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Releases: xiaods/k8e


28 Oct 13:26
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.19.15+k8e1...v1.21.5+k8e1

/$$        /$$$$$$           
| $$       /$$__  $$          
| $$   /$$| $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$ 
| $$  /$$/|  $$$$$$/ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$/  >$$__  $$| $$$$$$$$
| $$_  $$ | $$  \ $$| $$_____/
| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$
|__/  \__/ \______/  \_______/
Get Kubernetes cluster the easy way.
k8e version v1.21.5+k8e1 (a937a7ca)
sha256sum k8e
36131648368e912b69b3b65aa8f4706884a4ab31145a17bdd2b9443bd9bc6dd0 k8e


13 Oct 16:51
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This release updates containerd to v1.4.11+k3s1 to address CVE-2021-41103

Changes since v1.19.14+k8e2:

  • The embedded containerd has been updated to v1.4.11+k3s1 to address CVE-2021-41103
  • add cilium 0.9.2
  • remove calico
root@ruvds-2djjx:~# ./k8e -v

/$$        /$$$$$$           
| $$       /$$__  $$          
| $$   /$$| $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$ 
| $$  /$$/|  $$$$$$/ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$/  >$$__  $$| $$$$$$$$
| $$_  $$ | $$  \ $$| $$_____/
| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$
|__/  \__/ \______/  \_______/
Get Kubernetes cluster the easy way.
k8e version v1.19.15+k8e1 (cf205d0a)
sha256sum binary
91d9597743d1847723ba37c5a48ff40b4b106b68f6414f69419af104f60dc6bb k8e

What's Changed

Full Changelog: v1.19.14+k8e2...v1.19.15+k8e1


30 Aug 04:30
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  • VERSION_CNIPLUGINS="v0.9.1-k3s1"
  • docker base image = golang:1.17.0-alpine3.1.4
  • pipy 0.4.2 operator
  • Fix condition for adding kubernetes endpoints
/$$        /$$$$$$           
| $$       /$$__  $$          
| $$   /$$| $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$ 
| $$  /$$/|  $$$$$$/ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$/  >$$__  $$| $$$$$$$$
| $$_  $$ | $$  \ $$| $$_____/
| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$
|__/  \__/ \______/  \_______/
Get Kubernetes cluster the easy way.
k8e version v1.19.14+k8e2 (aa384693)


19 Aug 10:40
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1、kubernetes version to v1.19.14
2、add calicoctl to tools. calico upgrade to 3.20.0
3、support container ip_forword on calico network pod


root@ruvds-2djjx:~# ./k8e -v

/$$        /$$$$$$           
| $$       /$$__  $$          
| $$   /$$| $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$ 
| $$  /$$/|  $$$$$$/ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$/  >$$__  $$| $$$$$$$$
| $$_  $$ | $$  \ $$| $$_____/
| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$
|__/  \__/ \______/  \_______/
Get Kubernetes cluster the easy way.
k8e version v1.19.14+k8e1 (bda98bf2)
root@ruvds-2djjx:~# sha256sum k8e
404ca6c04d54cae0869ff29154bdc30e2874ad6dc9d3627d8f12a58d86a71cdf  k8e

v1.19.12+k8e3 release

09 Jul 23:38
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Changes since v1.19.10+k8e2:

65d1cb27 correct pathname for node passwd
1f27c6b2 fix: runtime error: invalid memory address
18f98072 add klog/v2 to mod
02a2f3a4 Update embedded kube-router
712c650d bump version to v1.19.12+k8e3
5e658f42 clean pod after k8e stop
8e5a4fa5 add k8e logo to k8e console version cmd
3704120d update dapper baseimage to golang:1.16.4-alpine3.12
9ca8cfec burp to inetaf/tcpproxy
bca2d971 Bump the packaged runc binary version
dcce6a2d correct pkg repo path
fb4465a6 remove useless arch in codebase
1f7fbd4f update profile script for nerdctl
704fcb1b bugfix: prevent snapshot save when snapshots are disabled
4b467621 enhance the script stable behaviar
a44ad587 setup easy install way to start k8e cluster

add logo to console

[root@ip-172-31-9-250 k8e]# ./k8e -v

/$$        /$$$$$$           
| $$       /$$__  $$          
| $$   /$$| $$  \ $$  /$$$$$$ 
| $$  /$$/|  $$$$$$/ /$$__  $$
| $$$$$$/  >$$__  $$| $$$$$$$$
| $$_  $$ | $$  \ $$| $$_____/
| $$ \  $$|  $$$$$$/|  $$$$$$$
|__/  \__/ \______/  \_______/
Get Kubernetes cluster the easy way.
k8e version v1.19.12+k8e3 (3d18c6f6)
sha256sum binary
e317db3f9e86951418b11d5da682ea543c5b89af7d1aa8e544b28f25f3c38df8 v1.19.12+k8e3 (3d18c6f)

Upgrade: Change network to Calico

07 Jul 08:28
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IPIPCrossnet mode, calico default network, use calico operator

#sample start script for k8e
k8e server \
    --kube-proxy-arg "proxy-mode=ipvs" "masquerade-all=true" \
    --kube-proxy-arg "metrics-bind-address="

sha256sum binary
90d98bd52023db12cdca923f742a9698c53eaa9ac378fa389256b2dc10322793 k8e version v1.19.12+k8e2 (6edb48d)

Known Issues:

  • There is a regression that may cause issues with deleting nodes due to finalizers not being removed. If you observe a node is stuck for some time and is not being deleted you can describe the node to see if any finalizers remain. If there are any finalizers, you can work around this issue by running the following command to remove the finalizers:
# replace $NODENAME with the name of the node
kubectl patch node $NODENAME -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge

Embedded Component Versions

Component Version
Kubernetes v1.19.12
Etcd v3.4.13-k3s1
Containerd v1.4.4-k3s2
Runc v1.0.0-rc95
Calico v3.19.1
Metrics-server v0.3.6
CoreDNS v1.8.3
Helm-controller v0.9.1
Local-path-provisioner v0.0.19

Upgrade release v1.19.12+k8e1

03 Jul 12:30
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This release updates Kubernetes to v1.19.12
For more details on what's new, see the Kubernetes release notes

Known Issues

  • There is a regression that may cause issues with deleting nodes due to finalizers not being removed. If you observe a node is stuck for some time and is not being deleted you can describe the node to see if any finalizers remain. If there are any finalizers, you can work around this issue by running the following command to remove the finalizers:
# replace <nodename> with the name of the node
kubectl get node -o name <nodename> | xargs -i kubectl patch {} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge

Embedded Component Versions

Component Version
Kubernetes v1.19.12
SQLite 3.33.0
Etcd v3.4.13-k3s3
Containerd v1.4.4-k3s1
Runc v1.0.0-rc95
Flannel v0.12.0-k3s1
Metrics-server v0.3.6
CoreDNS v1.6.9
Helm-controller v0.8.3
Local-path-provisioner v0.0.14
❯ sha256sum binary
8daa7541f52137f3d3de9f57ee9195e9b66d3722108f5c91006215de5367e1c0 k8e

Upgrade for security concerns, v1.19.11+k8e1

29 May 10:27
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This release updates Kubernetes to v1.19.11

Changes since v1.19.10+k8e1:

  • Upgrade Kubernetes to v1.19.11
  • Fix for sysctl errors with kernel 5.12.2 or newer
  • Fixes (CVE-2021-30465) runc 1.0.0-rc94 and earlier are vulnerable to a symlink exchange attack

Known Issues

  • There is a regression that may cause issues with deleting nodes due to finalizers not being removed. If you observe a node is stuck for some time and is not being deleted you can describe the node to see if any finalizers remain. If there are any finalizers, you can work around this issue by running the following command to remove the finalizers:
# replace <nodename> with the name of the node
kubectl get node -o name <nodename> | xargs -i kubectl patch {} -p '{"metadata":{"finalizers":[]}}' --type=merge

Embedded Component Versions

Component Version
Kubernetes v1.19.11
SQLite 3.33.0
Etcd v3.4.13-k3s3
Containerd v1.4.4-k3s1
Runc v1.0.0-rc95
Flannel v0.12.0-k3s1
Metrics-server v0.3.6
Traefik 1.7.19
CoreDNS v1.6.9
Helm-controller v0.8.3
Local-path-provisioner v0.0.14


root# sha256sum k8e 
6ab212ab956e2cd75dbd2499e89a1076a1bc6ef82b1255d63d09feb9914c8b0f  k8e
root# ./k8e -v
k8e version v1.19.11+k8e1 (0a41bd87)

security upgrade for v1.19.10

23 Apr 06:18
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Changes since v1.19.9+k8e2:

Upgrade Kubernetes to v1.19.10 (#3208)
Multiple bug fixes for etcd backup and restore on s3
Fixes (CVE-2021-25735) Validating Admission Webhook does not observe some previous fields. Resolved in upstream PR.

Component Version
Kubernetes v1.19.10
Etcd v3.4.13-k3s3
Containerd v1.4.4-k3s1
Runc v1.0.0-rc92

Helpful Infos

root@ruvds-2djjx:~# ./k8e -v
k8e version v1.19.10+k8e1 (bec6de1)

root@ruvds-2djjx:~# sha256sum k8e
0f4a10ae71b258986f845b1ce920a296c4e206cfface9397e01ccfc061155ad2 k8e

[root@cosmic-arm-0004 artifacts]# ./k8e-arm64 -v
k8e-arm64 version v1.19.10+k8e-83c755c8 (83c755c)

❯ sha256sum k8e-arm64
995ca164080c086d621d2345d75c29e3509bea03718efd313766b925cc28361f k8e-arm64


minor upgrade for porting upstream patch

16 Apr 01:08
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This is a minor patch version for k8e upstream maintain lifecycle.

root@ruvds-2djjx:~# ./k8e -v
k8e version v1.19.9+k8e2 (c95c1110)

patch list:

  • remove hidden attribute from cluster flags and related code
  • delete nocluster file and remove build tag
  • replace unused variable name with bool literal
  • add etcd s3 secret and access key flags and env vars to secret data
  • Resolve local retention issue when S3 in use.


root@ruvds-2djjx:~# sha256sum k8e 
04ccc9092efc1a415ad6988f05e76687c03a324fcb6492a4c57d91d8f0c18c0d  k8e