This repository contains applications and services to support semantic enrichment of historical and socio-cultural datat.
The questionnaire provides access to the linked open data of the questionnaire collection.
Questionnaire Data:
The semantic data of the questionnaire is available in as nquad format here (location). After running the app, to upload the data to jena fuseki,
- Download the dataset (questionnaire.nq)
- Go to http://localhost:3030/ (The database password is available from the docker-compose.yml file)
- navigate to manage datasets,
- Upload the data with adataset name "Questionnaire"
Questionnaire API:
The api returns a JSON file of the RDF triples. Currently, four endpoints are available:
- to get all questionnaires (http://localhost:8000/questionnaire/questionnaire)
- to get a specificv questionnaire by its id (http://localhost:8000/questionnaire/questionnaire/id) . Currently there are 120 questionnaires.
- to get all questions (http://localhost:8000/questionnaire/question)
- to get a specific question by its id (http://localhost:8000/questionnaire/question/id). Note that the format of the id is (one or more digit followed by hyphen followed by Capital letter followed by one or more digit) eg. "1-A10"
Project is open source and anybody can contribute. Please use issue tracking. Create branches for each issue and submit PRs.