diff --git a/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditor/QueryEditor.tsx b/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditor/QueryEditor.tsx
index a83b61d99..17cc8c54f 100644
--- a/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditor/QueryEditor.tsx
+++ b/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditor/QueryEditor.tsx
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ function QueryEditor(props: QueryEditorProps) {
             const schema = useMultiSchema ? 'multi' : 'modern';
-            const query = text && typeof text === 'string' ? text : input;
+            const query = text ?? input;
             if (!isEqual(lastQueryExecutionSettings, querySettings)) {
@@ -397,10 +397,10 @@ function QueryEditor(props: QueryEditorProps) {
     const renderControls = () => {
         return (
-                onRunButtonClick={handleSendExecuteClick}
+                handleSendExecuteClick={handleSendExecuteClick}
-                onExplainButtonClick={handleGetExplainQueryClick}
+                handleGetExplainQueryClick={handleGetExplainQueryClick}
diff --git a/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditorControls/QueryEditorControls.tsx b/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditorControls/QueryEditorControls.tsx
index 1105c1f4f..a8146465d 100644
--- a/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditorControls/QueryEditorControls.tsx
+++ b/src/containers/Tenant/Query/QueryEditorControls/QueryEditorControls.tsx
@@ -54,20 +54,20 @@ const SettingsButton = ({onClick, runIsLoading}: SettingsButtonProps) => {
 interface QueryEditorControlsProps {
-    onRunButtonClick: () => void;
+    handleSendExecuteClick: () => void;
     onSettingsButtonClick: () => void;
     runIsLoading: boolean;
-    onExplainButtonClick: () => void;
+    handleGetExplainQueryClick: () => void;
     explainIsLoading: boolean;
     disabled: boolean;
     highlightedAction: QueryAction;
 export const QueryEditorControls = ({
-    onRunButtonClick,
+    handleSendExecuteClick,
-    onExplainButtonClick,
+    handleGetExplainQueryClick,
@@ -76,6 +76,14 @@ export const QueryEditorControls = ({
     const explainView: ButtonView | undefined =
         highlightedAction === 'explain' ? 'action' : undefined;
+    const onRunButtonClick = () => {
+        handleSendExecuteClick();
+    };
+    const onExplainButtonClick = () => {
+        handleGetExplainQueryClick();
+    };
     return (
         <div className={b()}>
             <div className={b('left')}>
diff --git a/tests/suites/tenant/queryHistory/queryHistory.test.ts b/tests/suites/tenant/queryHistory/queryHistory.test.ts
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..db15bad13
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/suites/tenant/queryHistory/queryHistory.test.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import {expect, test} from '@playwright/test';
+import {tenantName} from '../../../utils/constants';
+import {TenantPage} from '../TenantPage';
+import {QueryEditor, QueryMode} from '../queryEditor/QueryEditor';
+test.describe('Query History', () => {
+    let tenantPage: TenantPage;
+    let queryEditor: QueryEditor;
+    test.beforeEach(async ({page}) => {
+        const pageQueryParams = {
+            schema: tenantName,
+            name: tenantName,
+            general: 'query',
+        };
+        tenantPage = new TenantPage(page);
+        await tenantPage.goto(pageQueryParams);
+        queryEditor = new QueryEditor(page);
+    });
+    test('New query appears in history after execution', async ({page}) => {
+        const testQuery = 'SELECT 1 AS test_column;';
+        // Execute the query
+        await queryEditor.run(testQuery, QueryMode.YQLScript);
+        // Navigate to the history tab
+        await page.click('text=History');
+        // Check if the query appears in the history
+        const historyTable = page.locator('.ydb-queries-history table');
+        await expect(historyTable.locator(`text="${testQuery}"`)).toBeVisible();
+    });
+    test('Multiple queries appear in correct order in history', async ({page}) => {
+        const queries = [
+            'SELECT 1 AS first_query;',
+            'SELECT 2 AS second_query;',
+            'SELECT 3 AS third_query;',
+        ];
+        // Execute multiple queries
+        for (const query of queries) {
+            await queryEditor.run(query, QueryMode.YQLScript);
+        }
+        // Navigate to the history tab
+        await page.click('text=History');
+        // Check if queries appear in reverse order (most recent first)
+        const historyTable = page.locator('.ydb-queries-history table');
+        const rows = historyTable.locator('tbody tr');
+        await expect(rows).toHaveCount(queries.length);
+        for (let i = 0; i < queries.length; i++) {
+            await expect(rows.nth(i)).toContainText(queries[queries.length - 1 - i]);
+        }
+    });