a c++ redis client based on asio, need c++ 11 support
我们可以自定义redis_cpp的内部日志处理函数以及设置内部日志级别, 默认是输出到控制台
#include <iostream>
#include <strstream>
#include <vector>
#include <redis_cpp.hpp>
#include <utility/asio_base/thread_pool.hpp>
//#define __standalone_sync_client_test__
//#define __standalone_sync_client_pool_test__
#define __cluster_sync_client_test__
//#define __standalone_async_client_test__
#define __cluster_async_client_tet__
void custom_log_handler(redis_cpp::internal::rds_log_level log_level, const char* data, int32_t len){
printf("custom_log_handler, lvl[%d], msg[%s], len[%d]\n", log_level, data, len);
static const char* loglvl_str(redis_cpp::internal::rds_log_level lvl){
static const char* log_level_strs[] = { "debug", "info", "warn", "error", "fatal" };
static const char* uknow_level = "unknow";
if (lvl >= redis_cpp::internal::rds_log_level_debug &&
lvl <= redis_cpp::internal::rds_log_level_fatal){
return log_level_strs[lvl];
return uknow_level;
void redis_cpp_log_handler_1(redis_cpp::internal::rds_log_level log_level, const char* data, int32_t len){
auto tp = std::chrono::system_clock::now();
auto tt = std::chrono::system_clock::to_time_t(tp);
auto duration = tp.time_since_epoch();
int32_t millis = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(duration).count() % 1000;
struct tm* ptm = localtime(&tt);
char date[64] = { 0 };
sprintf(date, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d,%03d",
(int32_t)ptm->tm_year + 1900, (int32_t)ptm->tm_mon + 1, (int32_t)ptm->tm_mday,
(int32_t)ptm->tm_hour, (int32_t)ptm->tm_min, (int32_t)ptm->tm_sec, millis);
printf("--------[%s][%s][rds] %s\n", date, loglvl_str(log_level), data);
int main()
std::cout << "redis_cpp test." << std::endl;
// set the internal loggel level
// set the internal log handler
return 0
- 单例模式(standalone)
- 单链接
using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str()); sync_client->connect(); // operator redis_sync_operator client(sync_client); // set foo bar client.set("foo", "bar"); // get foo std::string res_foo; if (client.get("foo", res_foo)) { printf("get foo: %s\n", res_foo.c_str()); } else { printf("get foo: failed\n"); }
- 连接池
using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool); base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool; // operator redis_sync_operator client(sync_client); // set foo bar client.set("foo", "bar"); // get foo std::string res_foo; if (client.get("foo", res_foo)) { printf("get foo: %s\n", res_foo.c_str()); } else { printf("get foo: failed\n"); }
- 单链接
- 哨兵模式(sentinel)
using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; std::string master_name = "test_master"; const char* srv_list = ""; // sentinel client sentinel_client_pool_ptr client_pool = sentinel_client_pool::create(srv_list); client_pool->start(); std::string redis_uri_str = "redis://[email protected]:6381/1"; redis_uri uri(redis_uri_str.c_str()); std::pair<std::string, int32_t> address; if (client_pool->get_master_address_by_name(master_name.c_str(), address)) { uri.set_ip(address.first.c_str()); uri.set_port(address.second); printf("master_name[%s]'s master address is [%s:%d].\n", master_name.c_str(), address.first.c_str(), address.second); redis_uri_str = uri.to_string(); } else { printf("try get master_name[%s]' master address failed.\n", master_name.c_str()); } // sentinal sync client sentinel_sync_client* client = new sentinel_sync_client("acmaster", redis_uri_str.c_str(), 1, 2); client->set_sentinel_client_pool(client_pool); redis_sync_operator redis_op(client); // set foo bar client.set("foo", "bar");
- 集群模式
using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002"; cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2); base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster; // operator redis_sync_operator client(sync_client); // set foo bar client.set("foo", "bar"); // get foo std::string res_foo; if (client.get("foo", res_foo)) { printf("get foo: %s\n", res_foo.c_str()); } else { printf("get foo: failed\n"); }
void redis_key_test(){
using namespace redis_cpp;
using namespace redis_cpp::detail;
utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2);
std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1";
#if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__)
standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str());
#elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__)
standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool;
#elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__)
std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002";
cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster;
redis_sync_operator client(sync_client);
// set foo bar
client.set("foo", "bar");
client.set("foo1", "bar1");
client.set("foo2", "bar2");
// get foo
std::string res_foo;
if (client.get("foo", res_foo))
printf("get foo: %s\n", res_foo.c_str());
printf("get foo: failed\n");
// exist
bool f = client.exist("foo");
bool f1 = client.exist("foo3");
printf("foo exists:%d, foo3 exist2:%d\n", f, f1);
// expire and ttl pttl
f = client.expire("foo", 3000);
printf("set foo expire result: %d\n", f);
int32_t lt = client.ttl("foo");
printf("get foo lifetime in seconds: %ds\n", lt);
int64_t plt = client.pttl("foo");
printf("get foo lifetime in milliseconds: %lldms\n", plt);
lt = client.ttl("foo3");
printf("get foo3 lifetime in seconds: %ds\n", lt);
lt = client.ttl("foo2");
printf("get foo2 lifetime in seconds: %ds\n", lt);
f = client.pexpire("foo", 400000);
printf("set foo pexpire result: %d\n", f);
lt = client.ttl("foo");
plt = client.pttl("foo");
printf("get foo lifetime %ds, %lldms\n", lt, plt);
// key pattern
std::vector<std::string> keys;
f = client.keys_pattern("*", keys);
printf("keys: %d\n", keys.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < keys.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, keys[i].c_str());
// persist
f = client.persist("foo");
printf("persist key foo result %d\n", f);
// random key
std::string random_key;
f = client.randomkey(random_key);
printf("randomkey result: %d, key:%s\n", f, random_key.c_str());
// rename key
f = client.rename("aa", "bb");
printf("raname aa to bb result :%d\n", f);
f = client.renamenx("bb", "aa");
printf("renamenx bb to aa reesult: %d\n", f);
redis_key_type type = client.type("fzt");
printf("key fzt type: %d\n", type);
// scan
std::vector<std::string> out_elements;
uint64_t next_cursor = client.scan(0, out_elements, nullptr, nullptr);
printf("scan result, next_cursor[%llu], out_elements size[%d]\n", next_cursor, out_elements.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_elements.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, out_elements[i].c_str());
// del
int32_t del_count = client.del("foo2");
f1 = client.exist("foo2");
printf("delete foo2 count[%d], exists[%d] now\n", del_count, f1);
void redis_string_test(){
using namespace redis_cpp;
using namespace redis_cpp::detail;
utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2);
std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1";
#if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__)
standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str());
#elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__)
standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool;
#elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__)
std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002";
cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster;
redis_sync_operator client(sync_client);
// set
client.set("fuzuotao", "isgod");
// get
std::string out_value;
client.get("fuzuotao", out_value);
printf("get fuzuotao: %s\n", out_value.c_str());
client.get("fuzuotao1", out_value);
printf("get fuzuotao1: %s\n", out_value.c_str());
// append
int32_t len = client.append("fuzuotao", "hello", 7);
printf("fuzuotao' value len :%d after append\n", len);
client.get("fuzuotao", out_value);
printf("get fuzuotao: %s\n", out_value.c_str());
// mset
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> kv_pairs;
kv_pairs["s1"] = "sss1";
kv_pairs["s2"] = "sss2";
kv_pairs["s3"] = "sss3";
bool f = client.mset(kv_pairs);
printf("mset result: %d\n", f);
// mget
std::vector<std::string> out_value_list;
std::vector<std::string> keys;
f = client.mget(keys, out_value_list);
printf("mget result: %d, out_value_list_size: %d\n", f, out_value_list.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_value_list.size(); ++i)
printf("%d)[%s] %s\n", i + 1, keys[i].c_str(), out_value_list[i].c_str());
// msetnx
f = client.msetnx(kv_pairs);
printf("msetnx with exist key result: %d\n", f);
int32_t del_count = client.del(keys);
printf("del count :%d\n", del_count);
kv_pairs["s4"] = "sss4";
kv_pairs["s5"] = "sss5";
f = client.msetnx(kv_pairs);
printf("msetnx with not exit key result: %d\n", f);
f = client.mget(keys, out_value_list);
printf("mget result: %d, out_value_list_size: %d\n", f, out_value_list.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_value_list.size(); ++i)
printf("%d)[%s] %s\n", i + 1, keys[i].c_str(), out_value_list[i].c_str());
// setex
f = client.setex("fuzuotao", "fzt", 3000);
printf("setex fuzuotao result :%d\n", f);
int32_t lt = client.ttl("fuzuotao");
printf("key fuzutoao lifetime :%ds\n", lt);
// psetex
f = client.psetex("fuzuotao", "fzt001", 4000000);
printf("psetex fuzuotao result: %d\n", f);
int64_t plf = client.pttl("fuzuotao");
printf("key fuzuotao lifetime: %lldms\n", plf);
// setnx
f = client.setnx("xiaoming", "2b");
bool f1 = client.get("xiaoming", out_value);
printf("setnx not exist key[xiaoming] result:%d, value: %s\n", f, out_value.c_str());
f = client.setnx("fuzuotao", "sanhaoqingning");
printf("setnx exist key[fuzuotao] result: %d.\n", f);
// set bit
int32_t old_bit = client.setbit("bittest", 10, 1);
printf("setbit [bittest] oldbit: %d\n", old_bit);
int32_t bit = 0;
f = client.getbit("bittest", 10, bit);
printf("get bit result, %d, bit[%d]\n", f, bit);
// bit count
int32_t bit_count = 0;
f = client.bitcount("bittest", bit_count);
printf("getbitcount [bittest], result[%d], count[%d]\n", f, bit_count);
// setrange
client.set("rangetest", "rrrrr");
int32_t new_str_len = client.setrange("rangetest", 7, "tttt");
client.get("rangetest", out_value);
printf("setrange [rangetest] result[%d].\n", f);
// get range
std::string sub_str;
f = client.getrange("rangetest", 6, 10, sub_str);
printf("getrange [rangetest] 6-10, result[%d].\n", f);
// increase decrease
client.set("numbertest", "10");
int32_t newnumb = client.incr("numbertest");
printf("incr [numbertest] new value: %d\n", newnumb);
newnumb = client.incrby("numbertest", 20);
printf("incrby 20 [numbertest] new value: %d\n", newnumb);
newnumb = client.decr("numbertest");
printf("decr [numbertest] new value: %d\n", newnumb);
newnumb = client.decrby("numbertest", 5);
printf("decrby 5 [numbertest] new value: %d\n", newnumb);
double new_float = 0;
f = client.incrbyfloat("numbertest", 11.5, &new_float);
printf("decrbyfloat 11.5 [numbertest] new_value: %f\n", new_float);
void redis_list_test(){
using namespace redis_cpp;
using namespace redis_cpp::detail;
utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2);
std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1";
#if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__)
standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str());
#elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__)
standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool;
#elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__)
std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002";
cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster;
redis_sync_operator client(sync_client);
// lpush, llen
std::string tlist = "test_list";
std::string tlist1 = "test_list1";
int32_t len = client.lpush(tlist.c_str(), "f1");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after lpush.\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
std::vector<std::string> values;
len = client.lpush(tlist.c_str(), values);
int32_t len1 = client.llen(tlist.c_str());
printf("[%s] len[%d] len1[%d] after lpush 2 elements.\n", tlist.c_str(), len, len1);
// lpushx
len = client.lpushx(tlist.c_str(), "f4");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after lpushx.\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
len = client.lpushx(tlist1.c_str(), "f5");
printf("not exist list[%s] len[%d] after lpushx.\n", tlist1.c_str(), len);
// lrange
std::vector<std::string> out_values;
bool f = client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
printf("[%s] lrange result[%d], out_ele_count[%d].\n", tlist.c_str(), f, out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// rpush
len = client.rpush(tlist.c_str(), "f10");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after rpush.\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
len = client.rpush(tlist.c_str(), values);
printf("[%s] len[%d] after rpush 2 elements.\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
// rpushx
len = client.rpushx(tlist.c_str(), "f13");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after rpushx.\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
len = client.rpushx(tlist1.c_str(), "f111");
printf("not exist list[%s] len[%d] after rpushx.\n", tlist1.c_str(), len);
// lindex
std::string element;
int32_t index = 1;
f = client.lindex(tlist.c_str(), index, element);
printf("[%s] element at index[%d] is %s, result[%d]\n", tlist.c_str(), index, element.c_str(), f);
// lset
f = client.lset(tlist.c_str(), index, "fxxxx");
client.lindex(tlist.c_str(), index, element);
printf("[%s] element at index[%d] after reset is [%s], result[%d]\n", tlist.c_str(), index, element.c_str(), f);
// insert before
len = client.insert_before(tlist.c_str(), "f1", "bf1");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after insert before [f1].\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
// insert after
len = client.insert_after(tlist.c_str(), "f1", "af1");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after insert after [f1].\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
printf("current list dump....\n");
client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// lpop
std::string poped_value;
f = client.lpop(tlist.c_str(), &poped_value);
printf("[%s] len[%d] after lpop, poped_value[%s], result[%d]\n", tlist.c_str(), client.llen(tlist.c_str()), poped_value.c_str(), f);
f = client.lpop(tlist1.c_str(), nullptr);
printf("[%s] len[%d] after lpop, result[%d].\n", tlist1.c_str(), client.llen(tlist1.c_str()), f);
// rpop
f = client.rpop(tlist.c_str(), &poped_value);
printf("[%s] len[%d] after rpop, poped_value[%s], result[%d]\n", tlist.c_str(), client.llen(tlist.c_str()), poped_value.c_str(), f);
f = client.rpop(tlist1.c_str(), nullptr);
printf("[%s] len[%d] after rpop, result[%d].\n", tlist1.c_str(), client.llen(tlist1.c_str()), f);
printf("current list dump....\n");
client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// lrem
len = client.lrem(tlist.c_str(), 0, "f1");
printf("[%s] len[%d] after remove [f1].\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
printf("current list dump....\n");
client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// ltrim
f = client.ltrim(tlist.c_str(), 3, 7);
printf("[%s] trim result[%d] [3-7].\n", tlist.c_str(), f);
printf("current list dump....\n");
client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// blpop
std::vector<std::string> keys;
std::pair<std::string, std::string> result;
f = client.blpop(keys, 5, result);
printf("[%s] blpop result[%d], out[%s:%s]\n", tlist.c_str(), f, result.first.c_str(), result.second.c_str());
f = client.brpop(keys, 5, result);
printf("[%s] brpop result[%d], out[%s:%s]\n", tlist.c_str(), f, result.first.c_str(), result.second.c_str());
printf("current list dump....\n");
client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// rpoplpush
f = client.rpoplpush(tlist.c_str(), tlist1.c_str(), &poped_value);
printf("[%s] rpoplpush result[%d]\n", tlist.c_str(), f);
printf("current list dump....\n");
client.lrange(tlist.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
len = client.llen(tlist1.c_str());
printf("[%s] len[%d]\n", tlist1.c_str(), len);
client.lrange(tlist1.c_str(), 0, -1, out_values);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
len = client.llen(tlist.c_str());
for (int32_t i = 0; i < len; ++i)
client.rpop(tlist.c_str(), nullptr);
len = client.llen(tlist.c_str());
printf("[%s] now len[%d]\n", tlist.c_str(), len);
// brpop, blpop, brpoplpush
result.first = "";
result.second = "";
client.brpop(keys, 5, result);
printf("[%s] brpop finish, result[%s:%s]\n", tlist.c_str(), result.first.c_str(), result.second.c_str());
result.first = "";
result.second = "";
client.blpop(keys, 5, result);
printf("[%s] blpop finish, result[%s:%s]\n", tlist.c_str(), result.first.c_str(), result.second.c_str());
result.first = "";
result.second = "";
client.brpoplpush(tlist.c_str(), tlist1.c_str(), 5, &result);
printf("[%s] brpoplpush finish, result[%s:%s]\n", tlist.c_str(), result.first.c_str(), result.second.c_str());
void redis_hash_test(){
using namespace redis_cpp;
using namespace redis_cpp::detail;
utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2);
std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1";
#if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__)
standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str());
#elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__)
standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool;
#elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__)
std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002";
cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster;
redis_sync_operator client(sync_client);
// del testhash
std::string thash = "testhash";
// hset
int32_t res = client.hset(thash.c_str(), "f1", "v1");
int32_t res1 = client.hset(thash.c_str(), "f2", "v2");
int32_t hlen = client.hlen(thash.c_str());
printf("[%s] set field[f1], [f2] result[%d], [%d], current_len[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), res, res1, hlen);
// hsetnx
bool f = client.hsetnx(thash.c_str(), "f1", "v1_x");
printf("[%s] set exists field[f1] result[%d], current_len[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, client.hlen(thash.c_str()));
f = client.hsetnx(thash.c_str(), "f3", "v3");
printf("[%s] set not exists field[f1] result[%d], current_len[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, client.hlen(thash.c_str()));
// hget
std::string v1;
std::string v2;
f = client.hget(thash.c_str(), "f1", v1);
bool f1 = client.hget(thash.c_str(), "f2", v2);
printf("[%s] get field[f1],[f2] result[%d], [%d], vaule[%s],[%s].\n", thash.c_str(), f, f1, v1.c_str(), v2.c_str());
// hmset
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> input_map;
input_map["f4"] = "v4";
input_map["f5"] = "v5";
input_map["f6"] = "v6";
f = client.hmset(thash.c_str(), input_map);
printf("[%s] mset field[f4][f5][f6], result[%d], current_len[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, client.hlen(thash.c_str()));
// hmget
std::vector<std::string> out_values;
std::vector<std::string> input_fields;
f = client.hmget(thash.c_str(), input_fields, out_values);
printf("[%s] mget field[f4][f5][f6], result[%d], out_values_size[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("<%s> %s.\n", input_fields[i].c_str(), out_values[i].c_str());
// hkeys
std::vector <std::string> out_keys;
f = client.hkeys(thash.c_str(), out_keys);
printf("[%s] hkeys result[%d], size[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, out_keys.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_keys.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_keys[i].c_str());
// hvals
f = client.hvals(thash.c_str(), out_values);
printf("[%s] hvals result[%d], size[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// hgetall
std::unordered_map<std::string, std::string> out_map;
f = client.hgetall(thash.c_str(), out_map);
printf("[%s] hgetall result[%d], size[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, out_map.size());
auto result_iter = out_map.begin();
for (result_iter; result_iter != out_map.end(); ++result_iter)
printf("<%s> %s.\n", result_iter->first.c_str(), result_iter->second.c_str());
// hincryby
res = client.hset(thash.c_str(), "f10", "10");
int32_t out_int_new_value;
f = client.hincrby(thash.c_str(), "f10", 5, &out_int_new_value);
printf("[%s] field[f10] value[10] hincrby 5, result[%d], new_value[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f, out_int_new_value);
// hincrybyfloat
res = client.hset(thash.c_str(), "f11", "10.3");
double out_float_new_value;
f = client.hincrbyfloat(thash.c_str(), "f11", 5.5, &out_float_new_value);
printf("[%s] field[f11] value[10.3] hincrybyfloat 5.5, result[%d]. new_value[%f].\n", thash.c_str(), f, out_float_new_value);
// hexists
f = client.hexists(thash.c_str(), "f10");
printf("[%s] filed[f10] exists[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), f);
// hscan
uint64_t next_cursor = client.hscan(thash.c_str(), 0, out_map, nullptr, nullptr);
printf("[%s] hscan, next_curor[%llu], out_result_size[%d].\n", thash.c_str(), next_cursor, out_map.size());
result_iter = out_map.begin();
for (result_iter; result_iter != out_map.end(); ++result_iter)
printf("<%s> %s.\n", result_iter->first.c_str(), result_iter->second.c_str());
void redis_set_test(){
using namespace redis_cpp;
using namespace redis_cpp::detail;
utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2);
std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1";
#if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__)
standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str());
#elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__)
standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool;
#elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__)
std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002";
cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster;
redis_sync_operator client(sync_client);
// sadd
std::string tset = "testset";
std::string tset1 = "testset1";
std::string diff_dest = "diffdest";
std::string inter_dest = "interstore";
std::string union_dest = "union_dest";
int32_t add_count = client.sadd(tset.c_str(), "s1");
printf("[%s] sadd [s1], add_count[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), add_count);
std::vector<std::string> add_values;
add_count = client.sadd(tset.c_str(), add_values);
printf("[%s] sadd[s2][s3][s4], add_count[%d], current_size[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), add_count, client.scard(tset.c_str()));
// spop
std::string poped_value;
bool f = client.spop(tset.c_str(), &poped_value);
printf("[%s] spop result[%d], poped_value[%s], current_size[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), f, poped_value.c_str(), client.scard(tset.c_str()));
// srandmember
f = client.srandmember(tset.c_str(), poped_value);
printf("[%s] srandmember result[%d], poped_value[%s], current_size[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), f, poped_value.c_str(), client.scard(tset.c_str()));
std::vector<std::string> poped_values;
f = client.srandmember(tset.c_str(), 2, poped_values);
printf("[%s] srandmemer 2 member, result[%d], poped ele count[%d], current_size[%d]\n", tset.c_str(), f, poped_values.size(), client.scard(tset.c_str()));
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < poped_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, poped_values[i].c_str());
// smembers
add_count = client.sadd(tset.c_str(), add_values);
std::vector<std::string> out_values;
f = client.smembers(tset.c_str(), out_values);
printf("[%s] smember result[%d], out_size[%d]\n", tset.c_str(), f, out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// sismember
f = client.sismember(tset.c_str(), "s1");
printf("[%s] value[s1] exists[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), f);
f = client.sismember(tset.c_str(), "s11");
printf("[%s] value[s11] exists[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), f);
// s2
std::vector<std::string> add_values2;
client.sadd(tset1.c_str(), add_values2);
// sdiff
std::vector<std::string> diff_set;
f = client.sdiff(tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), diff_set);
printf("sdiff [%s][%s], result[%d], diff_set_size[%d]\n",
tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), f, diff_set.size());
printf("diff set size[%d]\n", diff_set.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < diff_set.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, diff_set[i].c_str());
// sdiffstore
int32_t diff_count = client.sdiffstore(diff_dest.c_str(), tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str());
printf("sdiffstore [%s][%s], diff_count[%d]\n", tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), diff_count);
client.smembers(diff_dest.c_str(), out_values);
printf("diff set, size[%d]\n", out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, diff_set[i].c_str());
// sinter
std::vector<std::string> inter_set;
f = client.sinter(tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), inter_set);
printf("sinter [%s][%s], result[%d], inter_set_size[%d]\n",
tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), f, inter_set.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < inter_set.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, inter_set[i].c_str());
// sinterstore
int32_t inter_set_count = client.sinterstore(inter_dest.c_str(), tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str());
printf("sinterstore [%s][%s], interset_size[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), inter_set_count);
client.smembers(inter_dest.c_str(), out_values);
printf("inter set, size[%d].\n", out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
// sunion
std::vector<std::string> union_set;
f = client.sunion(tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), union_set);
printf("sunion [%s][%s], result[%d], union_set_size[%d]\n",
tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), f, union_set.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < union_set.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, union_set[i].c_str());
// sunionstore
int32_t union_set_count = client.sunionstore(union_dest.c_str(), tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str());
printf("sunionstore [%s][%s], union_set_count[%d].\n", tset.c_str(), tset1.c_str(), union_set_count);
client.smembers(union_dest.c_str(), out_values);
printf("union set, size[%d].\n", out_values.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_values.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, out_values[i].c_str());
void redis_zset_test(){
using namespace redis_cpp;
using namespace redis_cpp::detail;
utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2);
std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1";
#if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__)
standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str());
#elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__)
standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool;
#elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__)
std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002";
cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2);
base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster;
redis_sync_operator client(sync_client);
// add
std::string tzset = "testzset";
std::string tzset1 = "testzset1";
std::string tzset_union = "testzset_union";
std::string tzset_inter = "testzset_inter";
int32_t added_count = client.zadd(tzset.c_str(), 100, "zs1");
printf("[%s] add [zs1], added_count[%d], current_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), added_count, client.zcard(tzset.c_str()));
std::vector<std::pair<double, std::string>> add_values;
add_values.push_back(std::make_pair(10, "zs10"));
add_values.push_back(std::make_pair(15, "zs15"));
add_values.push_back(std::make_pair(5, "zs5"));
add_values.push_back(std::make_pair(20, "zs20"));
add_values.push_back(std::make_pair(20, "ab20"));
added_count = client.zadd(tzset.c_str(), add_values);
printf("[%s] add [zs5][zs10][zs15], added_cout[%d], current_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), added_count, client.zcard(tzset.c_str()));
std::vector<std::pair<double, std::string>> add_values1;
add_values1.push_back(std::make_pair(100, "zs100"));
add_values1.push_back(std::make_pair(105, "zs105"));
add_values1.push_back(std::make_pair(115, "zs5"));
client.zadd(tzset1.c_str(), add_values1);
// zcount
int32_t count = client.zcount(tzset.c_str(), 10, 1001);
printf("[%s] score at[10, 1001] element count[%d].\n", tzset.c_str(), count);
// zrange
std::vector<std::string> out_result_no_scores;
bool f = client.zrange(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_no_scores);
printf("[%s] zrange at [0, -1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_no_scores.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_no_scores.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_result_no_scores[i].c_str());
f = client.zrange(tzset.c_str(), 0, 1, out_result_no_scores);
printf("[%s] zrange at [0, 1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_no_scores.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_no_scores.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_result_no_scores[i].c_str());
// zrange with scores
std::vector<std::pair<std::string, double>> out_result_with_score;
f = client.zrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
printf("[%s] zrange with score at [0, -1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_with_score.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
f = client.zrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, 1, out_result_with_score);
printf("[%s] zrange with score at [0, 1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_with_score.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrangebyscore
f = client.zrangebyscore(tzset.c_str(), 0, 50, out_result_no_scores);
printf("[%s] zrangebyscore at [0, 50] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_no_scores.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_no_scores.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_result_no_scores[i].c_str());
// zrangebyscore with score
f = client.zrangebyscorewithscore(tzset.c_str(), 0, 10000, out_result_with_score);
printf("[%s] zrangebyscore with scores at [0, 10000] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_with_score.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrank
int32_t out_rank = 0;
f = client.zrank(tzset.c_str(), "zs10", out_rank);
printf("[%s] zrank member[zs10] result[%d], out_rank[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_rank);
// zrev range
f = client.zrevrange(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_no_scores);
printf("[%s] zrevrange at [0, -1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_no_scores.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_no_scores.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_result_no_scores[i].c_str());
f = client.zrevrange(tzset.c_str(), 0, 1, out_result_no_scores);
printf("[%s] zrevrange at [0, 1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_no_scores.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_no_scores.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_result_no_scores[i].c_str());
// zrevrange with scores
f = client.zrevrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
printf("[%s] zrevrange with score at [0, -1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_with_score.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
f = client.zrevrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, 1, out_result_with_score);
printf("[%s] zrevrange with score at [0, 1] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_with_score.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrevrangebyscore
f = client.zrevrangebyscore(tzset.c_str(), 50, 0, out_result_no_scores);
printf("[%s] zrevrangebyscore at [50, 0] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_no_scores.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_no_scores.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s.\n", i + 1, out_result_no_scores[i].c_str());
// zrevrangebyscore with score
f = client.zrevrangebyscorewithscore(tzset.c_str(), 10000, 0, out_result_with_score);
printf("[%s] zrevrangebyscore with scores [10000, 0] result[%d], out_result_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_result_with_score.size());
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrevrank
out_rank = 0;
f = client.zrevrank(tzset.c_str(), "zs10", out_rank);
printf("[%s] zrevrank member[zs10] result[%d], out_rank[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_rank);
// zscore
std::string out_score;
f = client.zscore(tzset.c_str(), "zs1", out_score);
printf("[%s] zscore [zs1] result[%d], out_score[%s]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_score.c_str());
// zincrby
std::string out_new_score;
f = client.zincrby(tzset.c_str(), 8, "zs10", &out_new_score);
printf("[%s] zincrby [zs10] score increase 8, result[%d], new_score[%s]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_new_score.c_str());
f = client.zincrby(tzset.c_str(), 1.5, "zs10", &out_new_score);
printf("[%s] zincrby [zs10] score increase 1.5, result[%d], new_score[%s]\n",
tzset.c_str(), f, out_new_score.c_str());
// zunionstore
std::vector<std::string> keys;
int32_t union_set_size = client.zunionstore(tzset_union.c_str(), keys, nullptr, "SUM");
printf("[%s][%s] zunionstore, union_set_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), tzset1.c_str(), union_set_size);
client.zrangewithscores(tzset_union.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zinterstore
int32_t inter_set_size = client.zinterstore(tzset_inter.c_str(), keys, nullptr, "SUM");
printf("[%s][%s] zinterstore, inter_set_size[%d]\n", tzset.c_str(), tzset1.c_str(), inter_set_size);
client.zrangewithscores(tzset_inter.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrem
int32_t removed_count = client.zrem(tzset.c_str(), "zs1");
printf("[%s] zrem [zs1], removed_count[%d], curent_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), removed_count, client.zcard(tzset.c_str()));
std::vector<std::string> to_remove_list;
removed_count = client.zrem(tzset.c_str(), to_remove_list);
printf("[%s] zrem [zs5][zs10][zs15], removed_count[%d], curent_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), removed_count, client.zcard(tzset.c_str()));
printf("dump current set...\n");
client.zrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrembyrank
removed_count = client.zremrangebyrank(tzset.c_str(), 0, 1);
printf("[%s] zrembyrank from [0, 1], remove_count[%d], current_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), removed_count, client.zcard(tzset.c_str()));
printf("dump current set...\n");
client.zrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
// zrembyscore
removed_count = client.zremrangebyscore(tzset.c_str(), 0, 50);
printf("[%s] zrembyscore from [0, 50], remove_count[%d], current_size[%d]\n",
tzset.c_str(), removed_count, client.zcard(tzset.c_str()));
printf("dump current set...\n");
client.zrangewithscores(tzset.c_str(), 0, -1, out_result_with_score);
for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result_with_score.size(); ++i)
printf("%d) %s : %f.\n", i + 1, out_result_with_score[i].first.c_str(), out_result_with_score[i].second);
void redis_pubsub_test(){ using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1"; #if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__) standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str()); sync_client->connect(); #elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__) standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool); base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool; #elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__) std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002"; cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2); base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster; #endif redis_sync_operator client(sync_client); std::string cmd; while (true) { std::cout << ">"; std::cin >> cmd; if (cmd == "pubsub") { std::string p; std::cin >> p; if (p == "numsub") { std::string channel_name; int32_t sub_count; std::cin >> channel_name; client.pubsub_numsub(channel_name.c_str(), sub_count); printf("channel_name:%s, subed_count: %d\n", channel_name.c_str(), sub_count); } else if (p == "channels") { std::vector<std::string> out_result; client.pubsub_channels(out_result); printf("current active channels count:%d\n", out_result.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < out_result.size(); ++i) { printf("%d) %s\n", i + 1, out_result[i].c_str()); } } else if (p == "numpat") { int32_t count = client.pubsub_numpat(); printf("numpat: %d\n", count); } } else if (cmd == "publish") { std::string channel_name; std::string message; std::cin >> channel_name; std::cin >> message; int32_t recv_count = client.publish(channel_name.c_str(), message.c_str()); printf("recved_count: %d\n", recv_count); } } system("pause"); pool.wait_for_stop(); //sync_client->destroy(); }
void standalone_async_client_test(){ using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); #if defined(__standalone_async_client_test__) std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1"; standalone_async_client s_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str()); base_async_client* client = &s_client; #elif defined(__cluster_async_client_tet__) std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002"; cluster_async_client c_client(redis_uri.c_str()); base_async_client* client = &c_client; #endif client->connect(); std::string cmd; while (true){ std::cout << "> "; std::cin >> cmd; if (cmd == "subscribe"){ std::string channel_name; std::cin >> channel_name; client->subscribe(channel_name, std::bind(test_channel_message_handler, std::placeholders::_1, std::placeholders::_2), std::bind(default_reply_handler, std::placeholders::_1)); } else if (cmd == "unsubscribe"){ std::string channel_name; std::cin >> channel_name; client->unsubscribe(channel_name, std::bind(default_reply_handler, std::placeholders::_1)); } else if (cmd == "publish"){ std::string channel_name, message; std::cin >> channel_name >> message; client->publish(channel_name, message, std::bind(default_reply_handler, std::placeholders::_1)); } } pool.wait_for_stop(); }
void redis_server_cmd_test(){ using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:6379/1"; #if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__) standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str()); sync_client->connect(); #elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__) standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool); base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool; #elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__) std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002"; cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2); base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster; #endif redis_sync_operator client(sync_client); while (true) { //system("pause"); int64_t time_server; int64_t microseconds; if (client.time(&time_server, µseconds)) { time_t now = time(NULL); printf("time: %lld, microseconds: %lld, now[%d]\n", time_server, microseconds, (int32_t)now); } else { printf("get server time failed\n"); } node_role_info role_info; if (client.role(role_info)) { printf("role: %s\n", role_info.role.c_str()); if (role_info.role == "master") { std::shared_ptr<master_node_info> master = role_info.master; printf("repli_offset: %d\n", master->replication_offset); printf("slave list, count:%d\n", master->slave_list.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < master->slave_list.size(); ++i) { slave_base_info& slave_info = master->slave_list[i]; printf("------------------------------------------\n"); printf("ip: %s\n", slave_info.ip.c_str()); printf("port: %d\n", slave_info.port); printf("replic_offset: %d\n", slave_info.replication_offset); printf("\n"); } } else if (role_info.role == "slave") { std::shared_ptr<slave_node_info> slave = role_info.slave; printf("master_ip: %s\n", slave->master_ip.c_str()); printf("master_port: %d\n", slave->master_port); printf("state: %s\n", slave->state.c_str()); printf("recv_size: %d\n", slave->recved_data_size); } else if (role_info.role == "sentinel") { std::shared_ptr<sentinel_node_info> sentinel = role_info.sentinel; printf("monitored master list, count:%d\n", sentinel->master_name_list_monitored.size()); for (std::size_t i = 0; i < sentinel->master_name_list_monitored.size(); ++i) { printf("i: %d, %s\n", i, sentinel->master_name_list_monitored[i].c_str()); } } else { printf("unsupport role type:%s\n", role_info.role.c_str()); } } else { printf("get role info failed\n"); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); } system("pause"); pool.wait_for_stop(); //sync_client->destroy(); }
void redis_cluster_cmd_test(){ using namespace redis_cpp; using namespace redis_cpp::detail; utility::asio_base::thread_pool pool(2); pool.start(); std::string redis_uri = "redis://[email protected]:7000/1"; #if defined(__standalone_sync_client_test__) standalone_sync_client* sync_client = new standalone_sync_client(pool.io_service(), redis_uri.c_str()); sync_client->connect(); #elif defined(__standalone_sync_client_pool_test__) standalone_sync_client_pool client_pool(redis_uri.c_str(), 1, 2, &pool); base_sync_client* sync_client = &client_pool; #elif defined(__cluster_sync_client_test__) std::string redis_uri_list = "redis://[email protected]:7000;redis://[email protected]:7001;redis://[email protected]:7002"; cluster_sync_client cluster(redis_uri_list.c_str(), 1, 2); base_sync_client* sync_client = &cluster; #endif redis_sync_operator client(sync_client); while (true){ slot_range_map_type map; if (client.cluster_slots(map)){ printf("slot range count[%d].\n", map.size()); int32_t index = 0; for (auto& kv : map){ printf("%02d, range[%d~%d].\n", index, kv.first.start_slot, kv.first.end_slot); printf(" master [%s:%d].\n", kv.second.master.ip.c_str(), kv.second.master.port); printf(" slaves, count[%d]\n", kv.second.slave_list.size()); int32_t slave_index = 0; for (auto& slave : kv.second.slave_list){ printf(" %02d, %s:%d.\n", slave_index, slave.ip.c_str(), slave.port); slave_index++; } index++; } } else{ printf("parser slot range failed\n"); } system("pause"); } }