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+# CloudLab getting started guide
+## 1 Prerequisites
+First, submit an account request to CloudLab (https://www.cloudlab.us/). Things to note:
+- If you're an internal member, select "Join Existing Project" and type: `Sieve-Acto`. Otherwise, you'll have to join other existing projects or create a new one, which is not detailed here.
+- The username and key you provide will be used for SSH login
+Wait for the admin to approve your account. Once you are able to login, familiarize yourself with the web-based dashboard, and [the concept of *profiles* and *experiments*](https://docs.cloudlab.us/basic-concepts.html).
+Although you should be able to log in to any machine instantiated by your project collaborators (i.e. a Linux user will be automatically created for you on every machine with `authorized_keys` set up), for us (`Sieve-Acto`), the current practice is to let everyone run code **on their own experiments**.
+Next you'll prepare the dependencies either manually ([section 2](#2-manually-set-up-the-dependencies)) or automatically ([section 3](#3-automatically-set-up-the-dependencies), recommended).
+## 2 Manually set up the dependencies
+Click to show details
+### 2.1 Create CloudLab experiments
+Launch an experiment via the web dashboard:
+1. Click "Experiments" -- "Start Experiment". The default selected profile should be `small-lan`. "Next".
+2. Enter/Choose parameters:
+ - "Select OS image": `UBUNTU 20.04`
+ - "Optional physical node type": `c6420`
+ - Leave other parameters as default. (Especially those regarding temporary filesystem -- this will be handled after provisioning using Ansible.)
+3. "Next". Give your experiment a name. "Next". "Finish".
+Wait for the provisioning to finish. The web dashboard will show you the server address, in the form of `..cloudlab.us`. E.g. `clnode123.clemson.cloudlab.us`.
+### 2.2 Install the dependencies with Ansible
+You are going to manage CloudLab machines with Ansible from a controller node. This "controller" can be your local machine, or one of the CloudLab machines themselves.
+**On your controller node**:
+Install Ansible:
+sudo apt update
+sudo apt -y install software-properties-common
+sudo add-apt-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible
+sudo apt -y install ansible
+ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
+ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
+Clone the Ansible scripts:
+git clone https://github.com/xlab-uiuc/acto-cloudlab.git /tmp/acto-cloudlab
+Set up `ansible_hosts` file (**remember to replace the placeholders with your real domain and user name**):
+cd /tmp/acto-cloudlab/scripts/ansible/
+echo "$domain ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=$user ansible_port=22" > ansible_hosts
+> If the controller is a CloudLab machine too, this step can be automated:
+> ```shell
+> sudo apt -y install xmlstarlet
+> component_name=$( geni-get portalmanifest | xmlstarlet sel -N x="http://www.geni.net/resources/rspec/3" -t -v "//x:node/@component_id" )
+> cluster_domain=$( echo $component_name | cut -d '+' -f 2 )
+> node_subdomain=$( echo $component_name | cut -d '+' -f 4 )
+> domain="${node_subdomain}.${cluster_domain}"
+> user=$( geni-get user_urn | rev | cut -d '+' -f -1 | rev )
+> cd /tmp/acto-cloudlab/scripts/ansible/
+> echo "$domain ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=$user ansible_port=22" > ansible_hosts
+> ```
+> Or even simpler, use `` directly:
+> ```shell
+> cd /tmp/acto-cloudlab/scripts/ansible/
+> echo > ansible_hosts
+> ```
+(Only if the controller is a CloudLab machine too) work around the key authentication:
+ssh-keygen -b 2048 -t rsa -f ~/.ssh/id_rsa -q -N "" && cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
+Finally, run the Ansible scripts to install dependencies:
+ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts configure.yaml
+(Only if the controller is a CloudLab machine too) log out before jumping to section 4 and logging in again.
+Go to [section 4](#4-run-acto).
+## 3 Automatically set up the dependencies
+Everything needed to install the dependencies (see section 2) is included in [a CloudLab profile](https://github.com/xlab-uiuc/acto-cloudlab), by which the same environment can be set up without manually entering any command.
+Launch an experiment via the web dashboard:
+1. Open this link: https://www.cloudlab.us/p/Sieve-Acto/acto-cloudlab?refspec=refs/heads/main. The default selected profile should be `acto-cloudlab`. "Next".
+2. "Next". Give your experiment a name. "Next". "Finish".
+Wait for provisioning and startup both to finish (i.e. under the "List View" tab, "Status" is `ready` and "Startup" is `Finished`). The web dashboard will show you the server address, in the form of `..cloudlab.us`. E.g. `clnode123.clemson.cloudlab.us`.
+## 4 Run Acto
+Log in to the CloudLab machine, and run:
+cd ~/workdir/acto
+python3 reproduce_bugs.py --bug-id rdoptwo-287
diff --git a/scripts/ansible/README.md b/scripts/ansible/README.md
index 78a9d218d8..649de815e6 100644
--- a/scripts/ansible/README.md
+++ b/scripts/ansible/README.md
@@ -1,23 +1,28 @@
-# Ansible playbook to automatically configure environment for Acto to run a baremetal machine
+# Ansible playbook to automatically configure environment for Acto to run on a baremetal machine
To run the script, you first need an `ansible_hosts` file. Each line in the file should contain
a worker in your cluster. See https://docs.ansible.com/ansible/latest/user_guide/intro_inventory.html
for details.
An example:
c220g5-110417.wisc.cloudlab.us ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=tylergu ansible_port=22
c220g5-110418.wisc.cloudlab.us ansible_connection=ssh ansible_user=tylergu ansible_port=22
-If you haven't installed `ansible playbook` on your control node, run
+If you haven't installed `ansible-playbook` on your control node, run
pip3 install ansible
ansible-galaxy collection install ansible.posix
ansible-galaxy collection install community.general
-Then just run
-bash configure.sh
+Then just run
+ansible-playbook -i ansible_hosts configure.yaml
and the proper environment will be setup on the workers.
diff --git a/scripts/ansible/configure.sh b/scripts/ansible/configure.sh
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--- a/scripts/ansible/configure.sh
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-ansible-playbook tmpfs.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook go.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook docker.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook python.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook kind.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook kubectl.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook helm.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook sysctl.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook k3d.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook k9s.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook htop.yaml -i ansible_hosts
-ansible-playbook acto.yaml -i ansible_hosts