The FACET port is a universal debugging port on all models of the Xbox One/Series-family.
- SPI / eMMC
- I2C
- Kernel Debugging
- Southbridge JTAG
A special development board is used to interact with this port. Some early development kits have the FACET circuitry on-board and feature a female USB-B port for connecting directly to a PC.
Label: J4E1 (Xbox One PHAT/Xbox One S) or J22 (Xbox One X)
Connector: IDC 2x13P 2.00mm
- SPI -> eMMC
- SB_JTAG -> Southbridge JTAG
- SMC_DBG -> SMC SWO Debug
- KER_DBG -> Kernel Debugging
- SMBUS -> I2C
Pin | Description | Description | Pin |
1 | SMC_RST_N | GND | 2 |
3 | SPI_MISO | SPI_MOSI | 4 |
5 | SPI_SS_N | GND | 6 |
7 | SPI_CLK | GND | 8 |
9 | SB_JTAG_TDI | SB_JTAG_TDO | 10 |
11 | SB_JTAG_TMS | GND | 12 |
13 | SB_JTAG_TCK | 3,3V STBY | 14 |
15 | SMC_DBG_LED0_SWO | KER_DBG_CTS | 16 |
17 | KER_DBG_TXD | KER_DBG_RTS | 18 |
19 | KER_DBG_RXD | SMC_CTS | 20 |
21 | SMC_TXD | SMC_RTS | 22 |
23 | SMC_RXD | 3,3V STBY | 24 |
25 | SMBUS_CLK | SMBUS_DATA | 26 |
Coming soon
Part #: X877922-001
- FTDI FT4232
- 4x 7-segment displays
- 7-Segment LED controller IC (I2C address 0x38)
- External SPI Device connector
- External JTAG Programmer connector
- Status LEDs
The DLL dsmcdll.dll
is used to talk to the FACET-hardware.
FACET2 PCB & smcdll.dll: AssemblerGames archive