- Node.js v14
- MongoDB:
- install it locally
- start via docker (e.g.
docker run --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 -d mongo
mkdir graffiti-notes && cd graffiti-notes
npm init -y
npm install graffiti
// rest of your package.json
"scripts": {
"start": "NODE_ENV=production graffiti",
"develop": "graffiti dev"
// rest of your package.json
First, create new schema folder:
mkdir schema
Then, create new note.js
file in it and describe our notes schema:
// schema/note.js
exports.schema = {
name: String,
body: String,
Make sure your MongoDB is running.
Once it is - execute npm run develop
to start your Graffiti app in dev mode
and navigate to http://localhost:3000/playground.
Playground should now allow you to execute variety of queries and mutations for notes.
First, install the plugin using npm:
npm install graffiti-plugin-next
Then, create new file graffiti.config.js
and add the following:
const nextPlugin = require('graffiti-plugin-next');
module.exports = {
mongoUrl: 'mongodb://localhost/graffiti',
plugins: [nextPlugin()],
First, create pages/
folder for Next.js to use:
mkdir pages
Then, create new index.js
file and create your page using React (as you normally would using Next.js):
export default () => <h1>Hello Graffiti + Next.js!</h1>;
Execute npm run develop
to start your Graffiti app in dev mode
and navigate to http://localhost:3000/.
You should see your newly created React page.
First, let's add simplest GraphQL client for us to use - we'll use graphql-request:
npm install graphql-request graphql
Edit your pages/index.js
and create new form for notes creation and new list of current notes, e.g.:
import { gql, GraphQLClient } from 'graphql-request';
import { useState } from 'react';
// create a GraphQL client instance to send requests
const client = new GraphQLClient('http://localhost:3000/graphql', {
headers: {},
// define notes query
const notesQuery = gql`
noteMany {
// define create note mutation
const createNoteQuery = gql`
mutation AddNote($name: String!, $body: String!) {
noteCreate(record: { name: $name, body: $body }) {
record {
// define simple create note function that returns new note
const createNote = async ({ name, body }) => {
const variables = {
const data = await client.request(createNoteQuery, variables);
return data?.noteCreate?.record;
// define our page
export default ({ notes }) => {
const [allNotes, setAllNotes] = useState(notes);
const [name, setName] = useState();
const [body, setBody] = useState();
// add button handler
const handleAdd = async () => {
const newNote = await createNote({ name, body });
if (newNote) {
// add new note to render list
// reset old values
return (
<div style={{ marginBottom: 20 }}>
placeholder="Note name"
onChange={(e) => setName(e.target.value)}
placeholder="Note body"
onChange={(e) => setBody(e.target.value)}
<button onClick={handleAdd}>Add note</button>
{allNotes.map((note) => (
<div key={note._id} style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>
// define server-side props that load initial list of notes
export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
const data = await client.request(notesQuery);
return {
props: { notes: data?.noteMany ?? [] }, // will be passed to the page component as props
Execute npm run develop
to start your Graffiti app in dev mode
and navigate to http://localhost:3000/.
You should see your newly created page with form that should create notes and add them to page.