© 2020 Blockchain Commons
Authors: Wolf McNally, Christopher Allen
Date: May 25, 2020
Revised: June 25, 2020
Hierarchical Deterministic Keys (HDKeys) [BIP32] allow an entire tree of keys to be derived from a single master key, which was originally derived from random entropy: a seed. Former specifications [BCR5] [BCR6] defined UR types such as crypto-seed
for encoding and transmitting such seeds. This specification defines a UR type crypto-hdkey
(CBOR tag #6.303) for encoding and transmitting HDKeys; either a master key or a derived key.
This specification also defines and incorporates a separate type crypto-keypath
(CBOR tag #6.304) that specifies a key derivation path.
This specification also defines and incorporates a separate type crypto-coininfo
(CBOR tag #6.305) that specifes cryptocurrency information.
HDKeys encoded according to [BIP32] are represented as a text string, e.g.:
[BIP32] specifies that this result is the serialization of these fields:
4 byte: version bytes (mainnet: 0x0488B21E public, 0x0488ADE4 private; testnet: 0x043587CF public, 0x04358394 private)
1 byte: depth: 0x00 for master nodes, 0x01 for level-1 derived keys, ....
4 bytes: the fingerprint of the parent's key (0x00000000 if master key)
4 bytes: child number. This is ser32(i) for i in xi = xpar/i, with xi the key being serialized. (0x00000000 if master key)
32 bytes: the chain code
33 bytes: the public key or private key data (serP(K) for public keys, 0x00 || ser256(k) for private keys)
This serialization is then [BASE58-CHECK] encoded, which adds four more bytes at the end as a checksum.
The specification herein can be used in such a way that it is isomorphic with the serialization specified by BIP32. It also includes options that may break isomorphism.
The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language [CDDL].
When used embedded in another CBOR structure, this structure should be tagged #6.304.
; Metadata for the complete or partial derivation path of a key.
; `source-fingerprint`, if present, is the fingerprint of the
; ancestor key from which the associated key was derived.
; If `components` is empty, then `source-fingerprint` MUST be a fingerprint of
; a master key.
; `depth`, if present, represents the number of derivation steps in
; the path of the associated key, regardless of whether steps are present in the `components` element
; of this structure.
crypto-keypath = {
components: [path-component], ; If empty, source-fingerprint MUST be present
? source-fingerprint: uint32 .ne 0 ; fingerprint of ancestor key, or master key if components is empty
? depth: uint8 ; 0 if this is a public key derived directly from a master key
path-component = (
child-index-component / ; A single child, possibly hardened
child-range-component / ; A specific range of children, all possibly hardened
child-wildcard-component / ; An inspecific range of children, all possibly hardened
child-pair-component ; Used in output descriptors,
; see https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/22838
uint32 = uint .size 4
uint31 = uint32 .lt 0x80000000
child-index-component = (child-index, is-hardened)
child-range-component = ([child-index, child-index], is-hardened) ; [low, high] where low < high
child-wildcard-component = ([], is-hardened)
child-pair-component = [
child-index-component, ; Child to use for external addresses, possibly hardened
child-index-component ; Child to use for internal addresses, possibly hardened
child-index = uint31
is-hardened = bool
components = 1
source-fingerprint = 2
depth = 3
The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language [CDDL].
When used embedded in another CBOR structure, this structure should be tagged #6.305.
; Metadata for the type and use of a cryptocurrency
crypto-coininfo = {
? type: uint31 .default cointype-btc, ; values from [SLIP44] with high bit turned off
? network: int .default mainnet ; coin-specific identifier for testnet
type = 1
network = 2
cointype-btc = 0
cointype-eth = 0x3c
mainnet = 0;
testnet-btc = 1;
testnet-eth-ropsten = 1;
testnet-eth-kovan = 2;
testnet-eth-rinkeby = 3;
testnet-eth-gorli = 4;
The following specification is written in Concise Data Definition Language [CDDL] and includes the crypto-keypath
spec above.
; An hd-key is either a master key or a derived key.
hd-key = {
master-key / derived-key
; A master key is always private, has no use or derivation information,
; and always includes a chain code.
master-key = (
is-master: true,
key-data: key-data-bytes,
chain-code: chain-code-bytes
; A derived key may be private or public, has an optional chain code, and
; may carry additional metadata about its use and derivation.
; To maintain isomorphism with [BIP32] and allow keys to be derived from
; this key `chain-code`, `origin`, and `parent-fingerprint` must be present.
; If `origin` contains only a single derivation step and also contains `source-fingerprint`,
; then `parent-fingerprint` MUST be identical to `source-fingerprint` or may be omitted.
derived-key = (
? is-private: bool .default false, ; true if key is private, false if public
key-data: key-data-bytes,
? chain-code: chain-code-bytes ; omit if no further keys may be derived from this key
? use-info: #6.305(crypto-coininfo), ; How the key is to be used
? origin: #6.304(crypto-keypath), ; How the key was derived
? children: #6.304(crypto-keypath), ; What children should/can be derived from this
? parent-fingerprint: uint32 .ne 0, ; The fingerprint of this key's direct ancestor, per [BIP32]
? name: text, ; A short name for this key.
? note: text ; An arbtrary amount of text describing the key.
; If the `use-info` field is omitted, defaults (mainnet BTC key) are assumed.
; If `cointype` and `origin` are both present, then per [BIP44], the second path
; component's `child-index` must match `cointype`.
; The `children` field may be used to specify what set of child keys should or can be derived from this key. This may include `child-index-range` or `child-index-wildcard` as its last component. Any components that specify hardened derivation will require the key be private.
is-master = 1
is-private = 2
key-data = 3
chain-code = 4
use-info = 5
origin = 6
children = 7
parent-fingerprint = 8
name = 9
note = 10
uint8 = uint .size 1
key-data-bytes = bytes .size 33
chain-code-bytes = bytes .size 32
Schematic for a master key:
is-master: true,
key-data: bytes,
chain-code: bytes
Schematic for a derived public testnet Ethereum key that maintains isomorphism with [BIP32] and [BIP44]:
key-data: bytes,
chain-code: bytes,
use-info: {
type: cointype-eth,
network: testnet-eth-ropsten
origin: {
source-fingerprint: uint32,
components: [child-index, is-hardened],
depth: uint8
parent-fingerprint: uint32
Schematic for a derived private mainnet Bitcoin key that maintains isomorphism with [BIP32] and [BIP44], and that includes the full derivation path of the key per [BIP44]: m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
is-private: true,
key-data: bytes,
chain-code: bytes,
origin: {
source-fingerprint: uint32,
components: [44, true, 0, true, account, true, change, false, address_index, false]
parent-fingerprint: uint32
Schematic for a derived public mainnet Bitcoin key that includes only the key, excludes derivation of child keys, and is NOT isomorphic with [BIP32].
key-data: bytes
- Test Vector 1 from [BIP32], a master key:
- Decoded from Base58 (82 bytes):
- Separated into fields specified in [BIP32]:
04 ; version 4
88ade4 ; `xprv`
00 ; depth 0 == master key
00000000 ; parent fingerprint
00000000 ; child number
873dff81c02f525623fd1fe5167eac3a55a049de3d314bb42ee227ffed37d508 ; chain code
00e8f32e723decf4051aefac8e2c93c9c5b214313817cdb01a1494b917c8436b35 ; key data
e77e9d71 ; base58 checksum
- In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
1: true, ; is-master
3: h'00e8f32e723decf4051aefac8e2c93c9c5b214313817cdb01a1494b917c8436b35', ; key-data
4: h'873dff81c02f525623fd1fe5167eac3a55a049de3d314bb42ee227ffed37d508' ; chain-code
- Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
A3 # map(3)
01 # unsigned(1) is-master
F5 # primitive(21) true
03 # unsigned(3) key-data
58 21 # bytes(33)
04 # unsigned(4) chain-code
58 20 # bytes(32)
- As a hex string (74 bytes):
- As a UR:
- UR as QR Code:
- Test Vector 2, a bitcoin testnet public key with derivation path
$ SEED=`seedtool --count 32`
$ echo $SEED
$ DERIVED_KEY=`bx hd-new $SEED \
| bx hd-private --index 44 --hard \
| bx hd-private --index 1 --hard \
| bx hd-private --index 1 --hard \
| bx hd-private --index 0 \
| bx hd-private --index 1 \
| bx hd-to-public -v 70617039`
- Decoded from Base58:
$ bx base58-decode $DERIVED_KEY
- Separated into fields specified in [BIP32]:
04 ; version 4
3587cf ; `tpub`
05 ; depth 5
e9181cf3 ; parent fingerprint
00000001 ; child number
ced155c72456255881793514edc5bd9447e7f74abb88c6d6b6480fd016ee8c85 ; chain code
026fe2355745bb2db3630bbc80ef5d58951c963c841f54170ba6e5c12be7fc12a6 ; key data
951d4478 ; base58 checksum
- In the CBOR diagnostic notation:
3: h'026fe2355745bb2db3630bbc80ef5d58951c963c841f54170ba6e5c12be7fc12a6', ; key-data
4: h'ced155c72456255881793514edc5bd9447e7f74abb88c6d6b6480fd016ee8c85', ; chain-code
5: 305({ ; use-info
2: 1 ; network: testnet-btc
6: 304({ ; origin
1: [44, true, 1, true, 1, true, 0, false, 1, false] ; components `m/44'/1'/1'/0/1`
8: 3910671603 ; parent-fingerprint
- Encoded as binary using [CBOR-PLAYGROUND]:
A5 # map(5)
03 # unsigned(3) key-data
58 21 # bytes(33)
04 # unsigned(4) chain-code
58 20 # bytes(32)
05 # unsigned(5) use-info
D9 0131 # tag(305) crypto-coininfo
A1 # map(1)
02 # unsigned(2) network
01 # unsigned(1) testnet-btc
06 # unsigned(6) origin
D9 0130 # tag(304) crypto-keypath
A1 # map(1)
01 # unsigned(1) components
8A # array(10)
18 2C # unsigned(44) child-index
F5 # primitive(21) is-hardened: true
01 # unsigned(1) child-index
F5 # primitive(21) is-hardened: true
01 # unsigned(1) child-index
F5 # primitive(21) is-hardened: true
00 # unsigned(0) child-index
F4 # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
01 # unsigned(1) child-index
F4 # primitive(20) is-hardened: false
08 # unsigned(8) parent-fingerprint
1A E9181CF3 # unsigned(3910671603)
- As a hex string:
- As a UR:
- UR as QR Code:
echo 'ur:crypto-hdkey/onaxhdclaojlvoechgferkdpqdiabdrflawshlhdmdcemtfnlrctghchbdolvwsednvdztbgolaahdcxtottgostdkhfdahdlykkecbbweskrymwflvdylgerkloswtbrpfdbsticmwylklpahtaadehoyaoadamtaaddyoyadlecsdwykadykadykaewkadwkaycywlcscewfihbdaehn' \
| tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' \
| qrencode -o 2.png -l L
When a unique identifier to a crypto-hdkey
is needed, an extract of its fields, called the digest source is created and then used as input to the SHA-256 hashing algorithm. The resulting digest can be compared to digests produced the same way to determine whether a key has a particular identity. See BCR-2021-002: Digests for Digital Objects for more information.
The digest source of a crypto-hdkey
has the following CBOR structure:
hdkey-digest-source = [
crypto-hdkey.key-data-bytes, ; key data
crypto-hdkey.chain-code-bytes / null, ; encode `null` if key has no chain code
crypto-coininfo.type ; coin type
crypto-coininfo.network ; network
Example digest source from Test Vector 2:
h'026fe2355745bb2db3630bbc80ef5d58951c963c841f54170ba6e5c12be7fc12a6', ; key data
h'ced155c72456255881793514edc5bd9447e7f74abb88c6d6b6480fd016ee8c85', ; chain code
0, ; cointype-btc
1 ; mainnet
The digest source as binary:
84 # array(4)
58 21 # bytes(33)
58 20 # bytes(32)
00 # unsigned(0)
01 # unsigned(1)
The digest source as a hex string:
The actual digest is the SHA-256 of the digest source:
The digest is encoded as CBOR field (diagnostic notation) is tagged with #6.600 per BCR-2020-006#object-fingerprints
crypto-hdkey-fingerprint = 600(h'94a24a356df7cc52749a063404f3fb6f484103a1af5aadab893d76a2ce78ff73')
- [BIP32] Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets
- [BCR-2020-005] Uniform Resources (UR): Encoding Structured Binary Data for Transport in URIs and QR Codes
- [BCR-2020-006] Registry of Uniform Resource (UR) Types
- [CDDL] RFC8610: Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL): A Notational Convention to Express Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and JSON Data Structures
- [BIP44] Multi-Account Hierarchy for Deterministic Wallets
- [SLIP44] Registered coin types for BIP-0044
- [BASE58-CHECK] Base58Check encoding
- [ETH-TESTNETS] Ethereum Test Networks