From project of previous sessions, update project executing:
$> git submodule update --init --recursive
Another option if you've already installed docker is clone foodme:
$> git clone
Open a terminal, go to foodme folder and execute:
Start guest environment
$> docker-compose build $> docker-compose up
Open a browser to http://localhost:3000
If a docker-compose up a message 'listen tcp bind: address already in use' appears kill process bind to the port:
lsof -n -i4TCP:80 kill -9 PID
In order to execute BDD tests of our app we're going to use:
Below the folder webapp create a directory named e2e-tests.
On file protractor.conf.js:
const crew = require('serenity-js/lib/stage_crew');
exports.config = {
baseUrl: 'http://app:3000',
seleniumAddress: 'http://firefox-container:4444/wd/hub',
allScriptsTimeout: 110000,
// Framework definition - tells Protractor to use Serenity/JS
framework: 'custom',
frameworkPath: require.resolve('serenity-js'),
// Serenity with cucumber
serenity: {
dialect: 'cucumber',
crew: [
specs: [ 'e2e-tests/features/add_menu_item.feature' ],
cucumberOpts: {
require: [ // loads step definitions:
'e2e-tests/features/**/add_menu_item.steps.ts' // - defined using JavaScript
format: 'pretty', // enable console output
compiler: 'ts:ts-node/register'
capabilities: {
browserName: 'firefox',
'moz:firefoxOptions': {
args: [ "--headless" ]
restartBrowserBetweenTests: false
Below the e2e-tests folder create:
- A subfolder features. This is the folder where we are going to create feature files.
- A subfolder step_definitions. This is where we glue the features with test implementation.
Create one feature file add_menu_item.feature with content:
``` Feature: Collecting menu items in my order As a shop visitor I want to collect menu items in my order so that I can purchase multiple menu items at once Scenario: Adding the same menu item to the shopping cart Given that I have an order containing Chicken teriyaki from restaurant Robatayaki Hachi When I add the item Chicken teriyaki from restaurant Robatayaki Hachi to my order Then my order should contain 2 items of Chicken teriyaki ```
Create the step definitions file add_menu_item.steps.ts
'use strict';
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
var expect = chai.expect;
module.exports = function addAlreadyExistingItem() {
this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
this.When(/^.*I add the item (.*?) from restaurant (.*?) to my order$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
this.Then(/^my order should contain (\d+) items of (.*?)$/, async function(numItems, item) {
We're going to use PageObject pattern.
Create subfolder pages inside folder e2e-tests
Create the start page file
Go to browser app and see what is the url we need to go
Create a user function to do login, and define how to get to url
const StartPage = function() { const po = this; po.doLogin = async function (name, address) { await browser.manage().deleteAllCookies(); await browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/index.html#/customer'); } }; module.exports = new StartPage();
From browser inspect page to know how to locate the customerName, address and button and define locators using selenium/protractor factories:
const StartPage = function() { const po = this; ='customerName'); po.address ='address'); po.loginBtn = by.css('.btn-primary'); po.doLogin = async function (name, address) { await browser.manage().deleteAllCookies(); await browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/index.html#/customer'); } }; module.exports = new StartPage();
Finally define how to send data to the web components
podoLogin = async function (name, address) { ... await browser.element(; await browser.element(po.address).sendKeys(address); await browser.element(po.loginBtn).click(); }
Do the connection of user action to the test implementation
const startPage = require('../../pages/'); this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) { await startPage.doLogin('Xavier', 'Yeees'); });
Create file and reply previous steps but trying to define how to simulate user action to select the restaurant passed as parameter from feature
const HomePage = function() { const po = this; po.linkRestaurant = function (name) { return by.xpath("//td/a/b[contains(text(),'" + name + "')]"); } po.goToRestaurant = async function(restaurant) { await browser.get(browser.baseUrl + '/index.html#') await browser.element(po.linkRestaurant(restaurant)).click(); } }; module.exports = new HomePage();
Create page
const RestaurantPage = function() { const po = this; po.menuList = by.css('fm-menu-list') po.menuItem = function (name) { return by.xpath("//a/span[1][contains(text(),'" + name + "')]"); } po.addItem2Order = async function (name) { await browser.element(po.menuItem(name)).click(); }; }; module.exports = new RestaurantPage();
Now we can define all Given step implementation:
this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) { await startPage.doLogin('Xavier', 'Yeees'); await homePage.goToRestaurant(restaurant); await restaurantPage.addItem2Order(item); });
Follow previous steps to get When and Then steps implementations.
Finally, we get a new file
const OrderPage = function() {
const po = this;
po.getOrderItemQty = async function (itemName) {
let items = await browser.element.all(by.repeater('item in cart.items')).filter(function (row) {
return row.evaluate("").then(function (name) {
return name === itemName;
let qty = await items[0].evaluate('item.qty');
return parseInt(qty);
module.exports = new OrderPage();
In this case we are used protractor by.repeater to get all items in cart.
And the add_menu_item.steps.ts as:
'use strict';
var chai = require('chai');
var chaiAsPromised = require('chai-as-promised');
var expect = chai.expect;
const startPage = require('../../pages/');
const homePage = require('../../pages/');
const restaurantPage = require('../../pages/');
const orderPage = require('../../pages/');
var logger = require('../../logger');
module.exports = function addAlreadyExistingItem() {
this.setDefaultTimeout(60 * 1000);
this.Given(/^.*that I have an order containing (.*?) from restaurant (.*?)$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
await startPage.doLogin('Xavier', 'Yeees');
await homePage.goToRestaurant(restaurant);
await restaurantPage.addItem2Order(item);
this.When(/^.*I add the item (.*?) from restaurant (.*?) to my order$/, async function(item, restaurant) {
await homePage.goToRestaurant(restaurant);
await restaurantPage.addItem2Order(item);
this.Then(/^my order should contain (\d+) items of (.*?)$/, async function(numItems, item) {
var qty = await orderPage.getOrderItemQty(item);
Open a new terminal
Connect to container 'foodme_app'
$> docker ps -a $> docker exec -u 0 -it CONTAINER_ID bash $> cd webapp
Execute tests
$> npm run test:e2e
Look at target>site>serenity folder what is the content of json file (test results).
Generate pretty report executing:
$> npm run report
Look **at target>site>serenity as a new index.html has been generated and a lot of files.
Open in a browser the file index.html:
We'll use artillery framework and Grafana
Below webapp create a subfolder performance-tests
Create a file order.yml
Set the target to the app, plugins for graphite and timeout
config: target: "http://app:3000" plugins: statsd: host: "graphite" port: 8125 prefix: "artillery" tls: rejectUnauthorized: false http: timeout: 10 pool: 10
Now, we are going to create the test scenario phases:
phases: - duration: 5 arrivalRate: 1 rampTo: 50 name: "Warm up of food at the end of UPC course" - duration: 10 arrivalRate: 1 name: "The last to arrive"
We set a ramp-up of 5 seconds entering 1 user each second until we get 50 users
With payload we can define what data we want to inject for each user execution:
customerName;customerAddress Xavier Escudero;Badajoz 457, Barcelona
restaurantName Esther's German Saloon Robatayaki Hachi
payload: - path: "users.csv" fields: - "customerName" - "customerAddress" skipHeader: true delimiter: ";" - path: "restaurants.csv" fields: - "restaurantName" skipHeader: true delimiter: ";"
And finally define the scenario:
scenarios: - name: "Pedido simultáneo 50 usuarios" flow: - get: url: "/#/" form: name: "customerForm" customerName: "{{customerName}}" address: "{{customerAddress}}" - think: 5 - get: url: "/" capture: xpath: "html/body/div/ng-view/div/div[2]/table/tbody/tr/td/a/b[contains(text(),'{{ restaurantName }}'" as: "restaurantId" - think: 1 - get: url: "/#/menu/{restaurantId}" capture: selector: "body > div > ng-view > > > ul > li > a" index: "random" attr: "href" as: "itemUrl" - get: url: "{{ itemUrl }"
Open a terminal and execute:
$> docker exec -u 0 -it CONTAINER_ID bash
$> artillery run order.yml
We can see at console output the summary of execution:
Elapsed time: 10 seconds
Scenarios launched: 143
Scenarios completed: 0
Requests completed: 235
RPS sent: 25.63
Request latency:
min: 0.9
max: 16.6
median: 1.7
p95: 2.3
p99: 4.4
200: 235
- Go to http://localhost:81, and user root:root
- Browse at Tree tab to Metrics>stats>gauges>artillery
- Here we can see all metrics generated from test execution
- Execute again tests (artillery run order.yml) and see how the graphic is updated (press refresh if not)
We could do it better with dashboards using Grafana:
Go to: http://localhost, and user admin:admin.
Visit http://localhost/datasources/new. Configure:
- Name: 'upc-foodme'
- Type: Graphite
- Url: http://localhost:81
- Press Test Connection
Go to Home and press New (to create a new Dashboard)
Press on created row (green line at top left) and select Add Panel>Graph
At tab Metrics select on combo upc-foodme
Select at Metrics tab and select metric:
- gauges > artillery > latency > *
Select at first *, as gauges may not appear, until you enter *
Pressing Query button we can add another metric
- gauges > artilley > concurrency
We can select from top the period of graph (for example to see the last 5 minutes)
Look and interpret the graph.
$> docker build -t node-docker .
$> docker run -p 49160:3000 -d node-docker
We can see all containers, also non running ones with:
$> docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 8bea21baaa25 node-docker "npm start" 3 minutes ago Exited (1) 3 minutes ago silly_ptolemy
Here we see execution has aborted, maybe because our code. We can see logs using the container id:
$> docker logs CONTAINER_ID
If everything is OK we'll see port forwarding in the console:
$> docker ps -a
40a03af93265 node-docker "npm start" 5 seconds ago Up 4 seconds>8080/tcp hardcore_lumiere
Remove container:
$> docker rm CONTAINER_ID -f
Remove image:
$> docker rmi IMAGEID -f
If we want to prune everything (stopped containers, all dangling images, ...):
$ docker system prune -a
$ docker container prune
We start with:
$> docker-compose up --build
Recreate with:
$> docker-compose up -d --force-recreate --build
$> docker-compose up
See contents in container:
$> docker exec -it CONTAINER_ID bash
Remove all containers:
docker container stop
$(docker container ls -aq) Once all containers are stopped, you can remove them using the docker container rm command followed by the containers ID list. docker container rm $ (docker container ls -aq)