Arby looks for arbitrage opportunities on the OpenDEX network. Once a profitable trade appears it will automatically attempt to enter it. It will also enter active orders to the orderbook and updates them every 1 minute by default.
Currently, it is possible to use Arby for arbitrage trades between OpenDEX and Binance for LTCBTC trading pair. The system is designed in a way that allows more exchanges and trading pairs to be added in the future.
Below you'll find a flowchart that attempts to describe Arby's logic in as much as detail as possible:
All price calculations are rounded to 8 decimal points.
Buy price is calculated using:
- current spot price P(s)
- margin config M
BUY_PRICE = ROUND[P(s) - P(s) * M, 8]
Sell price is calculated using:
- current spot price P(s)
- margin config M
SELL_PRICE = ROUND[P(s) + P(s) * M, 8]
Buy quantity is calcualated using:
- current spot price P(s)
- centralized exchange's quote asset balance C(q)
- OpenDEX's quote asset max buy O(q)
- minimimum order size for centralized exchange C(m)
BUY_QUANTITY = ROUND[MIN[O(q), C(q)] / P(s), 8]
must be greater than C(m)
Sell quantity is calcualated using:
- centralized exchange's base asset balance C(b)
- OpenDEX's base asset max sell O(b)
- minimimum order size for centralized exchange C(m)
must be greater than C(m)