Usually we create a Image out of Dockerfile. But we can still create an image out of a container
- Docker environment
- dockerhub account
Steps we are following
- pull nginx image
- Create a container
- Do some changes on the container
- Create an image using container
- Push image to
- Remove container and image
- create container using our custom image
- We could able to see changes
Pull nginx docker image
docker pull nginx:latest
Create a container using nginx image
docker run -dt --name vtproxyuat01 -p 8080:80 nginx:latest docker exec -it vtproxyuat01 /bin/bash or docker run -it --name vtproxyuat01 -p 8080:80 nginx:latest /bin/bash
Modify index.html file on container
cat >> /user/share/nginx/html/index.html
Create an image out of the container
docker commit vtproxyuat01 <docker_account_id>/vtproxyimage:<tage_name>
Push image to dockerhub account
docker push <docker_account_id>/vtproxyimage:<tage_name>
Remove containers and images
docker stop vtproxyuat01 docker rm vtproxyuat01 docker system prune --all // to remove all stopped containers and unused images
Create a container using image which we pushed to dockerhub.
docker run -it --name vtproxyuat02 -p 8080:80 <docker_account_id>/vtproxyimage:<tage_name> /bin/bash
Check for the content in the file. We could see same our changes.
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