22 Zeiss LMK 9500x9500 scanned images without exif + gcplist.txt + measurementes from DPW (contours,aerotriangulation)
3 flight strips.
. to upload to git:
. split -b 25M images_9500.tar.bz2
. to restore images with fiducial marks 9500x9500, PP on image center.
cat xa{a..v} > /tmp/images_9500.tar.bz2
tar xpjvf /tmp/images_9500.tar.bz2 -C /tmp/
to run ODM: 9500 * 0.023991 = 227.915 mm
--force-focal 152.274 --force-ccd 227.915 --orthophoto-resolution 1 -v
--force-focal 152.274 --force-ccd $1 -v --time --use-pmvs --pmvs-min-images 2 --dem --orthophoto-resolution 1
julio 2017-05-12 2017-05-09
22 Zeiss LMK 8600x8600 scanned images + exif + gcplist.txt + measurementes from DPW (contours,aerotriangulation)
Camera ZEISS LMK, focal 152.274mm PixelSize 0.023991 mm , GSD=37.1 cm
scanned image cropped to 9500x9500 keeping PP on image center of fiducial marks.
REMOVED Cropped to 8600x8600 to fit 25MB git limitation.
EXIF geotag from aerotriangulation prjc31984.txt
for 8600x8600: --force-focal 152.274 --force-ccd 206.322 --min-num-features 800 --orthophoto-resolution 1 -v