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v3.0.3 Report on self with refund accounting bug

Schlagonia published GHSA-fjpv-hq67-rcgh Oct 18, 2024


No package listed

Affected versions


Patched versions



In cases when calling process_report(self) on a vault with both a gain and a non-zero total_refund the vault total_idle balance will be updated incorrectly.

In _process_report, in the case there is an accountant that returns some non-zero total_refunds, shares are minted (or not burned if there were shares to be burned) for that refund and are supposed to be locked.

# Get the amount we will lock to avoid a PPS increase.
if gain + total_refunds > 0 and profit_max_unlock_time != 0:
  shares_to_lock = self._convert_to_shares(gain + total_refunds, Rounding.ROUND_DOWN)

Later, the refunds are pulled from the accountant and total_idle is updated given that we are minting new shares so they have to be backed by assets in total_idle to keep the pps constant (as the share are to be locked):

# Pull refunds

if total_refunds > 0:
  # Transfer the refunded amount of asset to the vault.
  self._erc20_safe_transfer_from(_asset, accountant, self, total_refunds)
  # Update storage to increase total assets.
  self.total_idle += total_refunds

However, if there were gain, total_idle is overwritten with total_assets which is the balance of the contract before pulling the refunds

# Record any reported gains.

if gain > 0:
  # NOTE: this will increase total_assets
  current_debt = unsafe_add(current_debt, gain)
  if strategy != self:
    self.strategies[strategy].current_debt = current_debt
    self.total_debt += gain
    self.total_idle = total_assets

In this scenario total_idle will not reflect the addition of the refunds, and the shares to lock will still be minted.

Note that a similar behaviour is present in the branch elif loss > 0.

Thanks to the ChainSec team for raising this issue.


  • This bug was introduced in v3.0.3 and isolated to multi strategy vaults on that version only.
  • The code path is only accessible on multi strategy vaults, and when the following conditions are true:
    • an accountant is set
    • the accountant issues a refund > 0
    • the vault's asset balance does not match total_idle
    • a call to process_report(self) is made


v3.0.4 will provide needed patches


  • Do not issue refunds when reporting on self to accrue any airdropped total_idle
  • Calling process_report(self) again with no refunds will cause the accounting to correct itself. Note: the corrective amounts may be locked and or have fees taken out depending on the vaults and vault accountants configuration.




No known CVE


