Z80 machines emulator
Usage for zx48k:
- download 48.rom from somewhere
- downlaod a TAP file
- ./zx48k --rom 48.rom --tap file.tap
- inside - do load "" (j rightshift-p rightshift-p enter)
- press 'f7' to start tape
- you can use 'f8' to start turbo mode to speed up tape load
Usage for cpc
- download CPC6128.ROM, BASIC_1.1.ROM and AMSDOS_0.5.ROM
- ./cpc --floppy floppy.dsk
- f5 - start trace
- f6 - stop trace
- f7 - start tape
- f8 - turbo mode on/off
- Add missing CPU ops (what happens if Z80 gets a really invalid op?)
- Do a manual z80 review - bugs are visible eg. in Jet Set Willy
- add PCM audio support
- add AY audio support
- Add kempston joystick support