 0}) in
-            balance_insert r (length r) forest;
-            concat_forest forest
+      Empty | Leaf _ -> r
+    | _ ->
+        let forest = Array.init max_height (fun _ -> {c = Empty; len = 0}) in
+        balance_insert r (length r) forest;
+        concat_forest forest
   let bal_if_needed l r =
     let r = make_concat l r in
-      if height r < max_height then r else balance r
+    if height r < max_height then r else balance r
   let concat_str l = function
       Empty | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> invalid_arg "concat_str"
     | Leaf (lenr, rs) as r ->
         match l with
-          | Empty -> r
-          | Leaf (lenl, ls) ->
-              let slen = lenr + lenl in
-              if slen <= leaf_size then Leaf ((lenl+lenr),(str_append ls rs))
-              else make_concat l r (* height = 1 *)
-          | Concat(ll, cll, Leaf (lenlr ,lrs), clr, h) ->
-              let slen = clr + lenr in
-              if clr + lenr <= leaf_size then
-                Concat(ll, cll, Leaf ((lenlr + lenr),(str_append lrs rs)), slen, h)
-              else
-                bal_if_needed l r
-          | _ -> bal_if_needed l r
+        | Empty -> r
+        | Leaf (lenl, ls) ->
+            let slen = lenr + lenl in
+            if slen <= leaf_size then Leaf ((lenl+lenr),(str_append ls rs))
+            else make_concat l r (* height = 1 *)
+        | Concat(ll, cll, Leaf (lenlr ,lrs), clr, h) ->
+            let slen = clr + lenr in
+            if clr + lenr <= leaf_size then
+              Concat(ll, cll, Leaf ((lenlr + lenr),(str_append lrs rs)), slen, h)
+            else
+              bal_if_needed l r
+        | _ -> bal_if_needed l r
   let append_char c r = concat_str r (Leaf (1, (UTF8.make 1 c)))
   let append l = function
@@ -601,31 +910,31 @@ module Text = struct
     | Leaf _ as r -> concat_str l r
     | Concat(Leaf (lenrl,rls),rlc,rr,rc,h) as r ->
         (match l with
-            Empty -> r
-          | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> bal_if_needed l r
-          | Leaf (lenl, ls) ->
-              let slen = rlc + lenl in
-                if slen <= leaf_size then
-                  Concat(Leaf((lenrl+lenl),(str_append ls rls)), slen, rr, rc, h)
-                else
-                  bal_if_needed l r)
+          Empty -> r
+        | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> bal_if_needed l r
+        | Leaf (lenl, ls) ->
+            let slen = rlc + lenl in
+            if slen <= leaf_size then
+              Concat(Leaf((lenrl+lenl),(str_append ls rls)), slen, rr, rc, h)
+            else
+              bal_if_needed l r)
     | r -> (match l with Empty -> r | _ -> bal_if_needed l r)
   let ( ^^^ ) = append
   let prepend_char c r = append (Leaf (1,(UTF8.make 1 c))) r
   let get r i = 
     let rec aux i = function
-      Empty -> raise Out_of_bounds
-    | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-        if i >= 0 && i < lens then UTF8.get s i
-        else raise Out_of_bounds
-    | Concat (l, cl, r, cr, _) ->
-        if i < cl then aux i l
-        else aux (i - cl) r
+	Empty -> raise Out_of_bounds
+      | Leaf (lens, s) ->
+          if i >= 0 && i < lens then UTF8.get s i
+          else raise Out_of_bounds
+      | Concat (l, cl, r, cr, _) ->
+          if i < cl then aux i l
+          else aux (i - cl) r
     in aux i r
   let copy_set us cpos c =
     let ipos = UTF8.ByteIndex.of_char_idx us cpos in 
     let jpos = us ipos in
@@ -637,55 +946,55 @@ module Text = struct
     let rec aux i = function
         Empty -> raise Out_of_bounds
       | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-  	if i >= 0 && i < lens then
-  	  let s = copy_set s i v in
-              Leaf (lens, s)
-  	else raise Out_of_bounds
+  	  if i >= 0 && i < lens then
+  	    let s = copy_set s i v in
+            Leaf (lens, s)
+  	  else raise Out_of_bounds
       | Concat(l, cl, r, cr, _) ->
-  	if i < cl then append (aux i l) r
-  	else append l (aux (i - cl) r)
+  	  if i < cl then append (aux i l) r
+  	  else append l (aux (i - cl) r)
     in aux i r
   module Iter =
-  struct
-    (* Iterators are used for iterating efficiently over multiple ropes
-       at the same time *)
-    type iterator = {
-      mutable leaf : UTF8.t;
-      (* Current leaf in which the iterator is *)
-      mutable idx : UTF8.ByteIndex.b_idx;
-      (* Current byte position of the iterator *)
-      mutable rest : t list;
-      (* Ropes not yet visited *)
-    }
-    type t = iterator option
-    (* Initial iterator state: *)
-    let make rope = { leaf = UTF8.empty;
-                      idx = UTF8.ByteIndex.first;
-                      rest = if rope = Empty then [] else [rope] }
-    let rec next_leaf = function
-      | Empty :: l ->
-          next_leaf l
-      | Leaf(len, str) :: l ->
-          Some(str, l)
-      | Concat(left, left_len, right, right_len, height) :: l ->
-          next_leaf (left :: right :: l)
-      | [] ->
-          None
-    (* Advance the iterator to the next position, and return current
-       character: *)
-    let rec next iter =
-      if UTF8.ByteIndex.at_end iter.leaf iter.idx then
-        (* We are at the end of the current leaf, find another one: *)
-        match next_leaf with
+    struct
+      (* Iterators are used for iterating efficiently over multiple ropes
+	 at the same time *)
+      type iterator = {
+	  mutable leaf : UTF8.t;
+	  (* Current leaf in which the iterator is *)
+	  mutable idx : UTF8.ByteIndex.b_idx;
+	  (* Current byte position of the iterator *)
+	  mutable rest : t list;
+	  (* Ropes not yet visited *)
+	}
+      type t = iterator option
+	    (* Initial iterator state: *)
+      let make rope = { leaf = UTF8.empty;
+			idx = UTF8.ByteIndex.first;
+			rest = if rope = Empty then [] else [rope] }
+      let rec next_leaf = function
+	| Empty :: l ->
+            next_leaf l
+	| Leaf(len, str) :: l ->
+            Some(str, l)
+	| Concat(left, left_len, right, right_len, height) :: l ->
+            next_leaf (left :: right :: l)
+	| [] ->
+            None
+	      (* Advance the iterator to the next position, and return current
+		 character: *)
+      let rec next iter =
+	if UTF8.ByteIndex.at_end iter.leaf iter.idx then
+          (* We are at the end of the current leaf, find another one: *)
+          match next_leaf with
           | None ->
           | Some(leaf, rest) ->
@@ -695,17 +1004,17 @@ module Text = struct <- rest;
 		Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first)
-      else begin
-        (* Just advance in the current leaf: *)
-        let ch = UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx in
-        iter.idx <- iter.leaf iter.idx;
-        Some ch
-      end
-    (* Same thing but map leafs: *)
-    let rec next_map f iter =
-      if UTF8.ByteIndex.at_end iter.leaf iter.idx then
-        match next_leaf with
+	else begin
+          (* Just advance in the current leaf: *)
+          let ch = UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx in
+          iter.idx <- iter.leaf iter.idx;
+          Some ch
+	end
+	    (* Same thing but map leafs: *)
+      let rec next_map f iter =
+	if UTF8.ByteIndex.at_end iter.leaf iter.idx then
+          match next_leaf with
           | None ->
           | Some(leaf, rest) ->
@@ -714,27 +1023,27 @@ module Text = struct
               iter.idx <- leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first;
      <- rest;
               Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first)
-      else begin
-        let ch = UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx in
-        iter.idx <- iter.leaf iter.idx;
-        Some ch
-      end
-    (* Same thing but in reverse order: *)
-    let rec prev_leaf = function
-      | Empty :: l ->
-          prev_leaf l
-      | Leaf(len, str) :: l ->
-          Some(str, l)
-      | Concat(left, left_len, right, right_len, height) :: l ->
-          prev_leaf (right :: left :: l)
-      | [] ->
-          None
-    let prev iter =
-      if iter.idx = UTF8.ByteIndex.first then
-        match prev_leaf with
+	else begin
+          let ch = UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx in
+          iter.idx <- iter.leaf iter.idx;
+          Some ch
+	end
+	    (* Same thing but in reverse order: *)
+      let rec prev_leaf = function
+	| Empty :: l ->
+            prev_leaf l
+	| Leaf(len, str) :: l ->
+            Some(str, l)
+	| Concat(left, left_len, right, right_len, height) :: l ->
+            prev_leaf (right :: left :: l)
+	| [] ->
+            None
+      let prev iter =
+	if iter.idx = UTF8.ByteIndex.first then
+          match prev_leaf with
           | None ->
           | Some(leaf, rest) ->
@@ -742,24 +1051,24 @@ module Text = struct
               iter.idx <- UTF8.ByteIndex.last leaf;
      <- rest;
               Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look leaf iter.idx)
-      else begin
-        iter.idx <- UTF8.ByteIndex.prev iter.leaf iter.idx;
-        Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx)
-      end
-  end
+	else begin
+          iter.idx <- UTF8.ByteIndex.prev iter.leaf iter.idx;
+          Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx)
+	end
+    end
-  (* Can be improved? *)
+      (* Can be improved? *)
   let compare a b =
     let ia = Iter.make a and ib = Iter.make b in
     let rec loop _ =
       match ia, ib with
-        | None, None -> 0
-        | None, _ -> -1
-        | _, None -> 1
-        | Some ca, Some cb ->
-            match ca cb with
-              | 0 -> loop ()
-              | n -> n
+      | None, None -> 0
+      | None, _ -> -1
+      | _, None -> 1
+      | Some ca, Some cb ->
+          match ca cb with
+          | 0 -> loop ()
+          | n -> n
     loop ()
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index 97c569d..b8bccc8 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -1,5 +1,3 @@
 (** Unicode characters.
    This module implements Unicode characters.
@@ -39,7 +37,8 @@
 (* You can contact the authour by sending email to *)
 (* *)
+(** Exceptions.  In addition, this module could raises Invalid_arg and*)
+(** BatNumber.Overflow *)	
 exception Out_of_range
 exception Malformed_code
@@ -246,6 +245,96 @@ module UTF8 : sig
   end with type buf = Buffer.t
+module Text' : sig
+  type t
+  val empty : t
+  val length : t -> int
+  val max_length : int
+(** [init len f] 
+    returns a new text which contains [len] Unicode characters.
+    The i-th Unicode character is initialized by [f i].  Raises
+    Failure if [len] is minus. *)	
+  val init : len:int -> f:(int -> uchar) -> t
+  (** Returns a text which consists of the given single character. *)
+  val of_uchar : uchar -> t
+  (** [of_string s] converts UTF-8 encoded string [s] to Text.t 
+      If [s] is an invalid UTF-8 string, returns None *)
+  val of_string : string -> t option
+  (** Same as above but raises Malformed_code instead of returing None *)
+  val of_string_exn : string -> t
+  (** Returns UTF-8 encoded string. *)
+  val string_of : t -> string
+  (** [of_string s] converts Ascii encoded string [s] to Text.t 
+      If [s] is an invalid Ascii string, returns None *)
+  val of_ascii : string -> t option
+  (** Same as above but raises Malformed_code instead of returing None *)
+  val of_ascii_exn : string -> t
+  (** [of_string s] converts Latin-a encoded string [s] to Text.t *)
+  val of_latin1 : string -> t
+  (** Append two texts *)
+  val append : t -> t -> t
+  (** Append one Unicode character to the last of the text *)
+  val append_uchar : t -> uchar -> t
+  (** Byte order of texts *)
+  val compare : t -> t -> int
+  (** [get s i] gets [i]-th character of [s] *)
+  val get : t -> int -> uchar
+  (** Iterator.  Also behaves like a zipper *)
+  type iterator
+  (** The head of the text *)
+  val first : t -> iterator
+  (** Points the last character of the text *)
+  val last : t -> iterator
+  (** Moving around an iterator *)
+  val next : iterator -> iterator option
+  (** Raises Out_of_range if the iterator already locates in the last
+  character of the underlining text. *)
+  val next_exn : iterator -> iterator
+  (** [move i n] returns the iterator which locates [n]-th*)
+  (** characters from [i].  If such a location does not exist, return*)
+  (** None.  If [n] is negative, move the left. *)
+  val move : iterator -> int -> iterator option
+  (** The same as above but raises Out_of_range instead or returning None.*)
+  val move_exn : iterator -> int -> iterator
+  (** Move the iterator as much as possible toward the [n]-th
+  character.*)
+  val move_as_possible : iterator -> int -> iterator
+  (** Returns the value of the location which the iterator points. *)
+  val value : iterator -> uchar
+  (** Returns the underlining text of the give iterator. *)
+  val base : iterator -> t
+  (** Zipper like operations. *)
+  (** [insert i t] inserts [t] inyo the right of [i]. *)
+  val insert : iterator -> t -> iterator 
+  (** [delete_left i] deletes the left side of [i].  *)
+  val delete_left : iterator -> iterator
+  (** [delete_right i] deletes the right side of [i].  *)
+  val delete_right : iterator -> iterator
+  (** [sub i n] creates the iterator which runs over substring which
+  begins position [i] to [n]-th character from [i].*)
+  val sub : iterator -> int -> iterator
 (* Rope: a simple implementation of ropes as described in
 Boehm, H., Atkinson, R., and Plass, M. 1995. Ropes: an alternative to
@@ -253,7 +342,7 @@ strings. Softw. Pract. Exper. 25, 12 (Dec. 1995), 1315-1330.
 Motivated by Luca de Alfaro's extensible array implementation Vec.
-Copyright (C) 2011 Yoriyuki Yamagata <>
+Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 Yoriyuki Yamagata <>
               2007 Mauricio Fernandez <>

From 376b91b4f11869336823f15e782fc5a424b51f78 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Sun, 6 Oct 2013 04:29:59 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 03/22] Text.move

 src/  | 299 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 src/uCoreLib.mli |  42 +++++--
 2 files changed, 324 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 4636c5a..61afda7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -426,8 +426,10 @@ module type BaseStringType = sig
   val end_pos : t -> index
   val out_of_range : t -> index -> bool
   val next : t -> index -> index
+  val prev : t -> index -> index
   val move : t -> index -> int -> index
   val equal_index : t -> index -> index -> bool
+  val compare_index : t -> index -> index -> int
   (* Low level functions *)
   (* bytes of substring *)
@@ -443,6 +445,7 @@ module type BaseStringType = sig
   val copy : t -> t
   val read : t -> index -> uchar
+  val write : t -> index -> uchar -> index
 module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
@@ -457,14 +460,42 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
   let append = (^)
   let create = String.create
   let end_pos s = String.length s
-  let of_string s = if is_valid s then None else Some s
+  let of_string s = if is_valid s then None else Some (String.copy s)
   let of_string_unsafe s = s
   let of_ascii s = try Some (UTF8.of_ascii s) with Malformed_code -> None
   let equal_index s i j = i = j
   let size s i j = j - i
   let blit s1 i1 i2 s2 j = String.blit s1 i1 s2 j (i2 - i1)
   let move_by_bytes s i x = i + x
+  let write s i u =
+    let masq = 0b111111 in
+    let k = UChar.code u in
+    if k <= 0x7f then
+      if i >= String.length s then i else begin
+	s.[i] <- Char.unsafe_chr k;
+	i + 1
+      end
+    else if k <= 0x7ff then
+      if i >= String.length s - 1 then i else begin
+	s.[i] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0xc0 lor (k lsr 6));
+	s.[i+1] <- (Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land masq)));
+	i+2
+    end else if k <= 0xffff then
+      if i >= String.length s - 2 then i else begin
+	s.[i] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0xe0 lor (k lsr 12));
+	s.[i+1] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land masq));
+	s.[i+2] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land masq));
+	i + 3
+    end else 
+      if i >= String.length s - 3 then i else
+      begin
+	s.[i] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0xf0 + (k lsr 18));
+	s.[i+1] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 12) land masq));
+	s.[i+2] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor ((k lsr 6) land masq));
+	s.[i+3] <- Char.unsafe_chr (0x80 lor (k land masq));
+	i + 4
+      end
 module Text' = struct
@@ -646,7 +677,6 @@ module Text' = struct
       make_concat (Leaf leaf_l) (Leaf leaf_r) (* height = 1 *)
   let concat_leaf l leaf_r = 
     match l with
     | Empty -> Leaf leaf_r
@@ -672,14 +702,40 @@ module Text' = struct
 	      Empty -> r
 	    | _ -> bal_if_needed l r
+  let new_block_uchar u = 
+    let s = B.create leaf_size in
+    let i = B.write s (B.first s) u in
+    let b = {s = s; unused = i} in
+    Leaf {b = b; i = (B.first s); j = i; len = 1}
+  let leaf_append_uchar leaf u =
+    if is_full_tail leaf then
+      let k = B.write leaf.b.s leaf.j u in
+      if B.equal_index leaf.b.s k leaf.j then
+	make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
+      else
+	let b = {leaf.b with unused = k} in
+	let leaf = {b = b; i = leaf.i; j = k; len = leaf.len + 1} in
+	Leaf leaf
+    else
+      make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
   let leaf_of_uchar u = 
     let s = B.of_string_unsafe (UTF8.make 1 u) in
     let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
     {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = 1}
-  let append_uchar l u = concat_leaf l (leaf_of_uchar u)
   let of_uchar u = Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u)
+  let append_uchar l u = 
+    match l with
+    | Empty -> Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u)
+    | Leaf leaf_l -> leaf_append_uchar leaf_l u
+    | Concat node ->
+	match node.right with
+	  Leaf leaf_l ->
+	    Concat {node with right = leaf_append_uchar leaf_l u}
+	| _ -> bal_if_needed l (Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u))
   let init ~len ~f =
     if len < 0 then failwith "Text.init: The length is minus" else
@@ -711,7 +767,238 @@ module Text' = struct
       None -> raise Malformed_code
     | Some text -> text
-  let of_latin1 s = init (String.length s) (fun i -> UChar.unsafe_chr (Char.code s.[i]))
+  let of_latin1 s = 
+    init (String.length s) (fun i -> 
+      UChar.unsafe_chr (Char.code s.[i]))
+  let rec get t n =
+    match t with
+      Empty -> None
+    | Leaf leaf ->
+	if n >= leaf.len then None else
+	let i = B.move leaf.b.s leaf.i n in
+	Some ( leaf.b.s i)
+    | Concat node ->
+	if n < node.left_length then get node.left n else
+	let n = n - node.left_length in
+	get node.right n
+  let rec get_exn t n =
+    match t with
+      Empty -> invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
+    | Leaf leaf ->
+	if n >= leaf.len then invalid_arg "index out of bounds" else
+	let i = B.move leaf.b.s leaf.i n in
+ leaf.b.s i
+    | Concat node ->
+	if n < node.left_length then get_exn node.left n else
+	let n = n - node.left_length in
+	get_exn node.right n
+  (* In Left (p, t), p is the path to the parent and t is the right sibling.  *)
+  type path = Top | Left of path * t | Right of t * path 
+  type iterator = {path : path; leaf : leaf; index : B.index}
+  let empty_leaf = 
+    let base = {s = B.empty; unused = B.end_pos B.empty} in
+    {b = base; i = B.first B.empty; j = B.end_pos B.empty; len = 0} 
+  let rec first_leaf_sub path = function
+      Empty -> (Top, empty_leaf)
+    | Leaf leaf -> (path, leaf)
+    | Concat node ->
+	first_leaf_sub (Left (path, node.right)) node.left
+  let first_leaf = first_leaf_sub Top
+  let first t =
+    let p, leaf = first_leaf t in
+    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = B.first leaf.b.s}
+  let rec end_leaf_sub path = function
+      Empty -> (Top, empty_leaf)
+    | Leaf leaf -> (path, leaf)
+    | Concat node ->
+	end_leaf_sub (Right (node.left, path)) node.right
+  let end_leaf = end_leaf_sub Top
+  let end_pos t =
+    let p, leaf = end_leaf t in
+    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = B.end_pos leaf.b.s}
+  let rec nth_aux p t n =
+    match t with
+      Empty -> None
+    | Leaf leaf ->
+	if n >= leaf.len then None else
+	let i = B.move leaf.b.s leaf.i n in
+	Some {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = i}
+    | Concat node ->
+	if n < node.left_length then 
+	  nth_aux (Left (p, node.right)) node.left n 
+	else
+	  let n = n - node.left_length in
+	  nth_aux (Right (node.left, p)) node.right n
+  let nth t n = nth_aux Top t n
+  let rec nth_exn_aux p t n =
+    match t with
+      Empty -> invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
+    | Leaf leaf ->
+	if n >= leaf.len then invalid_arg "index out of bounds" else
+	let i = B.move leaf.b.s leaf.i n in
+        {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = i}
+    | Concat node ->
+	if n < node.left_length then 
+	  nth_exn_aux (Left (p, node.right)) node.left n 
+	else
+	  let n = n - node.left_length in
+	  nth_exn_aux (Right (node.left, p)) node.right n
+  let nth_exn t n = nth_exn_aux Top t n
+  let rec next_leaf = function
+      Top -> None
+    | Left (p, t) ->
+	Some (first_leaf_sub p t)
+    | Right (t, p) ->
+	next_leaf p
+  let next it =
+    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j) then 
+      let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+      Some {it with index = i} 
+    else match next_leaf it.path with 
+      None -> None
+    | Some (path, leaf) -> 
+	Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
+  let next_exn it =
+    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j) then 
+      let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+      {it with index = i} 
+    else match next_leaf it.path with 
+      None -> invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
+    | Some (path, leaf) -> 
+        {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
+  let rec prev_leaf = function
+      Top -> None
+    | Left (p, t) ->
+	prev_leaf p
+    | Right (t, p) ->
+	Some (end_leaf_sub p t)
+  let prev it =
+    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.i) then 
+      let i = B.prev it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+      Some {it with index = i} 
+    else match prev_leaf it.path with 
+      None -> None
+    | Some (path, leaf) -> 
+	Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = B.prev leaf.b.s leaf.j}
+  let prev_exn it =
+    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.i) then 
+      let i = B.prev it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+      {it with index = i} 
+    else match prev_leaf it.path with 
+      None -> invalid_arg "index out of	bounds"
+    | Some (path, leaf) -> 
+	{path = path; leaf = leaf; index = B.prev leaf.b.s leaf.j}
+  let rec base_aux path sub =
+    match path with
+      Top -> sub
+    | Left (p, t) ->
+	base_aux p (make_concat sub t)
+    | Right (t, p) ->
+	base_aux p (make_concat t sub)
+  let rec base it = base_aux it.path (Leaf it.leaf)
+  let move_ahead_leaf it n =
+    let rec loop i n =
+      if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0 then 
+	`Out_of_range ({it with index = it.leaf.j}, n) 
+      else if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
+      loop ( it.leaf.b.s i) (n - 1) in
+    loop it.index n
+  let rec move_ahead path sub it n =
+    match sub with
+      Empty -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
+    | Leaf leaf -> 
+	let it = 
+	  if it.leaf == leaf then it else
+	  {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i} in
+       	(match move_ahead_leaf it n with
+	  `Success it as ret -> ret
+	| `Out_of_range (it, n) -> 
+	    (match path with
+	      Top -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
+	    | Left (p, t) ->
+		move_ahead (Right (sub, p)) t it n
+	    | Right (t, p) ->
+		let node = make_concat t sub in
+		move_ahead p node it n))
+    | Concat node ->
+	if node.left_length >= n then 
+	  move_ahead (Left (path, node.right)) node.left it n
+	else
+	  move_ahead (Right (node.left, path)) node.right it (n - node.left_length)
+  let move_behind_leaf it n =
+    let rec loop i n =
+      if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.i < 0 then 
+	`Out_of_range ({it with index = it.leaf.i}, n) 
+      else if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
+      loop (B.prev it.leaf.b.s i) (n-1) in
+    loop it.index n
+  let rec move_behind path sub it n =
+    match sub with
+      Empty -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
+    | Leaf leaf -> 
+	let it = 
+	  if it.leaf == leaf then it else
+	  {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.j} in
+       	(match move_behind_leaf it n with
+	  `Success it as ret -> ret
+	| `Out_of_range (it, n) -> 
+	    (match path with
+	      Top -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
+	    | Right (t, p) ->
+		move_behind (Left (p, sub)) t it n
+	    | Left (p, t) ->
+		let node = make_concat sub t in
+		move_behind p node it n))
+    | Concat node ->
+	if node.right_length >= n then 
+	  move_behind (Right (node.left, path)) node.right it n
+	else
+	  move_ahead (Right (node.right, path)) node.left it (n - node.left_length)
+  let move it n =
+    if n > 0 then move_ahead it.path (Leaf it.leaf) it n else
+    if n < 0 then move_behind it.path (Leaf it.leaf) it (-n) else
+    `Success it 
+  let move_exn it n =
+    match move it n with
+      `Success it -> it
+    | `Out_of_range _ -> invalid_arg "number out of bounds"
+  let move_as_possible it n =
+    match move it n with
+      `Success it -> it
+    | `Out_of_range (it, n) -> it
+  let value it = it.leaf.b.s it.index
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index b8bccc8..1a4212e 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ module Text' : sig
     returns a new text which contains [len] Unicode characters.
     The i-th Unicode character is initialized by [f i].  Raises
     Failure if [len] is minus. *)	
-  val init : len:int -> f:(int -> uchar) -> t
+  val init : int -> (int -> uchar) -> t
   (** Returns a text which consists of the given single character. *)
   val of_uchar : uchar -> t
@@ -291,27 +291,44 @@ module Text' : sig
   val compare : t -> t -> int
   (** [get s i] gets [i]-th character of [s] *)
-  val get : t -> int -> uchar
+  val get : t -> int -> uchar option
+  (** Raises Invalid_arg *)
+  val get_exn : t -> int -> uchar
-  (** Iterator.  Also behaves like a zipper *)
+  (** Iterator.  Also behaves like a zipper.  Iterator can point the
+  location after the last character of the text. *)
   type iterator
   (** The head of the text *)
   val first : t -> iterator
-  (** Points the last character of the text *)
-  val last : t -> iterator
+  (** Points the end of the text *)
+  val end_pos : t -> iterator
+  (** [nth t i] return the iterator which points the begininng of
+  [i+1]-th character of [t]. *)
+  val nth : t -> int -> iterator option
+  (** Raises Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" if the argument is
+  out of bound. *)
+  val nth_exn : t -> int -> iterator
   (** Moving around an iterator *)
   val next : iterator -> iterator option
-  (** Raises Out_of_range if the iterator already locates in the last
-  character of the underlining text. *)
+  (** Raises Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" if the iterator
+  already locates after the last character of the underlining text. *)
   val next_exn : iterator -> iterator
+  (** Points the privious character *)
+  val prev : iterator -> iterator option
+  (** Raises Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" if the iterator
+  already locates in the first character of the underlining text. *)
+  val prev_exn : iterator -> iterator
   (** [move i n] returns the iterator which locates [n]-th*)
   (** characters from [i].  If such a location does not exist, return*)
-  (** None.  If [n] is negative, move the left. *)
-  val move : iterator -> int -> iterator option
-  (** The same as above but raises Out_of_range instead or returning None.*)
+  (** [`Out_of_range (it, n)].  [it] points the last position which
+  [move] can success, and [n] is the number of the move to be done.
+  If [n] is negative, move the left. *)
+  val move : iterator -> int -> 
+    [`Success of iterator | `Out_of_range of iterator * int]
+  (** The same as above but raises Invalid_argument "index out of
+  bounds" instead or returning None.*) 
   val move_exn : iterator -> int -> iterator
   (** Move the iterator as much as possible toward the [n]-th
@@ -333,6 +350,9 @@ module Text' : sig
   (** [sub i n] creates the iterator which runs over substring which
   begins position [i] to [n]-th character from [i].*)
   val sub : iterator -> int -> iterator
+  (** Fold.*)
+  val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> uchar -> 'a) -> t -> 'a
 (* Rope: a simple implementation of ropes as described in

From 3843f9a687e2c236c396987673c2fe3f8d36b638 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Wed, 16 Oct 2013 22:26:43 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 04/22] new Text: passes compilation.

 src/  | 140 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-------
 src/uCoreLib.mli |  10 +++-
 2 files changed, 126 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 61afda7..fd2ad07 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -250,18 +250,20 @@ module UTF8 = struct
   let of_string_unsafe s = s 
   let to_string_unsafe s = s
-  let rec length_aux s c i =
-    if i >= String.length s then c else
+  let rec distance_aux s i j c =
+    if i >= j then c else
     let n = Char.code (String.unsafe_get s i) in
     let k =
       if n < 0x80 then 1 else
       if n < 0xe0 then 2 else
       if n < 0xf0 then 3 else 4
-    length_aux s (c + 1) (i + k)
-  let length s = length_aux s 0 0
+    distance_aux s (i + k) j (c + 1)
+  let distance s i j = distance_aux s i j 0
+  let length s = distance s 0 (String.length s)
   let rec iter_aux proc s i =
     if i >= String.length s then () else
@@ -430,6 +432,7 @@ module type BaseStringType = sig
   val move : t -> index -> int -> index
   val equal_index : t -> index -> index -> bool
   val compare_index : t -> index -> index -> int
+  val distance : t -> index -> index -> int
   (* Low level functions *)
   (* bytes of substring *)
@@ -440,9 +443,7 @@ module type BaseStringType = sig
   (* [move_by_bytes s i x] moves index [i] by [x] bytes.*)
   val move_by_bytes : t -> index -> int -> index
-  val append : t -> t -> t
-  val sub : t -> index -> index -> t
-  val copy : t -> t
+  val add_substring : Buffer.t -> t -> index -> index -> unit
   val read : t -> index -> uchar
   val write : t -> index -> uchar -> index
@@ -467,6 +468,7 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
   let size s i j = j - i
   let blit s1 i1 i2 s2 j = String.blit s1 i1 s2 j (i2 - i1)
   let move_by_bytes s i x = i + x
+  let add_substring b s i j = Buffer.add_substring b s i (j - i)
   let write s i u =
     let masq = 0b111111 in
@@ -535,7 +537,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let int_max (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then y else x
   let int_min (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then x else y
-  type base_string = {s : B.t; unused : B.index} 
+  type base_string = {s : B.t; mutable unused : B.index} 
   type t = 
@@ -641,16 +643,16 @@ module Text' = struct
   | x -> add_forest forest x len (* function or balanced *)
   let balance r =
+    if height r < max_height then r else
     match r with
       Empty | Leaf _ -> r
     | _ ->
         let forest = Array.init max_height (fun _ -> {c = Empty; rlen = 0}) in
         balance_insert r (length r) forest;
         concat_forest forest
   let bal_if_needed l r =
-    let r = make_concat l r in
-    if height r < max_height then r else balance r
+    let r = make_concat l r in balance r
   let is_full_tail leaf = B.equal_index leaf.b.s leaf.j leaf.b.unused
@@ -669,9 +671,8 @@ module Text' = struct
 	  B.blit leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j s (B.first s);
 	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j s (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) size_l);
 	  s in
-      let b = {s = leaf_l.b.s; unused = B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused size_r} in
-      let leaf = {b = b; i = leaf_l.i; 
-		  j = B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i size_r;
+      leaf_l.b.unused <- B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused size_r;
+      let leaf = {leaf_l with j = leaf_l.b.unused;
 		  len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len} in
       Leaf leaf
@@ -713,10 +714,11 @@ module Text' = struct
       let k = B.write leaf.b.s leaf.j u in
       if B.equal_index leaf.b.s k leaf.j then
 	make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
-      else
-	let b = {leaf.b with unused = k} in
-	let leaf = {b = b; i = leaf.i; j = k; len = leaf.len + 1} in
+      else begin
+	leaf.b.unused <- k;
+	let leaf = {leaf with j = k; len = leaf.len + 1} in
 	Leaf leaf
+      end
       make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
@@ -737,7 +739,7 @@ module Text' = struct
 	    Concat {node with right = leaf_append_uchar leaf_l u}
 	| _ -> bal_if_needed l (Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u))
-  let init ~len ~f =
+  let init len f =
     if len < 0 then failwith "Text.init: The length is minus" else
     let s = B.init len f in
     let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
@@ -918,7 +920,14 @@ module Text' = struct
     | Right (t, p) ->
 	base_aux p (make_concat t sub)
-  let rec base it = base_aux it.path (Leaf it.leaf)
+  let base it = balance (base_aux it.path (Leaf it.leaf))
+  let rec pos_path = function
+      Top -> 0
+    | Left (p, t) -> pos_path p
+    | Right (t, p) -> length t
+  let pos it = pos_path it.path + B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index 
   let move_ahead_leaf it n =
     let rec loop i n =
@@ -997,9 +1006,98 @@ module Text' = struct
       `Success it -> it
     | `Out_of_range (it, n) -> it
+  let rec delete_left_pos path sub =
+    match path with
+      Top -> (path, sub)
+    | Left (p, t) -> delete_left_pos p t
+    | Right (t, p) -> (p, sub)
+  let delete_left it =
+    let p, _ = delete_left_pos it.path (Leaf it.leaf) in
+    let leaf = {it.leaf with i = it.index; 
+		len = B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j} in
+    let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
+    let b = base it in
+    first b
+  let rec delete_right_pos path sub =
+    match path with
+      Top -> (path, sub)
+    | Right (t, p) -> delete_right_pos p t
+    | Left (p, t) -> (p, sub)
+  let delete_right it =
+    let p, _ = delete_right_pos it.path (Leaf it.leaf) in
+    let leaf = {it.leaf with j = it.index; 
+		len = B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index} in
+    let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
+    let b = base it in
+    end_pos b
+  let sub it len =
+    let it = delete_left it in
+    match move it len with
+      `Out_of_range _ -> None
+    | `Success it ->
+	Some (delete_right it)
+  let sub_exn it len =
+    match sub it len with
+      None -> invalid_arg "iterator out of bound"
+    | Some it -> it
+  let insert it text =
+    let n = pos it in
+    let left = base (delete_right it) in 
+    let right = base (delete_left it) in
+    let base = (append (append left text) right) in
+    match nth base n with 
+      None -> assert false
+    | Some it -> it 
   let value it = it.leaf.b.s it.index
+  let fold_leaf leaf a f =
+    let rec loop a i =
+      if B.compare_index leaf.b.s i leaf.j >= 0 then a else
+      let a' = f a ( leaf.b.s i) in
+      loop a' ( leaf.b.s i) in
+    loop a leaf.i
+  let rec fold t a f = 
+    match t with
+      Empty -> a
+    | Leaf leaf -> fold_leaf leaf a f
+    | Concat node ->
+	let a' = fold node.left a f in
+	fold node.right a' f
+  let rec compare_iterator it1 it2 =
+    let u1 = value it1 in
+    let u2 = value it2 in
+    let sgn = u1 u2 in
+    if sgn <> 0 then sgn else
+    match next it1, next it2 with
+      None, None -> 0
+    | None, _ -> -1
+    | _, None -> 1
+    | Some it1, Some i2 -> compare_iterator it1 it2
+  let compare t1 t2 = compare_iterator (first t1) (first t2)
+  let rec string_of_aux b = function
+      Empty -> ()
+    | Leaf leaf ->
+	B.add_substring b leaf.b.s leaf.i leaf.j
+    | Concat node ->
+	string_of_aux b node.left;
+	string_of_aux b node.right
+  let string_of t =
+    let b = Buffer.create 0 in
+    string_of_aux b t;
+    Buffer.contents b
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index 1a4212e..f832683 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -339,9 +339,11 @@ module Text' : sig
   (** Returns the underlining text of the give iterator. *)
   val base : iterator -> t
+  (** Returns the position of the iterator *)
+  val pos : iterator -> int    
   (** Zipper like operations. *)
-  (** [insert i t] inserts [t] inyo the right of [i]. *)
+  (** [insert i t] inserts [t] into the right of [i]. *)
   val insert : iterator -> t -> iterator 
   (** [delete_left i] deletes the left side of [i].  *)
   val delete_left : iterator -> iterator
@@ -349,10 +351,12 @@ module Text' : sig
   val delete_right : iterator -> iterator
   (** [sub i n] creates the iterator which runs over substring which
   begins position [i] to [n]-th character from [i].*)
-  val sub : iterator -> int -> iterator
+  val sub : iterator -> int -> iterator option
+  (** Raise invalid_arg "iterator out of bound".*)
+  val sub_exn : iterator -> int -> iterator
   (** Fold.*)
-  val fold : t -> init:'a -> f:('a -> uchar -> 'a) -> t -> 'a
+  val fold : t -> 'a -> ('a -> uchar -> 'a) -> 'a
 (* Rope: a simple implementation of ropes as described in

From b8f196517128e9e75c9831d5d041bf15804e919a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 23:57:49 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 05/22] Pass the test

 src/ |   2 +-
 test.log        |   3 +++
 test/    | Bin 24255 -> 26002 bytes
 3 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 create mode 100644 test.log

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index fd2ad07..db8201c 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
   let append = (^)
   let create = String.create
   let end_pos s = String.length s
-  let of_string s = if is_valid s then None else Some (String.copy s)
+  let of_string s = if is_valid s then Some (String.copy s) else None 
   let of_string_unsafe s = s
   let of_ascii s = try Some (UTF8.of_ascii s) with Malformed_code -> None
   let equal_index s i j = i = j
diff --git a/test.log b/test.log
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a8cef8a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test.log
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+Ran: 349 tests in: 2.03 seconds.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 88fac65443c65bc7c0d0eb916cf99bb9e8655c43..9c8f8d40a58392363dd0f8bd6af13c2ebf44521f 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 253

delta 19

From 0fa54cb4de321373b251f9db8fde6ec7950aa1cc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 21:55:01 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 06/22] until get

 src/ |  40 +++++++++++++++++++++-------------------
 test/    | Bin 26002 -> 30122 bytes
 2 files changed, 21 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index db8201c..fc930c0 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let int_max (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then y else x
   let int_min (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then x else y
-  type base_string = {s : B.t; mutable unused : B.index} 
+  type base_string = {mutable s : B.t; mutable unused : B.index} 
   type t = 
@@ -659,23 +659,23 @@ module Text' = struct
   let leaf_append leaf_l leaf_r =
     let size_l = B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j in
     let size_r = B.size leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j in
-    if size_l + size_r <= leaf_size then
-      let s =
-	if size_l + size_r <= B.length leaf_l.b.s && 
-	  is_full_tail leaf_l 
-	then begin
-	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
-	  leaf_l.b.s;
-	end else
-	  let s = B.create leaf_size in
-	  B.blit leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j s (B.first s);
-	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j s (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) size_l);
-	  s in
+    if size_l + size_r <= leaf_size then begin
+      if size_l + size_r <= 
+	B.size leaf_l.b.s (B.first leaf_l.b.s) (B.end_pos leaf_l.b.s)
+	  && is_full_tail leaf_l 
+      then begin
+	B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
+      end else begin
+	let s = B.create leaf_size in
+	B.blit leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j s (B.first s);
+	B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j s (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) size_l);
+	leaf_l.b.s <- s;
+      end;
       leaf_l.b.unused <- B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused size_r;
       let leaf = {leaf_l with j = leaf_l.b.unused;
 		  len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len} in
       Leaf leaf
-    else
+    end else
       make_concat (Leaf leaf_l) (Leaf leaf_r) (* height = 1 *)
   let concat_leaf l leaf_r = 
@@ -690,7 +690,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let append l = function
       Empty -> l
-    | Leaf leaf_r as r -> concat_leaf l leaf_r
+    | Leaf leaf_r -> concat_leaf l leaf_r
     | Concat node as r ->
 	match node.left with
 	  Leaf leaf_r ->
@@ -710,7 +710,7 @@ module Text' = struct
     Leaf {b = b; i = (B.first s); j = i; len = 1}
   let leaf_append_uchar leaf u =
-    if is_full_tail leaf then
+    if is_full_tail leaf then begin
       let k = B.write leaf.b.s leaf.j u in
       if B.equal_index leaf.b.s k leaf.j then
 	make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@ module Text' = struct
 	let leaf = {leaf with j = k; len = leaf.len + 1} in
 	Leaf leaf
-    else
+    end else
       make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
   let leaf_of_uchar u = 
@@ -736,8 +736,10 @@ module Text' = struct
     | Concat node ->
 	match node.right with
 	  Leaf leaf_l ->
-	    Concat {node with right = leaf_append_uchar leaf_l u}
-	| _ -> bal_if_needed l (Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u))
+	    Concat {node with 
+		    right = leaf_append_uchar leaf_l u;
+		    right_length = node.right_length + 1}
+	| _ -> bal_if_needed l (new_block_uchar u)
   let init len f =
     if len < 0 then failwith "Text.init: The length is minus" else
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 9c8f8d40a58392363dd0f8bd6af13c2ebf44521f..109d19743a680df9083e7512045902ae41a8515a 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 3594

delta 85

From c02acb4d31f19bb90a228a8965fb360ae12cf565 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Fri, 1 Nov 2013 22:05:11 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 07/22] first

 test/ | Bin 30122 -> 30350 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 109d19743a680df9083e7512045902ae41a8515a..2d6a388d6cfa7b93716c9e2479b17c0c28ecd26b 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 313

delta 88

From 924096bf230e6c4043ff4cf243742ed2b2a3c531 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Sat, 2 Nov 2013 16:56:37 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 08/22] last

 src/  |   8 ++++----
 src/uCoreLib.mli |   4 ++--
 test/     | Bin 30350 -> 30430 bytes
 3 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index fc930c0..0bbde18 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -818,7 +818,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let first t =
     let p, leaf = first_leaf t in
-    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = B.first leaf.b.s}
+    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
   let rec end_leaf_sub path = function
       Empty -> (Top, empty_leaf)
@@ -828,9 +828,9 @@ module Text' = struct
   let end_leaf = end_leaf_sub Top
-  let end_pos t =
+  let last t =
     let p, leaf = end_leaf t in
-    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = B.end_pos leaf.b.s}
+    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = B.prev leaf.b.s leaf.j}
   let rec nth_aux p t n =
     match t with
@@ -1034,7 +1034,7 @@ module Text' = struct
 		len = B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index} in
     let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
     let b = base it in
-    end_pos b
+    last b
   let sub it len =
     let it = delete_left it in
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index f832683..e0dbb22 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -301,8 +301,8 @@ module Text' : sig
   (** The head of the text *)
   val first : t -> iterator
-  (** Points the end of the text *)
-  val end_pos : t -> iterator
+  (** Points the last element of the text *)
+  val last : t -> iterator
   (** [nth t i] return the iterator which points the begininng of
   [i+1]-th character of [t]. *)
   val nth : t -> int -> iterator option
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 2d6a388d6cfa7b93716c9e2479b17c0c28ecd26b..2e4325dd7cf85dc31454868f44f1aab35c6e1746 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 83

delta 67

From acf702d1afe802edf05baa0d1ed662f4bc14abc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Tue, 5 Nov 2013 08:14:55 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 09/22] nth

 test/ | Bin 30430 -> 30646 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 2e4325dd7cf85dc31454868f44f1aab35c6e1746..8d5d418189944838afea2dab0752d869d6d97fb2 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 139

delta 19

From 7d9e606d4d6cd07e11dc03d316ea8b2785861b24 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2013 21:55:43 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 10/22] next

 src/ |   8 ++++----
 test/    | Bin 30646 -> 31094 bytes
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 0bbde18..872fee9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -872,8 +872,8 @@ module Text' = struct
 	next_leaf p
   let next it =
-    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j) then 
-      let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+    let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j) then 
       Some {it with index = i} 
     else match next_leaf it.path with 
       None -> None
@@ -881,8 +881,8 @@ module Text' = struct
 	Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
   let next_exn it =
-    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j) then 
-      let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+    let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
+    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j) then 
       {it with index = i} 
     else match next_leaf it.path with 
       None -> invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 8d5d418189944838afea2dab0752d869d6d97fb2..b3f16780388525dace895fdf736cec5eb5e4bc32 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 369

delta 19

From d763e8678911204718f6193e4fd058f7187e2125 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 03:36:15 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 11/22] Before removing "move"

 src/ | 110 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------
 1 file changed, 65 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 872fee9..3f2bde5 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -410,7 +410,7 @@ end
 (* Interface to String used for Rope implementation *)
 module type BaseStringType = sig
-  type t
+  type t = string
   val empty : t
   (* [create n] creates [n]-bytes base string *)
@@ -466,9 +466,15 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
   let of_ascii s = try Some (UTF8.of_ascii s) with Malformed_code -> None
   let equal_index s i j = i = j
   let size s i j = j - i
-  let blit s1 i1 i2 s2 j = String.blit s1 i1 s2 j (i2 - i1)
+  let blit s1 i1 i2 s2 j = 
+    let endpos = next s1 i2 in
+    String.blit s1 i1 s2 j (endpos - i1)
   let move_by_bytes s i x = i + x
-  let add_substring b s i j = Buffer.add_substring b s i (j - i)
+  let add_substring b s i j = 
+    let endpos = next s j in
+    Buffer.add_substring b s i (endpos - i)
   let write s i u =
     let masq = 0b111111 in
@@ -545,7 +551,8 @@ module Text' = struct
     | Leaf of leaf
   and node = {left : t; left_length : int; right : t; right_length : int; height : int}
   and leaf = {b : base_string; 
-	      i : B.index;  (*..............:::::::::::::::::::::.... *)
+	      (* i points the first character, j points the start of last character*)
+	      i : B.index;  (*..............::::::::::::::::::::::... *)
 	      j : B.index;  (*              ^                    ^    *)
 	      len : int}    (*              i                    j    *)
@@ -654,14 +661,16 @@ module Text' = struct
   let bal_if_needed l r =
     let r = make_concat l r in balance r
-  let is_full_tail leaf = B.equal_index leaf.b.s leaf.j leaf.b.unused
+  let is_full_tail leaf = 
+    let tail = leaf.b.s leaf.j in
+    B.equal_index leaf.b.s tail leaf.b.unused
   let leaf_append leaf_l leaf_r =
-    let size_l = B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j in
-    let size_r = B.size leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j in
+    let size_l = B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i ( leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.j) in
+    let size_r = B.size leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i ( leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.j) in
     if size_l + size_r <= leaf_size then begin
       if size_l + size_r <= 
-	B.size leaf_l.b.s (B.first leaf_l.b.s) (B.end_pos leaf_l.b.s)
+	B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i (B.end_pos leaf_l.b.s)
 	  && is_full_tail leaf_l 
       then begin
 	B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
@@ -672,7 +681,7 @@ module Text' = struct
 	leaf_l.b.s <- s;
       leaf_l.b.unused <- B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused size_r;
-      let leaf = {leaf_l with j = leaf_l.b.unused;
+      let leaf = {leaf_l with j = B.prev leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
 		  len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len} in
       Leaf leaf
     end else
@@ -705,27 +714,30 @@ module Text' = struct
   let new_block_uchar u = 
     let s = B.create leaf_size in
-    let i = B.write s (B.first s) u in
-    let b = {s = s; unused = i} in
-    Leaf {b = b; i = (B.first s); j = i; len = 1}
+    let k = B.write s (B.first s) u in
+    let b = {s = s; unused = k} in
+    Leaf {b = b; i = (B.first s); j = (B.first s); len = 1}
+  let is_full leaf =
+    B.compare_index leaf.b.s 
+      ( leaf.b.s leaf.j)
+      (B.end_pos leaf.b.s) >= 0
   let leaf_append_uchar leaf u =
-    if is_full_tail leaf then begin
-      let k = B.write leaf.b.s leaf.j u in
-      if B.equal_index leaf.b.s k leaf.j then
-	make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
-      else begin
-	leaf.b.unused <- k;
-	let leaf = {leaf with j = k; len = leaf.len + 1} in
-	Leaf leaf
-      end
-    end else
+    if is_full leaf then
+      make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u) 
+    else if is_full_tail leaf then
+      let k = B.write leaf.b.s leaf.b.unused u in
+      let leaf = {leaf with j = leaf.b.unused; len = leaf.len + 1} in
+      leaf.b.unused <- k;
+      Leaf leaf
+    else
       make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
   let leaf_of_uchar u = 
     let s = B.of_string_unsafe (UTF8.make 1 u) in
     let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
-    {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = 1}
+    {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.first b.s; len = 1}
   let of_uchar u = Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u)
@@ -745,14 +757,15 @@ module Text' = struct
     if len < 0 then failwith "Text.init: The length is minus" else
     let s = B.init len f in
     let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
-    Leaf {b = b; i = B.first s; j = B.end_pos s; len = len}
+    Leaf {b = b; i = B.first s; j = B.prev s (B.end_pos s); len = len}
   let of_string s =
     match B.of_string s with
       None -> None
     | Some s ->
 	let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
-	Some (Leaf {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = B.length s})
+	Some (Leaf {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.prev s (B.end_pos s);
+		    len = B.length s})
   let of_string_exn s = 
     match of_string s with
@@ -764,7 +777,9 @@ module Text' = struct
       None -> None
     | Some s ->
 	let b = {s = s; unused = B.end_pos s} in
-	Some (Leaf {b = b; i = B.first b.s; j = B.end_pos b.s; len = B.length s})
+	Some (Leaf {b = b; i = B.first b.s; 
+		    j = B.move_by_bytes b.s (B.end_pos b.s) (-1); 
+		    len = B.length s})
   let of_ascii_exn s = 
     match of_string s with
@@ -806,7 +821,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let empty_leaf = 
     let base = {s = B.empty; unused = B.end_pos B.empty} in
-    {b = base; i = B.first B.empty; j = B.end_pos B.empty; len = 0} 
+    {b = base; i = B.first B.empty; j = B.prev B.empty (B.first B.empty); len = 0} 
   let rec first_leaf_sub path = function
       Empty -> (Top, empty_leaf)
@@ -830,7 +845,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let last t =
     let p, leaf = end_leaf t in
-    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = B.prev leaf.b.s leaf.j}
+    {path = p; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.j}
   let rec nth_aux p t n =
     match t with
@@ -873,7 +888,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let next it =
     let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
-    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j) then 
+    if not (B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0) then 
       Some {it with index = i} 
     else match next_leaf it.path with 
       None -> None
@@ -882,7 +897,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let next_exn it =
     let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
-    if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j) then 
+    if not (B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0) then 
       {it with index = i} 
     else match next_leaf it.path with 
       None -> invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
@@ -903,7 +918,7 @@ module Text' = struct
     else match prev_leaf it.path with 
       None -> None
     | Some (path, leaf) -> 
-	Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = B.prev leaf.b.s leaf.j}
+	Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.j}
   let prev_exn it =
     if not (B.equal_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.i) then 
@@ -912,7 +927,7 @@ module Text' = struct
     else match prev_leaf it.path with 
       None -> invalid_arg "index out of	bounds"
     | Some (path, leaf) -> 
-	{path = path; leaf = leaf; index = B.prev leaf.b.s leaf.j}
+	{path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.j}
   let rec base_aux path sub =
     match path with
@@ -934,7 +949,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let move_ahead_leaf it n =
     let rec loop i n =
       if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0 then 
-	`Out_of_range ({it with index = it.leaf.j}, n) 
+	`Out_of_range ({it with index = i}, n) 
       else if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
       loop ( it.leaf.b.s i) (n - 1) in
     loop it.index n
@@ -945,9 +960,9 @@ module Text' = struct
     | Leaf leaf -> 
 	let it = 
 	  if it.leaf == leaf then it else
-	  {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i} in
+	  {it with index = leaf.i} in
        	(match move_ahead_leaf it n with
-	  `Success it as ret -> ret
+	  `Success it as ret ->  ret
 	| `Out_of_range (it, n) -> 
 	    (match path with
 	      Top -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
@@ -963,11 +978,16 @@ module Text' = struct
 	  move_ahead (Right (node.left, path)) node.right it (n - node.left_length)
   let move_behind_leaf it n =
-    let rec loop i n =
-      if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.i < 0 then 
-	`Out_of_range ({it with index = it.leaf.i}, n) 
-      else if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
-      loop (B.prev it.leaf.b.s i) (n-1) in
+    if it.leaf.len < n then 
+      let i = B.prev it.leaf.b.s (B.first it.leaf.b.s) in
+      `Out_of_range ({it with index = i}, n - it.leaf.len) 
+    else
+      let rec loop i n =
+	if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
+	if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.i < 0 then 
+	  `Out_of_range ({it with index = i}, n) 
+	else 
+	  loop (B.prev it.leaf.b.s i) (n-1) in
     loop it.index n
   let rec move_behind path sub it n =
@@ -988,10 +1008,10 @@ module Text' = struct
 		let node = make_concat sub t in
 		move_behind p node it n))
     | Concat node ->
-	if node.right_length >= n then 
+	if node.right_length > n then 
 	  move_behind (Right (node.left, path)) node.right it n
-	  move_ahead (Right (node.right, path)) node.left it (n - node.left_length)
+	  move_behind (Right (node.right, path)) node.left it (n - node.right_length)
   let move it n =
     if n > 0 then move_ahead it.path (Leaf it.leaf) it n else
@@ -1017,7 +1037,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let delete_left it =
     let p, _ = delete_left_pos it.path (Leaf it.leaf) in
     let leaf = {it.leaf with i = it.index; 
-		len = B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j} in
+		len = 1 + B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j} in
     let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
     let b = base it in
     first b
@@ -1031,7 +1051,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let delete_right it =
     let p, _ = delete_right_pos it.path (Leaf it.leaf) in
     let leaf = {it.leaf with j = it.index; 
-		len = B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index} in
+		len = 1 + B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index} in
     let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
     let b = base it in
     last b
@@ -1061,7 +1081,7 @@ module Text' = struct
   let fold_leaf leaf a f =
     let rec loop a i =
-      if B.compare_index leaf.b.s i leaf.j >= 0 then a else
+      if B.compare_index leaf.b.s i leaf.j > 0 then a else
       let a' = f a ( leaf.b.s i) in
       loop a' ( leaf.b.s i) in
     loop a leaf.i

From e9a8494c275e29d8d41cf6df5046275dd1398b07 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2014 04:47:02 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 12/22] New Interface

 src/  | 1083 ++++------------------------------------------
 src/uCoreLib.mli |  633 +--------------------------
 test/     |  Bin 31094 -> 26661 bytes
 3 files changed, 106 insertions(+), 1610 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 3f2bde5..f1a48d7 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-(** ucorelib : a feather weight Unicode library for OCaml *)
+(** ucorelib : core Unicode library for OCaml *)
-(* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 Yamagata Yoriyuki. *)
+(* Copyright (C) 2011, 2013, 2014 Yamagata Yoriyuki. *)
 (* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *)
 (* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License *)
@@ -34,7 +34,6 @@
 (* You can contact the authour by sending email to *)
 (* *)
 (** Unicode (ISO-UCS) characters.
    This module implements Unicode characters.
@@ -506,7 +505,7 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
-module Text' = struct
+module Text = struct
  * Rope: Rope: an implementation of the data structure described in
@@ -946,88 +945,6 @@ module Text' = struct
   let pos it = pos_path it.path + B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index 
-  let move_ahead_leaf it n =
-    let rec loop i n =
-      if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0 then 
-	`Out_of_range ({it with index = i}, n) 
-      else if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
-      loop ( it.leaf.b.s i) (n - 1) in
-    loop it.index n
-  let rec move_ahead path sub it n =
-    match sub with
-      Empty -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
-    | Leaf leaf -> 
-	let it = 
-	  if it.leaf == leaf then it else
-	  {it with index = leaf.i} in
-       	(match move_ahead_leaf it n with
-	  `Success it as ret ->  ret
-	| `Out_of_range (it, n) -> 
-	    (match path with
-	      Top -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
-	    | Left (p, t) ->
-		move_ahead (Right (sub, p)) t it n
-	    | Right (t, p) ->
-		let node = make_concat t sub in
-		move_ahead p node it n))
-    | Concat node ->
-	if node.left_length >= n then 
-	  move_ahead (Left (path, node.right)) node.left it n
-	else
-	  move_ahead (Right (node.left, path)) node.right it (n - node.left_length)
-  let move_behind_leaf it n =
-    if it.leaf.len < n then 
-      let i = B.prev it.leaf.b.s (B.first it.leaf.b.s) in
-      `Out_of_range ({it with index = i}, n - it.leaf.len) 
-    else
-      let rec loop i n =
-	if n <= 0 then `Success {it with index = i} else 
-	if B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.i < 0 then 
-	  `Out_of_range ({it with index = i}, n) 
-	else 
-	  loop (B.prev it.leaf.b.s i) (n-1) in
-    loop it.index n
-  let rec move_behind path sub it n =
-    match sub with
-      Empty -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
-    | Leaf leaf -> 
-	let it = 
-	  if it.leaf == leaf then it else
-	  {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.j} in
-       	(match move_behind_leaf it n with
-	  `Success it as ret -> ret
-	| `Out_of_range (it, n) -> 
-	    (match path with
-	      Top -> `Out_of_range (it, n)
-	    | Right (t, p) ->
-		move_behind (Left (p, sub)) t it n
-	    | Left (p, t) ->
-		let node = make_concat sub t in
-		move_behind p node it n))
-    | Concat node ->
-	if node.right_length > n then 
-	  move_behind (Right (node.left, path)) node.right it n
-	else
-	  move_behind (Right (node.right, path)) node.left it (n - node.right_length)
-  let move it n =
-    if n > 0 then move_ahead it.path (Leaf it.leaf) it n else
-    if n < 0 then move_behind it.path (Leaf it.leaf) it (-n) else
-    `Success it 
-  let move_exn it n =
-    match move it n with
-      `Success it -> it
-    | `Out_of_range _ -> invalid_arg "number out of bounds"
-  let move_as_possible it n =
-    match move it n with
-      `Success it -> it
-    | `Out_of_range (it, n) -> it
   let rec delete_left_pos path sub =
     match path with
       Top -> (path, sub)
@@ -1039,8 +956,7 @@ module Text' = struct
     let leaf = {it.leaf with i = it.index; 
 		len = 1 + B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j} in
     let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
-    let b = base it in
-    first b
+    base it
   let rec delete_right_pos path sub =
     match path with
@@ -1053,29 +969,49 @@ module Text' = struct
     let leaf = {it.leaf with j = it.index; 
 		len = 1 + B.distance it.leaf.b.s it.leaf.i it.index} in
     let it = {it with path = p; leaf = leaf} in
-    let b = base it in
-    last b
-  let sub it len =
-    let it = delete_left it in
-    match move it len with
-      `Out_of_range _ -> None
-    | `Success it ->
-	Some (delete_right it)
-  let sub_exn it len =
-    match sub it len with
+    base it
+  let sub t ~pos ~len =
+    match nth t pos with
+      None -> None
+    | Some it ->
+	let s = delete_left it in
+	match nth s len with
+	  None -> None
+	| Some it ->
+	    Some (delete_right it)
+  let sub_exn t ~pos ~len =
+    match sub t ~pos ~len with
       None -> invalid_arg "iterator out of bound"
-    | Some it -> it
+    | Some t -> t
-  let insert it text =
-    let n = pos it in
-    let left = base (delete_right it) in 
-    let right = base (delete_left it) in
-    let base = (append (append left text) right) in
-    match nth base n with 
-      None -> assert false
-    | Some it -> it 
+  let insert t pos text =
+    match nth t pos with
+      None -> None
+    | Some it ->
+	let left = delete_right it in 
+	let right = delete_left it in
+	Some (append (append left text) right)
+  let insert_exn t pos text =
+    match insert t pos text with
+      None -> invalid_arg "index out of bound"
+    | Some t -> t
+  let delete t ~pos ~len =
+    match nth t pos, nth t (pos + len -1) with
+      None, _ | _, None -> None
+    | Some it1, Some it2 ->
+	let left = delete_right it1 in 
+	let right = delete_left it2 in
+	Some (append left right)
+  let delete_exn t ~pos ~len =
+    match delete t ~pos ~len with
+      None -> invalid_arg "index out of bound"
+    | Some t -> t
   let value it = it.leaf.b.s it.index
@@ -1094,6 +1030,10 @@ module Text' = struct
 	let a' = fold node.left a f in
 	fold node.right a' f
+  let iter t f =
+    let g () u = f u in
+    fold t () g
   let rec compare_iterator it1 it2 =
     let u1 = value it1 in
     let u2 = value it2 in
@@ -1119,6 +1059,8 @@ module Text' = struct
     let b = Buffer.create 0 in
     string_of_aux b t;
     Buffer.contents b
+  let to_string = string_of
@@ -1150,864 +1092,9 @@ end
  * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
-module Text = struct 
-  (**Low-level optimization*)
-  let int_max (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then y else x
-  let int_min (x:int) (y:int) = if x < y then x else y
-  let splice s1 off len s2 =
-    let len1 = String.length s1 and len2 = String.length s2           in
-    let off  = if off < 0 then len1 + off - 1 else off  in
-    let len  = int_min (len1 - off) len                 in
-    let out_len = len1 - len + len2                     in
-    let s = String.create out_len in
-    String.blit s1 0 s 0 off; (* s1 before splice point *)
-    String.blit s2 0 s off len2; (* s2 at splice point *)
-    String.blit s1 (off+len) s (off+len2) (len1 - (off+len)); (* s1 after off+len *)
-    s
-  exception Invalid_rope
-  type t =
-      Empty                             (**An empty rope*)
-    | Concat of t * int * t * int * int (**[Concat l ls r rs h] is the concatenation of
-                                           ropes [l] and [r], where [ls] is the total 
-  					   length of [l], [rs] is the length of [r]
-  					   and [h] is the height of the node in the
-  					   tree, used for rebalancing. *)
-    | Leaf of int * UTF8.t              (**[Leaf l t] is string [t] with length [l],
-  					   measured in number of Unicode characters.*)
-  type forest_element = { mutable c : t; mutable len : int }
-  let str_append = (^)
-  let empty_str = ""
-  let string_of_string_list l = String.concat empty_str l
-      (* 48 limits max rope size to 220GB on 64 bit,
-       * ~ 700MB on 32bit (length fields overflow after that) *)
-  let max_height = 48
-      (* actual size will be that plus 1 word header;
-       * the code assumes it's an even num.
-       * 256 gives up to a 50% overhead in the worst case (all leaf nodes near
-       * half-filled *)
-  let leaf_size = 256 (* utf-8 characters, not bytes *)
-      (* =end *)
-      (* =begin code *)
-  exception Out_of_bounds
-  let empty = Empty
-      (* by construction, there cannot be Empty or Leaf "" leaves *)
-  let is_empty = function Empty -> true | _ -> false
-  let height = function
-      Empty | Leaf _ -> 0
-    | Concat(_,_,_,_,h) -> h
-  let length = function
-      Empty -> 0
-    | Leaf (l,_) -> l
-    | Concat(_,cl,_,cr,_) -> cl + cr
-  let make_concat l r =
-    let hl = height l and hr = height r in
-    let cl = length l and cr = length r in
-    Concat(l, cl, r, cr, if hl >= hr then hl + 1 else hr + 1)
-  let min_len =
-    let fib_tbl = Array.make max_height 0 in
-    let rec fib n = match fib_tbl.(n) with
-      0 ->
-        let last = fib (n - 1) and prev = fib (n - 2) in
-        let r = last + prev in
-        let r = if r > last then r else last in (* check overflow *)
-        fib_tbl.(n) <- r; r
-    | n -> n
-    in
-    fib_tbl.(0) <- leaf_size + 1; fib_tbl.(1) <- 3 * leaf_size / 2 + 1;
-    Array.init max_height (fun i -> if i = 0 then 1 else fib (i - 1))
-  let max_length = min_len.(Array.length min_len - 1)
-  let concat_fast l r = match l with
-    Empty -> r
-  | Leaf _ | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) ->
-      match r with
-        Empty -> l
-      | Leaf _ | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> make_concat l r
-	    (* based on Hans-J. Boehm's *)
-  let add_forest forest rope len =
-    let i = ref 0 in
-    let sum = ref empty in
-    while len > min_len.(!i+1) do
-      if forest.(!i).c <> Empty then begin
-        sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
-        forest.(!i).c <- Empty
-      end;
-      incr i
-    done;
-    sum := concat_fast !sum rope;
-    let sum_len = ref (length !sum) in
-    while !sum_len >= min_len.(!i) do
-      if forest.(!i).c <> Empty then begin
-        sum := concat_fast forest.(!i).c !sum;
-        sum_len := !sum_len + forest.(!i).len;
-        forest.(!i).c <- Empty;
-      end;
-      incr i
-    done;
-    decr i;
-    forest.(!i).c <- !sum;
-    forest.(!i).len <- !sum_len
-  let concat_forest forest =
-    Array.fold_left (fun s x -> concat_fast x.c s) Empty forest
-  let rec balance_insert rope len forest = match rope with
-    Empty -> ()
-  | Leaf _ -> add_forest forest rope len
-  | Concat(l,cl,r,cr,h) when h >= max_height || len < min_len.(h) ->
-      balance_insert l cl forest;
-      balance_insert r cr forest
-  | x -> add_forest forest x len (* function or balanced *)
-  let balance r =
-    match r with
-      Empty | Leaf _ -> r
-    | _ ->
-        let forest = Array.init max_height (fun _ -> {c = Empty; len = 0}) in
-        balance_insert r (length r) forest;
-        concat_forest forest
-  let bal_if_needed l r =
-    let r = make_concat l r in
-    if height r < max_height then r else balance r
-  let concat_str l = function
-      Empty | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> invalid_arg "concat_str"
-    | Leaf (lenr, rs) as r ->
-        match l with
-        | Empty -> r
-        | Leaf (lenl, ls) ->
-            let slen = lenr + lenl in
-            if slen <= leaf_size then Leaf ((lenl+lenr),(str_append ls rs))
-            else make_concat l r (* height = 1 *)
-        | Concat(ll, cll, Leaf (lenlr ,lrs), clr, h) ->
-            let slen = clr + lenr in
-            if clr + lenr <= leaf_size then
-              Concat(ll, cll, Leaf ((lenlr + lenr),(str_append lrs rs)), slen, h)
-            else
-              bal_if_needed l r
-        | _ -> bal_if_needed l r
-  let append_char c r = concat_str r (Leaf (1, (UTF8.make 1 c)))
-  let append l = function
-      Empty -> l
-    | Leaf _ as r -> concat_str l r
-    | Concat(Leaf (lenrl,rls),rlc,rr,rc,h) as r ->
-        (match l with
-          Empty -> r
-        | Concat(_,_,_,_,_) -> bal_if_needed l r
-        | Leaf (lenl, ls) ->
-            let slen = rlc + lenl in
-            if slen <= leaf_size then
-              Concat(Leaf((lenrl+lenl),(str_append ls rls)), slen, rr, rc, h)
-            else
-              bal_if_needed l r)
-    | r -> (match l with Empty -> r | _ -> bal_if_needed l r)
-  let ( ^^^ ) = append
-  let prepend_char c r = append (Leaf (1,(UTF8.make 1 c))) r
-  let get r i = 
-    let rec aux i = function
-	Empty -> raise Out_of_bounds
-      | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-          if i >= 0 && i < lens then UTF8.get s i
-          else raise Out_of_bounds
-      | Concat (l, cl, r, cr, _) ->
-          if i < cl then aux i l
-          else aux (i - cl) r
-    in aux i r
-  let copy_set us cpos c =
-    let ipos = UTF8.ByteIndex.of_char_idx us cpos in 
-    let jpos = us ipos in
-    let i = UTF8.ByteIndex.to_int ipos
-    and j = UTF8.ByteIndex.to_int jpos in
-    splice us i (j-i) (UTF8.of_char c)
-  let set r i v = 
-    let rec aux i = function
-        Empty -> raise Out_of_bounds
-      | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-  	  if i >= 0 && i < lens then
-  	    let s = copy_set s i v in
-            Leaf (lens, s)
-  	  else raise Out_of_bounds
-      | Concat(l, cl, r, cr, _) ->
-  	  if i < cl then append (aux i l) r
-  	  else append l (aux (i - cl) r)
-    in aux i r
-  module Iter =
-    struct
-      (* Iterators are used for iterating efficiently over multiple ropes
-	 at the same time *)
-      type iterator = {
-	  mutable leaf : UTF8.t;
-	  (* Current leaf in which the iterator is *)
-	  mutable idx : UTF8.ByteIndex.b_idx;
-	  (* Current byte position of the iterator *)
-	  mutable rest : t list;
-	  (* Ropes not yet visited *)
-	}
-      type t = iterator option
-	    (* Initial iterator state: *)
-      let make rope = { leaf = UTF8.empty;
-			idx = UTF8.ByteIndex.first;
-			rest = if rope = Empty then [] else [rope] }
-      let rec next_leaf = function
-	| Empty :: l ->
-            next_leaf l
-	| Leaf(len, str) :: l ->
-            Some(str, l)
-	| Concat(left, left_len, right, right_len, height) :: l ->
-            next_leaf (left :: right :: l)
-	| [] ->
-            None
-	      (* Advance the iterator to the next position, and return current
-		 character: *)
-      let rec next iter =
-	if UTF8.ByteIndex.at_end iter.leaf iter.idx then
-          (* We are at the end of the current leaf, find another one: *)
-          match next_leaf with
-          | None ->
-              None
-          | Some(leaf, rest) ->
-	      if leaf = "" then None else begin
-		iter.leaf <- leaf;
-		iter.idx <- leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first;
- <- rest;
-		Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first)
-	      end
-	else begin
-          (* Just advance in the current leaf: *)
-          let ch = UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx in
-          iter.idx <- iter.leaf iter.idx;
-          Some ch
-	end
-	    (* Same thing but map leafs: *)
-      let rec next_map f iter =
-	if UTF8.ByteIndex.at_end iter.leaf iter.idx then
-          match next_leaf with
-          | None ->
-              None
-          | Some(leaf, rest) ->
-              let leaf = f leaf in
-              iter.leaf <- leaf;
-              iter.idx <- leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first;
-     <- rest;
-              Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look leaf UTF8.ByteIndex.first)
-	else begin
-          let ch = UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx in
-          iter.idx <- iter.leaf iter.idx;
-          Some ch
-	end
-	    (* Same thing but in reverse order: *)
-      let rec prev_leaf = function
-	| Empty :: l ->
-            prev_leaf l
-	| Leaf(len, str) :: l ->
-            Some(str, l)
-	| Concat(left, left_len, right, right_len, height) :: l ->
-            prev_leaf (right :: left :: l)
-	| [] ->
-            None
-      let prev iter =
-	if iter.idx = UTF8.ByteIndex.first then
-          match prev_leaf with
-          | None ->
-              None
-          | Some(leaf, rest) ->
-              iter.leaf <- leaf;
-              iter.idx <- UTF8.ByteIndex.last leaf;
-     <- rest;
-              Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look leaf iter.idx)
-	else begin
-          iter.idx <- UTF8.ByteIndex.prev iter.leaf iter.idx;
-          Some(UTF8.ByteIndex.look iter.leaf iter.idx)
-	end
-    end
-      (* Can be improved? *)
-  let compare a b =
-    let ia = Iter.make a and ib = Iter.make b in
-    let rec loop _ =
-      match ia, ib with
-      | None, None -> 0
-      | None, _ -> -1
-      | _, None -> 1
-      | Some ca, Some cb ->
-          match ca cb with
-          | 0 -> loop ()
-          | n -> n
-    in
-    loop ()
-let of_ustring ustr =
-  (* We need fast access to raw bytes: *)
-  let bytes = UTF8.to_string_unsafe ustr in
-  let byte_length = String.length bytes in
-  (* - [rope] is the accumulator
-     - [start_byte_idx] is the byte position of the current slice
-     - [current_byte_idx] is the current byte position
-     - [slice_size] is the number of unicode characters contained
-     between [start_byte_idx] and [current_byte_idx] *)
-  let rec loop rope start_byte_idx current_byte_idx slice_size =
-    if current_byte_idx = byte_length then begin
-      if slice_size = 0 then
-        rope
-      else
-        add_slice rope start_byte_idx current_byte_idx slice_size
-    end else begin
-      let next_byte_idx = ustr current_byte_idx in
-      if slice_size = leaf_size then
-        (* We have enough unicode characters for this slice, extract
-           it and add a leaf to the rope: *)
-        loop (add_slice rope start_byte_idx current_byte_idx slice_size)
-          next_byte_idx next_byte_idx 0
-      else
-        loop rope start_byte_idx next_byte_idx (slice_size + 1)
-    end
-  and add_slice rope start_byte_idx end_byte_idx slice_size =
-    append rope (Leaf(slice_size,
-                      (* This is correct, we are just extracting a
-                         sequence of well-formed UTF-8 encoded unicode
-                         characters: *)
-                      UTF8.of_string_unsafe
-                        (String.sub bytes start_byte_idx (end_byte_idx - start_byte_idx))))
-  in
-  loop Empty 0 0 0
-  let of_string s =
-    (* Validate + unsafe to avoid an extra copy (it is OK because
-       of_ustring do not reuse its argument in the resulting rope): *)
-    UTF8.validate s;
-    of_ustring (UTF8.of_string_unsafe s)
-  let append_us r us = append r (of_ustring us)
-  let rec make len c =
-    let rec concatloop len i r =
-      if i <= len then
-        (*TODO: test for sharing among substrings *)
-        concatloop len (i * 2) (append r r)
-      else r
-    in
-      if len = 0 then Empty
-      else if len <= leaf_size then Leaf (len, (UTF8.make len c))
-      else
-        let rope = concatloop len 2 (of_ustring (UTF8.make 1 c)) in
-          append rope (make (len - length rope) c)
-  let of_uchar c = make 1 c
-  let of_char c = of_uchar (UChar.of_char c)
-  let sub r start len = 
-    let rec aux start len = function
-      Empty -> if start <> 0 || len <> 0 then raise Out_of_bounds else Empty
-    | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-        if len < 0 || start < 0 || start + len > lens then
-          raise Out_of_bounds
-        else if len > 0 then (* Leaf "" cannot happen *)
-          (try Leaf (len, (UTF8.sub s start len)) with _ -> raise Out_of_bounds)
-        else Empty
-    | Concat(l,cl,r,cr,_) ->
-        if start < 0 || len < 0 || start + len > cl + cr then raise Out_of_bounds;
-        let left =
-          if start = 0 then
-            if len >= cl then
-              l
-            else aux 0 len l
-          else if start > cl then Empty
-          else if start + len >= cl then
-            aux start (cl - start) l
-          else aux start len l in
-        let right =
-          if start <= cl then
-            let upto = start + len in
-              if upto = cl + cr then r
-              else if upto < cl then Empty
-              else aux 0 (upto - cl) r
-          else aux (start - cl) len r
-        in
-          append left right
-    in aux start len r
-  let insert start rope r =
-    append (append (sub r 0 start) rope) (sub r start (length r - start))
-  let remove start len r =
-    append (sub r 0 start) (sub r (start + len) (length r - start - len))
-  let to_ustring r =
-    let rec strings l = function
-        Empty -> l
-      | Leaf (_,s) -> s :: l
-      | Concat(left,_,right,_,_) -> strings (strings l right) left
-    in
-      string_of_string_list (strings [] r)
-  let rec bulk_iter f = function
-      Empty -> ()
-    | Leaf (_,s) -> f s
-    | Concat(l,_,r,_,_) -> bulk_iter f l; bulk_iter f r
-  let rec bulk_iteri ?(base=0) f = function
-      Empty -> ()
-    | Leaf (_,s) -> f base s
-    | Concat(l,cl,r,_,_) -> 
-        bulk_iteri ~base f l; 
-        bulk_iteri ~base:(base+cl) f r
-  let rec iter f = function
-      Empty -> ()
-    | Leaf (_,s) -> UTF8.iter f s
-    | Concat(l,_,r,_,_) -> iter f l; iter f r
-  let rec iteri ?(base=0) f = function
-      Empty -> ()
-    | Leaf (_,s) ->
-	UTF8.iteri (fun j c -> f (base + j) c) s
-    | Concat(l,cl,r,_,_) -> iteri ~base f l; iteri ~base:(base + cl) f r
-  let rec bulk_iteri_backwards ~top f = function
-      Empty -> ()
-    | Leaf (lens,s) -> f (top-lens) s (* gives f the base position, not the top *)
-    | Concat(l,_,r,cr,_) -> 
-        bulk_iteri_backwards ~top f r;
-        bulk_iteri_backwards ~top:(top-cr) f l
-  let rec range_iter f start len = function
-      Empty -> if start <> 0 || len <> 0 then raise Out_of_bounds
-    | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-        let n = start + len in
-        if start >= 0 && len >= 0 && n <= lens then
-    for i = start to n - 1 do
-            f (UTF8.look s (UTF8.nth s i)) (*TODO: use enum to iterate efficiently*)
-          done
-        else raise Out_of_bounds
-    | Concat(l,cl,r,cr,_) ->
-        if start < 0 || len < 0 || start + len > cl + cr then raise Out_of_bounds;
-        if start < cl then begin
-          let upto = start + len in
-            if upto <= cl then
-              range_iter f start len l
-            else begin
-              range_iter f start (cl - start) l;
-              range_iter f 0 (upto - cl) r
-            end
-        end else begin
-          range_iter f (start - cl) len r
-        end
-  let rec range_iteri f ?(base = 0) start len = function
-      Empty -> if start <> 0 || len <> 0 then raise Out_of_bounds
-    | Leaf (lens, s) ->
-        let n = start + len in
-        if start >= 0 && len >= 0 && n <= lens then
-  	for i = start to n - 1 do
-            f (base+i) (UTF8.look s (UTF8.nth s i))
-  	    (*TODO: use enum to iterate efficiently*)
-          done
-        else raise Out_of_bounds
-    | Concat(l,cl,r,cr,_) ->
-        if start < 0 || len < 0 || start + len > cl + cr then raise Out_of_bounds;
-        if start < cl then begin
-          let upto = start + len in
-            if upto <= cl then
-              range_iteri f ~base start len l
-            else begin
-              range_iteri f ~base start (cl - start) l;
-              range_iteri f ~base:(base + cl - start) 0 (upto - cl) r
-            end
-        end else begin
-          range_iteri f ~base (start - cl) len r
-        end
-  let rec fold f a = function
-      Empty -> a
-    | Leaf (_,s) ->
-        UTF8.fold (fun a c -> f a c) a s
-    | Concat(l,_,r,_,_) -> fold f (fold f a l) r
-  let rec bulk_fold f a = function
-    | Empty                  -> a
-    | Leaf   (_, s)          -> f a s
-    | Concat (l, _, r, _, _) -> bulk_fold f (bulk_fold f a l) r
-  let to_string t =
-    (* We use unsafe version to avoid the copy of the non-reachable
-       temporary string: *)
-    UTF8.to_string_unsafe (to_ustring t)
-  let init len f = Leaf (len, UTF8.init len f)
-  let of_string_unsafe s = of_ustring (UTF8.of_string_unsafe s)
-  let of_int i = of_string_unsafe (string_of_int i)
-  let of_float f = of_string_unsafe (string_of_float f)
-  let to_int r = int_of_string (UTF8.to_string_unsafe (to_ustring r))
-  let to_float r = float_of_string (UTF8.to_string_unsafe (to_ustring r))
-  let bulk_map f r = bulk_fold (fun acc s -> append_us acc (f s)) Empty r
-  let map f r = bulk_map (fun s -> f s) r
-  let bulk_filter_map f r = bulk_fold (fun acc s -> match f s with None -> acc | Some r -> append_us acc r) Empty r
-  let filter_map f r = bulk_map (UTF8.filter_map f) r
-  let filter f r = bulk_map (UTF8.filter f) r
-  let left r len  = sub r 0 len
-  let right r len = let rlen = length r in sub r (rlen - len) len
-  let head = left
-  let tail r pos = sub r pos (length r - pos)
-  let index r u =
-    let i = Iter.make r in
-    let rec loop n =
-      match i with
-        | None  -> raise Not_found
-        | Some u' ->
-            if UChar.eq u u' then n else
-	    loop (n + 1)
-    in
-    loop 0
-  module Return : sig type 'a t
-    (** A label which may be used to return values of type ['a]*)
-    val label : ('a t -> 'a) -> 'a
-    (** [label f] creates a new label [x] and invokes
-        [f x]. If, during the execution of [f], [return x v]
-        is invoked, the execution of [f x] stops
-        immediately and [label f] returns [v].
-        Otherwise, if [f x] terminates normally and
-        returns [y], [label f] returns [y].
-        Calling [return x v] from outside scope [f]
-        is a run-time error and causes termination
-        of the program.*)
-    val with_label  : ('a t -> 'a) -> 'a
-      (**as [label]*)
-    val return : 'a t -> 'a -> _
-    (** Return to a label. [return l v] returns
-        to the point where label [l] was obtained
-        and produces value [l].
-        Calling [return l v] from outside the scope
-        of [l] (i.e. the call to function [label]
-        which produced [l]) is a run-time error
-        and causes termination of the program.*)
-end = struct 
-    type 'a t = 'a option ref
-    exception Return
-    let return label value =
-      label := Some value;
-      raise Return (*(Obj.repr label)*)
-    let label f =
-      let r = ref None in
-      try   f r
-      with  Return when !r <> None -> (*[!r = None] may happen if the user has let the exception escape its scope *)
-	match !r with                (*in that case, we wish the exception to fall-through for debugging purposes*)
-	| None   -> assert false (*Should be impossible*)
-	| Some x -> 
-	    r := None;             (*Reset the trap for sanity checks should another exception escape scope    *)
-	    x                      (*(not that this should be possible in that case -- let's just be careful)  *)
-    let with_label = label
-  end
-  let index_from r base item = 
-    Return.with_label (fun label ->
-  	        let index_aux i c = 
-  	          if c = item then Return.return label i
-  	        in
-  	        range_iteri index_aux ~base base (length r - base) r;
-  	        raise Not_found)
-  let rindex r char = 
-    Return.with_label (fun label ->
-  	        let index_aux i us =
-  	          try 
-  	            let p = UTF8.rindex us char in
-  	            Return.return label (p+i)
-  	          with Not_found -> ()
-  	        in
-  	        bulk_iteri_backwards ~top:(length r) index_aux r;
-  	        raise Not_found)
-  let rindex_from r start char = 
-    let rsub = left r start in
-    (rindex rsub char)
-  let contains r char = 
-    Return.with_label (fun label ->
-  	        let contains_aux us =
-  	          if UTF8.contains us char then Return.return label true
-  	        in
-  	        bulk_iter contains_aux r;
-  	        false)
-  let contains_from r start char = 
-    Return.with_label (fun label ->
-  	        let contains_aux c = if c = char then Return.return label true in
-  	        range_iter contains_aux start (length r - start) r;
-  	        false)
-  let rcontains_from = contains_from
-  let equals r1 r2 = compare r1 r2 = 0
-  let starts_with r prefix =
-    let ir = Iter.make r and iprefix = Iter.make prefix in
-    let rec loop _ =
-      match iprefix with
-        | None -> true
-        | Some ch1 ->
-            match ir with
-              | None -> false
-              | Some ch2 -> ch1 ch2 = 0 && loop ()
-    in
-    loop ()
-  let ends_with r suffix =
-    let ir = Iter.make r and isuffix = Iter.make suffix in
-    let rec loop _ =
-      match Iter.prev isuffix with
-        | None -> true
-        | Some ch1 ->
-            match Iter.prev ir with
-              | None -> false
-              | Some ch2 -> ch1 ch2 = 0 && loop ()
-    in
-    loop ()
-  (** find [r2] within [r1] or raises Not_found *)
-  let find_from r1 ofs r2 =
-    let matchlen = length r2 in
-    let r2_string = to_ustring r2 in
-    let check_at pos = r2_string = (to_ustring (sub r1 pos matchlen)) in 
-    (* TODO: inefficient *)
-    Return.with_label (fun label -> 
-  	   for i = ofs to length r1 - matchlen do
-  	     if check_at i then Return.return label i
-  	   done;
-  	   raise Not_found)
-  let find r1 r2 = find_from r1 0 r2
-  let rfind_from r1 suf r2 =
-    let matchlen = length r2 in
-    let r2_string = to_ustring r2 in
-    let check_at pos = r2_string = (to_ustring (sub r1 pos matchlen)) in 
-    (* TODO: inefficient *)
-    Return.with_label (fun label -> 
-  	   for i = suf - (length r1 + 1 ) downto 0 do
-  	     if check_at i then Return.return label i
-  	   done;
-  	   raise Not_found)
-  let rfind r1 r2 = rfind_from r1 (length r2 - 1) r2
-  let exists r_str r_sub = try ignore(find r_str r_sub); true with Not_found -> false
-  let strip_default_chars = UChar.of_char [' ';'\t';'\r';'\n']
-  let strip ?(chars=strip_default_chars) rope =
-    let rec strip_left n iter =
-      match iter with
-        | None ->
-            Empty
-        | Some ch when List.mem ch chars ->
-            strip_left (n + 1) iter
-        | _ ->
-            sub rope n (strip_right (length rope - n) (Iter.make rope))
-    and strip_right n iter =
-      match Iter.prev iter with
-        | None ->
-            assert false
-        | Some ch when List.mem ch chars ->
-            strip_right (n - 1) iter
-        | _ ->
-            n
-    in
-    strip_left 0 (Iter.make rope)
-  let lchop = function
-    | Empty -> Empty
-    | str -> sub str 1 (length str - 1)
-  let rchop = function
-    | Empty -> Empty
-    | str -> sub str 0 (length str - 1)
-let of_list l =
-  let e = ref l in
-  let get_leaf () =
-    Return.label
-      (fun label ->
-	 let b = Buffer.create 256 in
-	 for i = 1 to 256 do
-	   match !e with
-	       []   -> Return.return label (false, UTF8.of_string_unsafe (Buffer.contents b))
-	     | c :: rest  -> Buffer.add_string b (UTF8.to_string_unsafe (UTF8.of_char c)); e := rest
-	 done;
-	 (true, UTF8.of_string_unsafe (Buffer.contents b) ))
-  in
-  let rec loop r = (* concat 256 characters at a time *)
-    match get_leaf () with
-	(true,  us) -> loop     (append r (of_ustring us))
-      | (false, us) -> append r (of_ustring us)
-  in
-  loop Empty
-  let splice r start len new_sub = 
-    let start = if start >= 0 then start else (length r) + start in
-    append (left r start) 
-      (append new_sub (tail r (start+len)))
-  let fill r start len char = 
-    splice r start len (make len char)
-  let blit rsrc offsrc rdst offdst len = 
-    splice rdst offdst len (sub rsrc offsrc len)
-  let list_reduce f = function [] -> invalid_arg "Empty List"
-    | h::t -> List.fold_left f h t
-  let concat sep r_list = 
-    if r_list = [] then empty else
-    list_reduce (fun r1 r2 -> append r1 (append sep r2)) r_list
-  (**T concat
-     concat (of_string "xyz") [] = empty
-  **)
-  let escaped r = bulk_map UTF8.escaped r
-  let replace_chars f r = fold (fun acc s -> append_us acc (f s)) Empty r
-  let split r sep = 
-    let i = find r sep in
-    head r i, tail r (i+length sep)
-  let rsplit (r:t) sep = 
-    let i = rfind r sep in
-    head r i, tail r (i+length sep)
-  (**
-     An implementation of [nsplit] in one pass.
-     This implementation traverses the string backwards, hence building the list
-     of substrings from the end to the beginning, so as to avoid a call to [List.rev].
-  *)
-  let nsplit str sep =
-    if is_empty str then []
-    else let seplen = length sep in
-         let rec aux acc ofs = match 
-  	 try Some(rfind_from str ofs sep)
-  	 with Invalid_rope -> None
-         with Some idx -> 
-  	 (*at this point, [idx] to [idx + seplen] contains the separator, which is useless to us
-  	   on the other hand, [idx + seplen] to [ofs] contains what's just after the separator,
-  	   which is s what we want*)
-  	 let end_of_occurrence = idx + seplen in
-  	   if end_of_occurrence >= ofs then aux acc idx (*We may be at the end of the string*)
-  	   else aux ( sub str end_of_occurrence ( ofs - end_of_occurrence ) :: acc ) idx 
-  	 |  None     -> (sub str 0 ofs)::acc
-         in
-  	 aux [] (length str - 1 )
-  let join = concat
-  let slice ?(first=0) ?(last=max_int) s =
-    let clip _min _max x = int_max _min (int_min _max x) in
-    let i = clip 0 (length s)
-      (if (first<0) then (length s) + first else first)
-    and j = clip 0 (length s)
-      (if (last<0) then (length s) + last else last)
-    in
-      if i>=j || i=length s then
-        Empty
-      else
-        sub s i (j-i)
-  let replace ~str ~sub ~by = 
-    try
-      let i = find str sub in
-        (true, append (slice ~last:i str)  (append by 
-           (slice ~first:(i+(length sub)) str)))
-    with
-        Invalid_rope -> (false, str)
-  let explode r = fold (fun a u -> u :: a) [] r
-  let implode l = of_list l
-  type t_alias = t (* fixes [type t = t] bug below *)
-  let of_latin1 s = of_ustring (UTF8.of_latin1 s)
-  (* =end *)
 (** Aliase for Text.t *)
 type text = Text.t
-type cursor = int
+type cursor = Text.iterator
 module CharEncoding  = struct
@@ -2145,7 +1232,7 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
           | None -> raise Out_of_range
         end in
-        `Success ((), (Text.iter conv text; Buffer.contents b))
+        `Success ((), (Text.iter text conv; Buffer.contents b))
           Out_of_range -> `Error
@@ -2191,7 +1278,7 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
           | None -> raise Out_of_range
         end in
-        `Success ((), (Text.iter conv text; Buffer.contents b))
+        `Success ((), (Text.iter text conv; Buffer.contents b))
           Out_of_range -> `Error
@@ -2241,11 +1328,11 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
       if i >= String.length s then (`Start, text) else
       let n = Char.code s.[i] in
       if n < 0x80 then 
-        decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_char (UChar.chr n) text)
+        decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_uchar text (UChar.chr n))
       else if n >= 0xc2 && n <= 0xf4 then
         decode_second n s (i+1) text
-        decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_char subst_char text) 
+        decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_uchar text subst_char) 
     and decode_second a s i text =
       if i >= String.length s then (`Second a,  text) else
@@ -2254,49 +1341,49 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
       if a >= 0xc2 && a <= 0xdf then
         if (n >= 0x80 && n <= 0xbf) then
           let n = (a - 0xc0) lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
-          decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_char (UChar.chr n) text)
+          decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_uchar text (UChar.chr n))
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
       (* 3-bytes code *)
       else if (a >= 0xe1 && a <= 0xec) || a = 0xee || a = 0xef then
         if (n >= 0x80 && n <= 0xbf) then
           let a = (a - 0xe0) lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
           decode_trail 1 a s (i+1) text
-          decode_start s i   (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i   (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
       else if a = 0xe0 then
         if n >= 0xa0 && n <= 0xbf then
           let a = 0x7f land n in
           decode_trail 1 a s (i+1) text
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
       else if a = 0xed then 
         if n >= 0x80 && n <= 0x9f then
           let a = (a - 0xe0) lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
           decode_trail 1 a s (i+1) text
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
       (* 4-bytes code *) 
       else if a = 0xf0 then
         if n >= 0x90 && n <= 0xbf then
           let a = (a - 0xf0) lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
           decode_trail 2 a s (i+1) text
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
       else if a >= 0xf1 && a <= 0xf3 then
         if n >= 0x80 && n <= 0xbf then
           let a = (a - 0xf0) lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
           decode_trail 2 a s (i+1) text
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
       else if a = 0xf4 then
         if n >= 0x80 && n <= 0x8f then
           let a = (a - 0xf0) lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
           decode_trail 2 a s (i+1) text
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
-          decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+          decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
     and decode_trail count a s i text =
           if i >= String.length s then (`Trail (count, a),  text) else  (* FIX ME *)
@@ -2304,13 +1391,13 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
           if n >= 0x80 && n <= 0xbf then
           let a = a lsl 6 lor (0x7f land n) in
             if count = 1 then
-              decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_char (UChar.chr a) text)
+              decode_start s (i+1) (Text.append_uchar text (UChar.chr a))
             else if count = 2 then
               decode_trail 1 a s (i+1) text
               assert false
-            decode_start s i (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+            decode_start s i (Text.append_uchar text subst_char)
     let decode st s =
       match st with
@@ -2347,7 +1434,7 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
           Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr (n2 lsr 8));
 	  Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr (n2 land 0xff));
 	end in
-      `Success ((), (Text.iter conv text; Buffer.contents b))
+      `Success ((), (Text.iter text conv; Buffer.contents b))
     let terminate () = ""
@@ -2372,19 +1459,19 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	    if n >= 0xD800 && n <= 0xDBFF then
 	      `Surrogate n, text
 	    else if n >= 0xDC00 && n <= 0xDFFF then
-	      `Byte c, Text.append_char subst_char text
+	      `Byte c, Text.append_uchar text subst_char 
-	      `Success, Text.append_char (UChar.of_int n) text 
+	      `Success, Text.append_uchar text (UChar.of_int n)
 	| `Surrogate n -> 
 	    if Char.code c < 0xDC or Char.code c > 0xdf then
-	      `Byte c, Text.append_char subst_char text 
+	      `Byte c, Text.append_uchar text subst_char 
 	      `Surrogate_with_Byte (n, c), text
 	| `Surrogate_with_Byte (n0, c0) ->
 	    let n = Char.code c0 in
 	    let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code c) in
 	    let n1 = 0x10000 + (n0 - 0xD800) lsl 10 lor (n - 0xDC00) in
-	    `Success, Text.append_char (UChar.of_int n1) text in
+	    `Success, Text.append_uchar text (UChar.of_int n1) in
       fold_string conv (state, Text.empty) s
     let terminate = function
@@ -2415,7 +1502,7 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	  Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr (n2 land 0xff));
           Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr (n2 lsr 8));
 	end in
-      `Success ((), (Text.iter conv text; Buffer.contents b))
+      `Success ((), (Text.iter text conv; Buffer.contents b))
     let terminate () = ""
@@ -2446,9 +1533,9 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	    if n >= 0xD800 && n <= 0xDBFF then
 	      `Surrogate n, text
 	    else if n >= 0xDC00 && n <= 0xDFFF then
-	      `Byte c, Text.append_char subst_char text
+	      `Byte c, Text.append_uchar text subst_char 
-	      `Success, Text.append_char (UChar.of_int n) text 
+	      `Success, Text.append_uchar text (UChar.of_int n)
 	| `Surrogate n -> 
 	      `Surrogate_with_Byte (n, c), text
 	| `Surrogate_with_Byte (n0, c0) ->
@@ -2456,9 +1543,9 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	    let n = (n lsl 8) lor (Char.code c0) in
 	    if n >= 0xDC00 && n <= 0xDFFF then
 	      let n1 = 0x10000 + (n0 - 0xD800) lsl 10 lor (n - 0xDC00) in
-	      `Success, Text.append_char (UChar.of_int n1) text
+	      `Success, Text.append_uchar text (UChar.of_int n1) 
-	      `Byte c, Text.append_char subst_char text
+	      `Byte c, Text.append_uchar text subst_char
       fold_string conv (state, Text.empty) s
@@ -2556,7 +1643,7 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((n lsr 16) land 0xff));
 	Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((n lsr 8) land 0xff));
 	Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr (n land 0xff)) in
-      `Success ((), (Text.iter conv text; Buffer.contents b))
+      `Success ((), (Text.iter text conv; Buffer.contents b))
     let terminate () = ""
@@ -2571,19 +1658,19 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
       let conv ((n, i), text) c =
 	if i = 0 then
 	  if Char.code c > 0 then
-	    (0, 0), Text.append_char subst_char text
+	    (0, 0), Text.append_uchar text subst_char
 	    (0, 1), text
 	else if i = 1 then
 	  if Char.code c > 0x10 then
-	    (0, 0), Text.append_char subst_char (Text.append_char subst_char text)
+	    (0, 0), Text.append_uchar (Text.append_uchar text subst_char) subst_char 
 	    (Char.code c, 2), text
 	else if i = 2 then
 	  (n lsl 8 lor (Char.code c), 3), text
 	else if i = 3 then
 	  let n = n lsl 8 lor (Char.code c) in
-	  (0, 0), Text.append_char (UChar.of_int n) text
+	  (0, 0), Text.append_uchar text (UChar.of_int n) 
 	else assert false in
       fold_string conv (state, Text.empty) s
@@ -2608,7 +1695,7 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((n lsr 8) land 0xff));
 	Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr ((n lsr 16) land 0xff));
 	Buffer.add_char b (Char.chr (n lsr 24)) in
-      `Success ((), (Text.iter conv text; Buffer.contents b))
+      `Success ((), (Text.iter text conv; Buffer.contents b))
     let terminate () = ""
@@ -2627,14 +1714,14 @@ module CharEncoding  = struct
 	  (n lor (Char.code c lsl 8), 2), text
 	else if i = 2 then
 	  if Char.code c > 0x10 then
-	    (Char.code c, 1), Text.append_char subst_char text
+	    (Char.code c, 1), Text.append_uchar text subst_char
 	    (n lor (Char.code c lsl 16), 3), text
 	else if i = 3 then
 	  if Char.code c > 0 then
-	    (Char.code c, 1), Text.append_char subst_char text
+	    (Char.code c, 1), Text.append_uchar text subst_char
-	    (0, 0), Text.append_char (UChar.of_int n) text
+	    (0, 0), Text.append_uchar text (UChar.of_int n) 
 	else assert false in
       fold_string conv (state, Text.empty) s
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index e0dbb22..0cc7723 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -87,165 +87,8 @@ end
 (** Aliase for UChar.t *)
 type uchar = UChar.t
-(** UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. The type is normal string. *)
+module Text : sig
-(* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2011 Yamagata Yoriyuki.  *)
-(* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or *)
-(* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License *)
-(* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of *)
-(* the License, or (at your option) any later version. *)
-(* As a special exception to the GNU Library General Public License, you *)
-(* may link, statically or dynamically, a "work that uses this library" *)
-(* with a publicly distributed version of this library to produce an *)
-(* executable file containing portions of this library, and distribute *)
-(* that executable file under terms of your choice, without any of the *)
-(* additional requirements listed in clause 6 of the GNU Library General *)
-(* Public License. By "a publicly distributed version of this library", *)
-(* we mean either the unmodified Library as distributed by the authors, *)
-(* or a modified version of this library that is distributed under the *)
-(* conditions defined in clause 3 of the GNU Library General Public *)
-(* License. This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons *)
-(* why the executable file might be covered by the GNU Library General *)
-(* Public License . *)
-(* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *)
-(* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *)
-(* Lesser General Public License for more details. *)
-(* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public *)
-(* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software *)
-(* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 *)
-(* USA *)
-(* You can contact the authour by sending email to *)
-(* *)
-module UTF8 : sig
-(** UTF-8 encoded Unicode strings. The type is normal string. *)
-  type t = string
-(** [validate s]
-    successes if s is valid UTF-8, otherwise raises Malformed_code.
-    Other functions assume strings are valid UTF-8, so it is prudent
-    to test their validity for strings from untrusted origins. *)
-  val validate : t -> unit
-(* All functions below assume string are valid UTF-8.  If not,
- * the result is unspecified. *)
-(** [get s n] returns [n]-th Unicode character of [s].
-    The call requires O(n)-time. *)
-  val get : t -> int -> UChar.t
-(** [init len f] 
-    returns a new string which contains [len] Unicode characters.
-    The i-th Unicode character is initialized by [f i] *)
-  val init : int -> (int -> UChar.t) -> t
-(** [length s] returns the number of Unicode characters contained in s *)
-  val length : t -> int
-(** Positions in the string represented by the number of bytes from the head.
-    The location of the first character is [0] *)
-  type index = int
-(** [nth s n] returns the position of the [n]-th Unicode character. 
-    The call requires O(n)-time *)
-  val nth : t -> int -> index
-(** The position of the head of the first Unicode character. *)
-  val first : t -> index
-(** The position of the head of the last Unicode character. *)
-  val last : t -> index
-(** [look s i]
-    returns the Unicode character of the location [i] in the string [s]. *)
-  val look : t -> index -> UChar.t
-(** [out_of_range s i]
-    tests whether [i] is a position inside of [s]. *)
-  val out_of_range : t -> index -> bool
-(** [compare_index s i1 i2] returns
-    a value < 0 if [i1] is the position located before [i2], 
-    0 if [i1] and [i2] points the same location,
-    a value > 0 if [i1] is the position located after [i2]. *)
-  val compare_index : t -> index -> index -> int
-(** [next s i]
-    returns the position of the head of the Unicode character
-    located immediately after [i]. 
-    If [i] is inside of [s], the function always successes.
-    If [i] is inside of [s] and there is no Unicode character after [i],
-    the position outside [s] is returned.  
-    If [i] is not inside of [s], the behaviour is unspecified. *)
-  val next : t -> index -> index
-(** [prev s i]
-    returns the position of the head of the Unicode character
-    located immediately before [i]. 
-    If [i] is inside of [s], the function always successes.
-    If [i] is inside of [s] and there is no Unicode character before [i],
-    the position outside [s] is returned.  
-    If [i] is not inside of [s], the behaviour is unspecified. *)
-  val prev : t -> index -> index
-(** [move s i n]
-    returns [n]-th Unicode character after [i] if n >= 0,
-    [n]-th Unicode character before [i] if n < 0.
-    If there is no such character, the result is unspecified. *)
-  val move : t -> index -> int -> index
-(** [iter f s]
-    applies [f] to all Unicode characters in [s].  
-    The order of application is same to the order 
-    of the Unicode characters in [s]. *)
-  val iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-(** Code point comparison by the lexicographic order.
-    [compare s1 s2] returns
-    a positive integer if [s1] > [s2],
-    0 if [s1] = [s2],
-    a negative integer if [s1] < [s2]. *)
-  val compare : t -> t -> int
-(** Buffer module for UTF-8 strings *)
-  module Buf : sig
-    (** Buffers for UTF-8 strings. *) 
-    type buf
-	  (** [create n] creates the buffer with the initial size [n]-bytes. *)   
-    val create : int -> buf
-	(* The rest of functions is similar to the ones of Buffer in stdlib. *)
-	(** [contents buf] returns the contents of the buffer. *)
-    val contents : buf -> t
-	(** Empty the buffer, 
-	    but retains the internal storage which was holding the contents *)
-    val clear : buf -> unit
-	(** Empty the buffer and de-allocate the internal storage. *)
-    val reset : buf -> unit
-	(** Add one Unicode character to the buffer. *)
-    val add_char : buf -> UChar.t -> unit
-	(** Add the UTF-8 string to the buffer. *)
-    val add_string : buf -> t -> unit
-	(** [add_buffer b1 b2] adds the contents of [b2] to [b1].
-	    The contents of [b2] is not changed. *)
-    val add_buffer : buf -> buf -> unit
-  end with type buf = Buffer.t
-module Text' : sig
   type t
   val empty : t
@@ -320,19 +163,6 @@ module Text' : sig
   (** Raises Invalid_argument "index out of bounds" if the iterator
   already locates in the first character of the underlining text. *)
   val prev_exn : iterator -> iterator
-  (** [move i n] returns the iterator which locates [n]-th*)
-  (** characters from [i].  If such a location does not exist, return*)
-  (** [`Out_of_range (it, n)].  [it] points the last position which
-  [move] can success, and [n] is the number of the move to be done.
-  If [n] is negative, move the left. *)
-  val move : iterator -> int -> 
-    [`Success of iterator | `Out_of_range of iterator * int]
-  (** The same as above but raises Invalid_argument "index out of
-  bounds" instead or returning None.*) 
-  val move_exn : iterator -> int -> iterator
-  (** Move the iterator as much as possible toward the [n]-th
-  character.*)
-  val move_as_possible : iterator -> int -> iterator
   (** Returns the value of the location which the iterator points. *)
   val value : iterator -> uchar
@@ -342,451 +172,30 @@ module Text' : sig
   (** Returns the position of the iterator *)
   val pos : iterator -> int    
-  (** Zipper like operations. *)
-  (** [insert i t] inserts [t] into the right of [i]. *)
-  val insert : iterator -> t -> iterator 
-  (** [delete_left i] deletes the left side of [i].  *)
-  val delete_left : iterator -> iterator
-  (** [delete_right i] deletes the right side of [i].  *)
-  val delete_right : iterator -> iterator
-  (** [sub i n] creates the iterator which runs over substring which
-  begins position [i] to [n]-th character from [i].*)
-  val sub : iterator -> int -> iterator option
-  (** Raise invalid_arg "iterator out of bound".*)
-  val sub_exn : iterator -> int -> iterator
-  (** Fold.*)
+  (** Text modifications *)
+  (** [insert t0 n t] inserts [t] into the left of [n]-th character in
+  [t0] *)
+  val insert : t -> int -> t -> t option
+  (** Raise invalid_arg "index out of bound" if [pos] is not contained in [t]*)
+  val insert_exn : t -> int -> t -> t
+  (** [delete t pos len] deletes length [len] text from [pos]-th
+  character in [t] *)
+  val delete : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t option
+  (** Raise invalid_arg "index out of bound" if [pos]-[pos+len-1] is not
+  contained in [t] *)
+  val delete_exn : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
+  (** [sub t pos len] obtains the substring of [t] which starts from
+  [pos]-th character and has [len] characters *)
+  val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t option
+  (** Raise invalid_arg "index out of bound" if [pos]-[pos+len-1] is not
+  contained in [t] *)
+  val sub_exn : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
+  (** Fold*)
   val fold : t -> 'a -> ('a -> uchar -> 'a) -> 'a
-(* Rope: a simple implementation of ropes as described in
-Boehm, H., Atkinson, R., and Plass, M. 1995. Ropes: an alternative to
-strings. Softw. Pract. Exper. 25, 12 (Dec. 1995), 1315-1330.
-Motivated by Luca de Alfaro's extensible array implementation Vec.
-Copyright (C) 2011, 2013 Yoriyuki Yamagata <>
-              2007 Mauricio Fernandez <>
-This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
-License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
-version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
-with the following special exception:
-You may link, statically or dynamically, a "work that uses the
-Library" with a publicly distributed version of the Library to
-produce an executable file containing portions of the Library, and
-distribute that executable file under terms of your choice, without
-any of the additional requirements listed in clause 6 of the GNU
-Library General Public License. By "a publicly distributed version
-of the Library", we mean either the unmodified Library as
-distributed by the author, or a modified version of the Library that is
-distributed under the conditions defined in clause 2 of the GNU
-Library General Public License. This exception does not however
-invalidate any other reasons why the executable file might be
-covered by the GNU Library General Public License.
-This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
-WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-Library General Public License for more details.
-The GNU Library General Public License is available at
-; to obtain it, you can also
-write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place -
-Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
-(** Heavyweight strings ("ropes")
-This module implements ropes as described in
-Boehm, H., Atkinson, R., and Plass, M. 1995. Ropes: an alternative to
-strings. Softw. Pract. Exper. 25, 12 (Dec. 1995), 1315-1330.
-Ropes are an alternative to strings which support efficient operations:
-- determining the length of a rope in constant time
-- appending or prepending a small rope to an arbitrarily large one in amortized constant time
-- concat, substring, insert, remove operations in amortized logarithmic time
-- access to and modification of ropes in logarithmic time
-{8 Functional nature and persistence}
-All operations are non-destructive: the original rope is never modified. When a
-new rope is returned as the result of an operation, it will share as much data
-as possible with its "parent". For instance, if a rope of length [n] undergoes
-[m] operations (assume [n >> m]) like set, append or prepend, the modified
-rope will only require [O(m)] space in addition to that taken by the
-original one.
-However, Rope is an amortized data structure, and its use in a persistent setting
-can easily degrade its amortized time bounds. It is thus mainly intended to be used
-ephemerally. In some cases, it is possible to use Rope persistently with the same
-amortized bounds by explicitly rebalancing ropes to be reused using [balance].
-Special care must be taken to avoid calling [balance] too frequently; in the limit,
-calling [balance] after each modification would defeat the purpose of amortization.
-{8 Limitations}
-The length of ropes is limited to approximately 700 Mb on 32-bit 
-architectures, 220 Gb on 64 bit architectures.
-@author Mauricio Fernandez
-module Text : sig 
-  type t
-    (** The type of the ropes. *)
-  exception Out_of_bounds
-    (** Raised when an operation violates the bounds of the rope. *)
-  exception Invalid_rope
-  (** An exception thrown when some operation required a rope
-      and received an unacceptable rope.*)
-  val max_length : int
-    (** Maximum length of the rope (number of UTF-8 characters). *)
-  (** {6 Creation and conversions} *)
-  val empty : t
-    (** The empty rope. *)
-  val of_latin1 : string -> t
-    (** Constructs a unicode rope from a latin-1 string. *)
-  val of_string : string -> t
-    (** [of_string s] returns a rope corresponding to the UTF-8 encoded string [s].*)
-  val to_string : t -> string
-    (** [to_string t] returns a UTF-8 encoded string representing [t]*)
-  val of_uchar : UChar.t -> t
-    (** [of_uchar c] returns a rope containing exactly character [c].*)
-  val of_char : char -> t
-    (** [of_char c] returns a rope containing exactly Latin-1 character [c].*)
-  val make : int -> UChar.t -> t
-    (** [make i c] returns a rope of length [i] consisting of [c] chars;
-        it is similar to String.make *)
-  val join : t -> t list -> t
-    (** Same as {!concat} *)
-  val explode : t -> UChar.t list
-    (** [explode s] returns the list of characters in the rope [s]. *)
-  val implode : UChar.t list -> t
-    (** [implode cs] returns a rope resulting from concatenating
-        the characters in the list [cs]. *)
-  (** {6 Properties } *)
-  val is_empty : t -> bool
-    (** Returns whether the rope is empty or not. *)
-  val length : t -> int
-    (** Returns the length of the rope ([O(1)]).
-        This is number of UTF-8 characters. *)
-  val height : t -> int
-    (** Returns the height (depth) of the rope. *)
-  val balance : t -> t
-    (** [balance r] returns a balanced copy of the [r] rope. Note that ropes are
-        automatically rebalanced when their height exceeds a given threshold, but
-        [balance] allows to invoke that operation explicity. *)
-  (** {6 Operations } *)
-  val append : t -> t -> t
-    (** [append r u] concatenates the [r] and [u] ropes. In general, it operates
-        in [O(log(min n1 n2))] amortized time.
-        Small ropes are treated specially and can be appended/prepended in
-        amortized [O(1)] time. *)
-  val ( ^^^ ): t -> t -> t
-    (** As {!append}*)
-  val append_char : UChar.t -> t -> t
-    (** [append_char c r] returns a new rope with the [c] character at the end
-        in amortized [O(1)] time. *)
-  val prepend_char : UChar.t -> t -> t
-    (** [prepend_char c r] returns a new rope with the [c] character at the
-        beginning in amortized [O(1)] time. *)
-  val get : t -> int -> UChar.t
-    (** [get r n] returns the (n+1)th character from the rope [r]; i.e.
-        [get r 0] returns the first character.
-        Operates in worst-case [O(log size)] time.
-        Raises Out_of_bounds if a character out of bounds is requested. *)
-  val set : t -> int -> UChar.t -> t
-    (** [set r n c] returns a copy of rope [r]  where the (n+1)th character
-        has been set to [c]. See also {!get}.
-        Operates in worst-case [O(log size)] time. *)
-  val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
-    (** [sub r m n] returns a sub-rope of [r] containing all characters
-        whose indexes range from [m] to [m + n - 1] (included).
-        Raises Out_of_bounds in the same cases as sub.
-        Operates in worst-case [O(log size)] time. *)
-  val insert : int -> t -> t -> t
-    (** [insert n r u] returns a copy of the [u] rope where [r] has been
-        inserted between the characters with index [n] and [n + 1] in the
-        original rope. The length of the new rope is
-        [length u + length r].
-        Operates in amortized [O(log(size r) + log(size u))] time. *)
-  val remove : int -> int -> t -> t
-    (** [remove m n r] returns the rope resulting from deleting the
-        characters with indexes ranging from [m] to [m + n - 1] (included)
-        from the original rope [r]. The length of the new rope is
-        [length r - n].
-        Operates in amortized [O(log(size r))] time. *)
-  val concat : t -> t list -> t
-  (** [concat sep sl] concatenates the list of ropes [sl],
-     inserting the separator rope [sep] between each. *)
-  (** {6 Iteration} *)
-  val iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-    (** [iter f r] applies [f] to all the characters in the [r] rope,
-        in order. *)
-  val iteri : ?base:int -> (int -> UChar.t -> unit) -> t -> unit
-    (** Operates like [iter], but also passes the index of the character
-        to the given function. *)
-  val range_iter : (UChar.t -> unit) -> int -> int -> t -> unit
-    (** [rangeiter f m n r] applies [f] to all the characters whose
-        indices [k] satisfy [m] <= [k] < [m + n].
-        It is thus equivalent to [iter f (sub m n r)], but does not
-        create an intermediary rope. [rangeiter] operates in worst-case
-        [O(n + log m)] time, which improves on the [O(n log m)] bound
-        from an explicit loop using [get].
-        Raises Out_of_bounds in the same cases as [sub]. *)
-  val range_iteri : 
-    (int -> UChar.t -> unit) -> ?base:int -> int -> int -> t -> unit
-    (** As [range_iter], but passes base + index of the character in the
-        subrope defined by next to arguments. *)
-  val fold : ('a -> UChar.t -> 'a ) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
-    (** [Rope.fold f a r] computes [ f (... (f (f a r0) r1)...) rN-1 ]
-        where [rn = Rope.get n r ] and [N = length r]. *)
-  val init : int -> (int -> UChar.t) -> t
-    (** [init l f] returns the rope of length [l] with the chars f 0 , f
-        1 , f 2 ... f (l-1). *)
-  val map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t) -> t -> t
-   (** [map f s] returns a rope where all characters [c] in [s] have been
-        replaced by [f c]. **)
-  val filter_map : (UChar.t -> UChar.t option) -> t -> t
-  (** [filter_map f l] calls [(f a0) (f a1).... (f an)] where [] are
-      the characters of [l]. It returns the list of elements [bi] such as
-      [f ai = Some bi] (when [f] returns [None], the corresponding element of
-      [l] is discarded). *)
-  val filter : (UChar.t -> bool) -> t -> t
-    (** [filter f s] returns a copy of rope [s] in which only
-        characters [c] such that [f c = true] remain.*)
-  (** {6 Finding}*)
-  val index : t -> UChar.t -> int
-  (** [Rope.index s c] returns the position of the leftmost
-      occurrence of character [c] in rope [s].
-      Raise [Not_found] if [c] does not occur in [s]. *)
-  val index_from : t -> int -> UChar.t -> int
-    (** Same as {!Rope.index}, but start searching at the character
-        position given as second argument.  [Rope.index s c] is
-        equivalent to [Rope.index_from s 0 c].*)
-  val rindex : t -> UChar.t -> int
-  (** [Rope.rindex s c] returns the position of the rightmost
-     occurrence of character [c] in rope [s].
-     Raise [Not_found] if [c] does not occur in [s]. *)
-  val rindex_from : t -> int -> UChar.t -> int
-  (** Same as {!rindex}, but start
-     searching at the character position given as second argument.
-     [rindex s c] is equivalent to
-     [rindex_from s (length s - 1) c]. *)
-  val contains : t -> UChar.t -> bool
-  (** [contains s c] tests if character [c]
-     appears in the rope [s]. *)
-  val contains_from : t -> int -> UChar.t -> bool
-  (** [contains_from s start c] tests if character [c] appears in
-        the subrope of [s] starting from [start] to the end of [s].
-        @raise Invalid_argument if [start] is not a valid index of [s]. *)
-  val rcontains_from : t -> int -> UChar.t -> bool
-  (** [rcontains_from s stop c] tests if character [c]
-     appears in the subrope of [s] starting from the beginning
-     of [s] to index [stop].
-     @raise Invalid_argument if [stop] is not a valid index of [s]. *)
-  val find : t -> t -> int
-   (** [find s x] returns the starting index of the first occurrence of
-        rope [x] within rope [s].
-        {b Note} This implementation is optimized for short ropes.
-        @raise Invalid_rope if [x] is not a subrope of [s]. *)
-  val find_from : t -> int -> t -> int
-    (** [find_from s ofs x] behaves as [find s x] but starts searching
-        at offset [ofs]. [find s x] is equivalent to [find_from s 0 x].*)
-  val rfind : t -> t -> int
-    (** [rfind s x] returns the starting index of the last occurrence
-        of rope [x] within rope [s].
-        {b Note} This implementation is optimized for short ropes.
-        @raise Invalid_rope if [x] is not a subrope of [s]. *)
-  val rfind_from : t -> int -> t -> int
-    (** [rfind_from s ofs x] behaves as [rfind s x] but starts searching
-        at offset [ofs]. [rfind s x] is equivalent to [rfind_from s (length s - 1) x].*)
-  val starts_with : t -> t -> bool
-  (** [starts_with s x] returns [true] if [s] is starting with [x], [false] otherwise. *)
-  val ends_with : t -> t -> bool
-  (** [ends_with s x] returns [true] if the rope [s] is ending with [x], [false] otherwise. *)
-  val exists : t -> t -> bool
-  (** [exists str sub] returns true if [sub] is a subrope of [str] or
-        false otherwise. *)
-  val left : t -> int -> t
-  (**[left r len] returns the rope containing the [len] first characters of [r]*)
-  val right : t -> int -> t
-  (**[left r len] returns the rope containing the [len] last characters of [r]*)
-  val head : t -> int -> t
-  (**as {!left}*)
-  val tail : t -> int -> t
-  (**[tail r pos] returns the rope containing all but the [pos] first characters of [r]*)
-  val strip : ?chars:(UChar.t list) -> t -> t
-    (** Returns the rope without the chars if they are at the beginning or
-        at the end of the rope. By default chars are " \t\r\n". *)
-  val lchop : t -> t
-  (** Returns the same rope but without the first character.
-        does nothing if the rope is empty. *)
-  val rchop : t -> t
-  (** Returns the same rope but without the last character.
-        does nothing if the rope is empty. *)
-  val slice : ?first:int -> ?last:int -> t -> t
-    (** [slice ?first ?last s] returns a "slice" of the rope
-        which corresponds to the characters [s.[first]],
-        [s.[first+1]], ..., [s[last-1]]. Note that the character at
-        index [last] is {b not} included! If [first] is omitted it
-        defaults to the start of the rope, i.e. index 0, and if
-        [last] is omitted is defaults to point just past the end of
-        [s], i.e. [length s].  Thus, [slice s] is equivalent to
-        [copy s].
-        Negative indexes are interpreted as counting from the end of
-        the rope. For example, [slice ~last:-2 s] will return the
-        rope [s], but without the last two characters.
-        This function {b never} raises any exceptions. If the
-        indexes are out of bounds they are automatically clipped.
-    *)
-  val splice : t -> int -> int -> t -> t
-  (** [splice s off len rep] returns the rope in which the section of [s]
-        indicated by [off] and [len] has been cut and replaced by [rep].
-      Negative indices are interpreted as counting from the end of the string.*)
-  val fill : t -> int -> int -> UChar.t -> t
-  (** [fill s start len c] returns the rope in which
-     characters number [start] to [start + len - 1] of [s] has
-      been replaced by [c].
-     @raise Invalid_argument if [start] and [len] do not
-      designate a valid subrope of [s]. *)
-  val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> t
-  (** [blit src srcoff dst dstoff len] returns a copy
-      of [dst] in which [len] characters have been copied
-     from rope [src], starting at character number [srcoff], to
-     rope [dst], starting at character number [dstoff]. It works
-     correctly even if [src] and [dst] are the same rope,
-     and the source and destination chunks overlap.
-      @raise Invalid_argument if [srcoff] and [len] do not
-     designate a valid subrope of [src], or if [dstoff] and [len]
-     do not designate a valid subrope of [dst]. *)
-  val concat : t -> t list -> t
-  (** [concat sep sl] concatenates the list of ropes [sl],
-     inserting the separator rope [sep] between each. *)
-  val replace : str:t -> sub:t -> by:t -> bool * t
-  (** [replace ~str ~sub ~by] returns a tuple constisting of a boolean
-        and a rope where the first occurrence of the rope [sub]
-        within [str] has been replaced by the rope [by]. The boolean
-        is [true] if a substitution has taken place, [false] otherwise. *)
-  (** {6 Splitting around}*)
-  val split : t -> t -> t * t
-  (** [split s sep] splits the rope [s] between the first
-        occurrence of [sep].
-        @raise Invalid_rope if the separator is not found. *)
-  val rsplit : t -> t -> t * t
-    (** [rsplit s sep] splits the rope [s] between the last
-        occurrence of [sep].
-        @raise Invalid_rope if the separator is not found. *)
-  val nsplit : t -> t -> t list
-    (** [nsplit s sep] splits the rope [s] into a list of ropes
-        which are separated by [sep].
-        [nsplit "" _] returns the empty list. *)
-  val compare : t -> t -> int
-  (** The comparison function for ropes, with the same specification as
-        {!}.  Along with the type [t], this function [compare]
-        allows the module [Rope] to be passed as argument to the functors
-        {!Set.Make} and {!Map.Make}. *)
-  (** {6 Boilerplate code}*)
-(** Aliase for Text.t *)
 type text = Text.t
-type cursor = int
 module CharEncoding : sig
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index b3f16780388525dace895fdf736cec5eb5e4bc32..cc14dc1235d4d8f91425289f3274cd0402243fac 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 963

delta 3555

From f69e95b7b63e41927c408e53584dca3fff158df4 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 02:41:09 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 13/22] test_t_value

 test/ | Bin 26661 -> 27322 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index cc14dc1235d4d8f91425289f3274cd0402243fac..fba789c47e44fece836b37f2b71dba470110cbc2 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 338

delta 49

From b678924c1c7e6f1b3b7cfb5dfe473648e2130526 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 02:45:18 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 14/22] Fix bug in

 src/ | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f1a48d7..bb510ef 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1043,7 +1043,7 @@ module Text = struct
       None, None -> 0
     | None, _ -> -1
     | _, None -> 1
-    | Some it1, Some i2 -> compare_iterator it1 it2
+    | Some it1, Some it2 -> compare_iterator it1 it2
   let compare t1 t2 = compare_iterator (first t1) (first t2)

From 21a5f159be6a79cba052cdf819ccf043e0aa2d19 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2014 02:54:09 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 15/22] test for Text.base

 test/ | Bin 27322 -> 27496 bytes
 1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index fba789c47e44fece836b37f2b71dba470110cbc2..88e97a237a6708525d4071b16dabd9b347f27657 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 96

delta 19

From 87f312dca376b14147515d97cc883da63e7d950b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 03:55:31 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 16/22] insert

 src/ |  43 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----------------
 test/    | Bin 27496 -> 27910 bytes
 2 files changed, 26 insertions(+), 17 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index bb510ef..f62e846 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -422,7 +422,7 @@ module type BaseStringType = sig
   val length : t -> int
   val compare : t -> t -> int
-  type index 
+  type index = int
   val first : t -> index
   val end_pos : t -> index
   val out_of_range : t -> index -> bool
@@ -668,20 +668,28 @@ module Text = struct
     let size_l = B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i ( leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.j) in
     let size_r = B.size leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i ( leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.j) in
     if size_l + size_r <= leaf_size then begin
-      if size_l + size_r <= 
-	B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i (B.end_pos leaf_l.b.s)
-	  && is_full_tail leaf_l 
-      then begin
-	B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
-      end else begin
-	let s = B.create leaf_size in
-	B.blit leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j s (B.first s);
-	B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j s (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) size_l);
-	leaf_l.b.s <- s;
-      end;
-      leaf_l.b.unused <- B.move_by_bytes leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused size_r;
-      let leaf = {leaf_l with j = B.prev leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
-		  len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len} in
+      let leaf =
+	if size_l + size_r <= 
+	  B.size leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i (B.end_pos leaf_l.b.s)
+	    && is_full_tail leaf_l 
+	then begin
+	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.b.unused;
+	  let b = {leaf_l.b with unused = leaf_l.b.unused + size_r} in
+	  {b = b; 
+	   i = leaf_l.i;
+	   j = B.prev b.s b.unused;
+	   len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len} 
+	end else begin
+	  let s = B.create leaf_size in
+	  B.blit leaf_l.b.s leaf_l.i leaf_l.j s (B.first s);
+	  B.blit leaf_r.b.s leaf_r.i leaf_r.j s 
+	    (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) size_l);
+	  let b = {s = s; unused = size_l + size_r} in
+	  {b = b; 
+	   i = B.first s; 
+	   j = B.prev s (B.move_by_bytes s (B.first s) (size_l + size_r));
+	   len = leaf_l.len + leaf_r.len}
+	end in
       Leaf leaf
     end else
       make_concat (Leaf leaf_l) (Leaf leaf_r) (* height = 1 *)
@@ -981,17 +989,18 @@ module Text = struct
 	| Some it ->
 	    Some (delete_right it)
   let sub_exn t ~pos ~len =
     match sub t ~pos ~len with
       None -> invalid_arg "iterator out of bound"
     | Some t -> t
   let insert t pos text =
+    if pos = 0 then Some (append text t) else
+    if pos = length t then Some (append t text) else
     match nth t pos with
       None -> None
     | Some it ->
-	let left = delete_right it in 
+	let left = delete_right (prev_exn it) in 
 	let right = delete_left it in
 	Some (append (append left text) right)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 88e97a237a6708525d4071b16dabd9b347f27657..f5ac43070c7e6f21a04907332fc5bdba14936812 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 225

delta 19

From c6b5c38c80f068991f0edaeb4de0391513ded385 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Fri, 18 Apr 2014 23:01:03 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 17/22] delete

 src/  |  14 ++++++--------
 src/uCoreLib.mli |   5 +----
 test/     | Bin 27910 -> 28116 bytes
 3 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f62e846..ac4b7ee 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1010,17 +1010,15 @@ module Text = struct
     | Some t -> t
   let delete t ~pos ~len =
-    match nth t pos, nth t (pos + len -1) with
-      None, _ | _, None -> None
+    let pos, len = if len >= 0 then pos, len else pos + len + 1, -len in
+    match nth t (pos - 1), nth t (pos + len) with
+      None, None -> Empty
+    | None, Some it -> delete_left it
+    | Some it, None -> delete_right it
     | Some it1, Some it2 ->
 	let left = delete_right it1 in 
 	let right = delete_left it2 in
-	Some (append left right)
-  let delete_exn t ~pos ~len =
-    match delete t ~pos ~len with
-      None -> invalid_arg "index out of bound"
-    | Some t -> t
+	append left right
   let value it = it.leaf.b.s it.index
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index 0cc7723..1e85996 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -180,10 +180,7 @@ module Text : sig
   val insert_exn : t -> int -> t -> t
   (** [delete t pos len] deletes length [len] text from [pos]-th
   character in [t] *)
-  val delete : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t option
-  (** Raise invalid_arg "index out of bound" if [pos]-[pos+len-1] is not
-  contained in [t] *)
-  val delete_exn : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
+  val delete : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
   (** [sub t pos len] obtains the substring of [t] which starts from
   [pos]-th character and has [len] characters *)
   val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t option
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index f5ac43070c7e6f21a04907332fc5bdba14936812..8de5c928ed3ea1d4c5f45acd45c982533e9e4523 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 115

delta 19

From bfd7f5175f6c8d563c30f0cd4a8b2d30d5beb312 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 00:41:17 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 18/22] sub

 src/  |  20 +++++++++++---------
 src/uCoreLib.mli |   5 +----
 test/     | Bin 28116 -> 28320 bytes
 3 files changed, 12 insertions(+), 13 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ac4b7ee..5b8eb25 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -980,19 +980,21 @@ module Text = struct
     base it
   let sub t ~pos ~len =
+    if len = 0 then Empty else
+    let pos, len =
+      if len >= 0 then pos, len else
+      pos + len + 1, -len in
+    let pos, len =
+      if pos >= 0 then pos, len else
+      0, pos + len in
     match nth t pos with
-      None -> None
+      None -> Empty
     | Some it ->
 	let s = delete_left it in
-	match nth s len with
-	  None -> None
+	match nth s (len - 1) with
+	  None -> s
 	| Some it ->
-	    Some (delete_right it)
-  let sub_exn t ~pos ~len =
-    match sub t ~pos ~len with
-      None -> invalid_arg "iterator out of bound"
-    | Some t -> t
+	    delete_right it
   let insert t pos text =
     if pos = 0 then Some (append text t) else
diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index 1e85996..ece95b4 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -183,10 +183,7 @@ module Text : sig
   val delete : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
   (** [sub t pos len] obtains the substring of [t] which starts from
   [pos]-th character and has [len] characters *)
-  val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t option
-  (** Raise invalid_arg "index out of bound" if [pos]-[pos+len-1] is not
-  contained in [t] *)
-  val sub_exn : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
+  val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
   (** Fold*)
   val fold : t -> 'a -> ('a -> uchar -> 'a) -> 'a
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 8de5c928ed3ea1d4c5f45acd45c982533e9e4523..ff585dce81b5ed7a35c458dc598034e4201d808e 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 102

delta 39

From 61d4650607b8c3b865e4f3bf7d1805bb8f00ee6a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2014 06:06:47 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 19/22] fold

 src/uCoreLib.mli |   2 +-
 test/     | Bin 28320 -> 28565 bytes
 2 files changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)

diff --git a/src/uCoreLib.mli b/src/uCoreLib.mli
index ece95b4..e35bb1b 100644
--- a/src/uCoreLib.mli
+++ b/src/uCoreLib.mli
@@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ module Text : sig
   [pos]-th character and has [len] characters *)
   val sub : t -> pos:int -> len:int -> t
-  (** Fold*)
+  (** Fold *)
   val fold : t -> 'a -> ('a -> uchar -> 'a) -> 'a
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index ff585dce81b5ed7a35c458dc598034e4201d808e..357bfe811a63260876251d0c9d95fc1ccec12267 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 185

delta 22

From 341e6b6f7af69b2023d6b2940a48e8d5467e88be Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 03:19:25 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 20/22] Fix bug of next

 src/ |  21 +++++++++------------
 test/    | Bin 28565 -> 28560 bytes
 2 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 5b8eb25..863c0db 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -894,22 +894,19 @@ module Text = struct
 	next_leaf p
   let next it =
-    let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
-    if not (B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0) then 
+    if (B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s it.index it.leaf.j >= 0) then 
+      match next_leaf it.path with 
+	None -> None
+      | Some (path, leaf) -> 
+	  Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
+    else
+      let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
       Some {it with index = i} 
-    else match next_leaf it.path with 
-      None -> None
-    | Some (path, leaf) -> 
-	Some {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
   let next_exn it =
-    let i = it.leaf.b.s it.index in
-    if not (B.compare_index it.leaf.b.s i it.leaf.j > 0) then 
-      {it with index = i} 
-    else match next_leaf it.path with 
+    match next it with
       None -> invalid_arg "index out of bounds"
-    | Some (path, leaf) -> 
-        {path = path; leaf = leaf; index = leaf.i}
+    | Some it -> it
   let rec prev_leaf = function
       Top -> None
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 357bfe811a63260876251d0c9d95fc1ccec12267..00417e04c9cb09b7c3aa4e08430b5c5ec585232b 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 18

delta 25

From 76342328692dd42733b6e4da89722fa893767f84 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Tue, 29 Apr 2014 03:38:18 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 21/22] Better formatting, remove unnecessary comment

 src/ | 28 +---------------------------
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 863c0db..ac682e9 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -471,6 +471,7 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
     String.blit s1 i1 s2 j (endpos - i1)
   let move_by_bytes s i x = i + x
   let add_substring b s i j = 
     let endpos = next s j in
     Buffer.add_substring b s i (endpos - i)
@@ -1070,33 +1071,6 @@ module Text = struct
- * Rope: Rope: an implementation of the data structure described in
- *   
- * Boehm, H., Atkinson, R., and Plass, M. 1995. Ropes: an alternative to
- * strings. Softw. Pract. Exper. 25, 12 (Dec. 1995), 1315-1330.
- * 
- * Motivated by Luca de Alfaro's extensible array implementation Vec.
- * 
- * Copyright (C) 2007 Mauricio Fernandez <>
- * Copyright (C) 2008 Edgar Friendly <>
- * Copyright (C) 2008 David Teller, LIFO, Universite d'Orleans
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version,
- * with the special exception on linking described in file LICENSE.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA
- *)
 (** Aliase for Text.t *)
 type text = Text.t

From 575586991243041c7db03f6d2f8e0998c3199459 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: yoriyuki <>
Date: Fri, 9 May 2014 23:49:22 +0900
Subject: [PATCH 22/22] pass all tests!

 src/ |  23 +++++++++++++----------
 test/    | Bin 28560 -> 29681 bytes
 2 files changed, 13 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index ac682e9..e7ea257 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -181,6 +181,7 @@ module UTF8 = struct
     UChar.unsafe_chr n'
   let next s i = 
+    if i < 0 then 0 else
     let n = Char.code s.[i] in
     if n < 0x80 then i + 1 else
     if n <= 0xdf then i + 2
@@ -445,6 +446,7 @@ module type BaseStringType = sig
   val add_substring : Buffer.t -> t -> index -> index -> unit
   val read : t -> index -> uchar
+  (* If the buffer is too small, [write i u] returns [i]. *)
   val write : t -> index -> uchar -> index
@@ -458,7 +460,7 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
   let copy = String.copy
   let read = look
   let append = (^)
-  let create = String.create
+  let create len = String.make len '\255'
   let end_pos s = String.length s
   let of_string s = if is_valid s then Some (String.copy s) else None 
   let of_string_unsafe s = s
@@ -475,7 +477,7 @@ module BaseString : BaseStringType = struct
   let add_substring b s i j = 
     let endpos = next s j in
     Buffer.add_substring b s i (endpos - i)
   let write s i u =
     let masq = 0b111111 in
     let k = UChar.code u in
@@ -724,7 +726,7 @@ module Text = struct
     let s = B.create leaf_size in
     let k = B.write s (B.first s) u in
     let b = {s = s; unused = k} in
-    Leaf {b = b; i = (B.first s); j = (B.first s); len = 1}
+    Leaf {b = b; i = B.first s; j = B.first s; len = 1}
   let is_full leaf =
     B.compare_index leaf.b.s 
@@ -732,13 +734,14 @@ module Text = struct
       (B.end_pos leaf.b.s) >= 0
   let leaf_append_uchar leaf u =
-    if is_full leaf then
-      make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u) 
-    else if is_full_tail leaf then
+    if not (is_full leaf) && is_full_tail leaf then
       let k = B.write leaf.b.s leaf.b.unused u in
-      let leaf = {leaf with j = leaf.b.unused; len = leaf.len + 1} in
-      leaf.b.unused <- k;
-      Leaf leaf
+      if B.equal_index leaf.b.s k leaf.b.unused then
+	make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
+      else
+	let leaf = {leaf with j = leaf.b.unused; len = leaf.len + 1} in
+	leaf.b.unused <- k;
+	Leaf leaf
       make_concat (Leaf leaf) (new_block_uchar u)
@@ -751,7 +754,7 @@ module Text = struct
   let append_uchar l u = 
     match l with
-    | Empty -> Leaf (leaf_of_uchar u)
+    | Empty -> new_block_uchar u
     | Leaf leaf_l -> leaf_append_uchar leaf_l u
     | Concat node ->
 	match node.right with
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
index 00417e04c9cb09b7c3aa4e08430b5c5ec585232b..6c1145b4ae16eb1c80cdad58bd2e43adff405f70 100644
GIT binary patch
delta 726

delta 54