Christoph Doerbeck
Karl Abbott
Eddie Chen
Gordon Keegan
Matt St. Onge
First of all, THANK YOU for registering and participating in The Definitive Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 Hands-on Lab. The lab team has worked very hard to assemble a series of exercises to introduce many of the new features and capabilities found in the next great release of RHEL. We hope you enjoy this experience and please don’t hesitate to ask questions.
Also, please don’t forget to review this session at the completion of this lab. Your reviews and feedback help keep labs like these as top attractions for the Red Hat Summit.
This whole effort is done using official Red Hat software and although things can likely be set up to work with upstream software components (Fedora, CentOS, etc…), alternate derivatives of RHEL are not tested or validated with these exercises. |
There are (typically) three options to complete the lab.
Follow instructions provided to connect to the shell embedded on the workstation WebConsole
Depending on deployed infrastructure, use a local ssh terminal with credentials provided by instructors
Depending on deployed infrastructure, use true console provided by a VDI solution
you will need true console (GUI) on "WORKSTATION" for the Wayland unit. |
We strongly advise the use of tmux before you begin your exercises. This will prevent the loss of active work in the event your connection is broken. |
Simple list of tmux commands:
run tmux:
create an additional terminal shell:
ctrl-b c
switch to Next terminal shell:
ctrl-b n
switch to Previous terminal shell:
ctrl-b p
After a broken connection:
list available sessions :
tmux ls
attach to disconnected session :
tmux a [-t #]
Chrome is the only "supported" browser that I test for this workshop. Chances are you will have the same experience with Firefox, but that is not confirmed. |
For Linux or MacOS based desktops:
normal mouse selections with cut & paste should work as expected.
For Windows desktops:
COPY standard app: CTRL-c
PASTE to stardard app: CTRL-v
COPY from web-console terminal: CTRL-a + CTRL-c
PASTE to web-console terminal: CTRL-a + CTRL-v
Red Hat Documentation
CONSIDERATIONS IN ADOPTING RHEL 8 - This document provides an overview of changes in Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8 since Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7 to help you evaluate migration to Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8:
Please remember to fill out the survey. The RHEL 8 Lab team really appreciates your time spent with us today and we hope you enjoy the rest of your Summit experience.
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