Agniscan v2 is an advanced, feature-rich port scanner designed for security enthusiasts and professionals. It helps identify open ports on a target system, provides insights into the services running on those ports, and suggests potential exploits based on the detected services. Additionally, Agniscan integrates Nmap NSE (Nmap Scripting Engine) support to assist in vulnerability assessments across various technologies, including specific CMS (Content Management Systems), web services, databases, and CDN configurations.
- Port Scanning: Efficiently scan TCP and UDP ports within a specified range.
- Service Detection: Identify and display common services running on the open ports.
- Nmap NSE Integration: Leverage specialized scripts to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in various platforms.
- Stylish Output: Enjoy a clean, readable output with color-coded results and formatted tables.
- WordPress (CMS)
- Joomla (CMS)
- Drupal (CMS)
- Apache (Web Server)
- MySQL (Database)
- Cloudflare (CDN)
To get started with Agniscan, clone the repository and install the necessary dependencies:
git clone
cd agniscan
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Run Agniscan with the following command:
python3 [options] <target>
- target: The IP address or hostname of the target to scan.
- p START END, --ports START END: Define the range of ports to scan (default: 1-100).
- P {tcp,udp}, --protocol {tcp,udp}: Specify the protocol to scan (default: tcp).
- s <script>, --scripts <script>: Specify NSE scripts to run against the target.
- v, --verbose: Enable verbose output for more detailed information.
To scan TCP ports from 1 to 100 on a target IP address:
python3 -p 1 100 -P tcp
To scan WordPress site or any other with specific NSE scripts:
python3 <wordpress-site> -p 80 443 -s http-wordpress-enum http-wordpress-brute
- WordPress (CMS)
http-wordpress-enum: Enumerates WordPress users.
http-wordpress-brute: Brute-forces WordPress login credentials.
http-enum: Scans for common web application directories, including those used by WordPress.
http-vuln-cve2017-1001000: Detects a remote code execution vulnerability (CVE-2017-1001000).
http-sql-injection: Scans for SQL injection vulnerabilities on WordPress.
- Joomla (CMS)
http-joomla-brute: Attempts to brute-force Joomla login.
http-enum: Scans for directories used by Joomla.
http-sql-injection: Scans Joomla for SQL injection vulnerabilities.
http-vuln-cve2015-8562: Checks for the Joomla RCE vulnerability (CVE-2015-8562).
- Drupal (CMS)
http-drupal-enum: Enumerates users on a Drupal site.
http-drupal-brute: Attempts to brute-force Drupal login.
http-vuln-cve2014-3704: Detects SQL injection vulnerability in Drupal (CVE-2014-3704).
- Apache (Web Server)
http-apache-negotiation: Tests Apache content negotiation misconfigurations.
http-apache-server-status: Retrieves Apache server status page.
http-enum: Identifies common directories in Apache-hosted web applications.
http-slowloris-check: Tests for Slowloris DoS vulnerability.
- MySQL (Database)
mysql-brute: Attempts to brute-force MySQL login credentials.
mysql-empty-password: Checks for MySQL accounts with empty passwords.
mysql-users: Enumerates MySQL users.
mysql-vuln-cve2012-2122: Detects a MySQL authentication bypass vulnerability (CVE-2012-2122).
- Cloudflare (CDN)
http-cloudflare-resolve: Attempts to bypass Cloudflare by resolving the origin IP of a website.
http-dns-brute: Brute-forces subdomains, potentially exposing services not protected by Cloudflare.
dns-brute: Similar to http-dns-brute, but at the DNS level.
You can specify multiple scripts for testing different CMS, servers, and databases by providing a space-separated list of scripts in the -s argument.
python3 <target-site> -p 80 443 -s http-wordpress-enum http-enum http-sql-injection
Important: Only run these scripts against websites or systems that you have explicit permission to scan. Unauthorized testing can be illegal and unethical.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to submit pull requests or open issues to enhance the tool. Your feedback and contributions help improve Agniscan.
Developed by: xploitnation
X Handle: 0xSwayamm
Agniscan is intended for security professionals to scan and assess network vulnerabilities. Use it responsibly and ensure you have permission before scanning any network.