- Install iterm2
brew install --cask iterm2
- Select Solarized Dark colors by visiting Preferences / Profiles / Colors / Load Presets
- Install Oh My Zsh
sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"
- Install Powerline fonts and set Preferences / Profiles / Text / Font to Meslo LG M for Powerline, size 10
- Set up .zshrc
- Install autosuggestions
- Install pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv
brew install pyenv pyenv-virtualenv
- Install desired python version
pyenv install 3.9.7
- Set up virtualenv for a project
pyenv virtualenv [version, e.g. 3.9.7] [name, e.g. project-env]
- Set up .bashrc with virtualenv auto-activation
- Set up .python-version with version/virtualenv details, e.g. '3.7.1/envs/project-env'
- Install rbenv
brew install rbenv
- Set up .bashrc (in place of running
rbenv init
) - Install relevant ruby versions, by running
rbenv install [version #, e.g. 2.3.3]
- Ensure shims all work by running
rbenv rehash
- Set up global bundler. Check that location is pointing to correct rbenv ruby.
gem env home
gem install bundler
- Install postgres and postico.
brew install postgresql
brew install --cask postico
- Set up .zshrc with
- Install NVM and target node version
curl -o- | bash
nvm install lts/gallium
- Install yarn directly (homebrew version includes node)
curl -o- -L | bash
- Set up .bashrc
- Install redis
brew install redis
- Install direnv
brew install direnv
Turn off dark mode bars
defaults write NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance -bool yes
- 1password
- calibre
- coconutbattery
- firefox
- google-drive
- google-chrome
- google-cloud-sdk
- handbrake
- iexplorer
- iterm2
- mactex
- mamp
- onedrive
- postico
- postman
- rocket-typist
- rescuetime
- sequel-pro
- skype
- slack
- spotify
- sqlitebrowser
- steam
- sublime-text
- the-unarchiver
- transmit
- virtualbox
- visual-studio-code
- vlc
- garmin express
- xcode
- office 2019
- utorrent
- ie10 virtualbox tester
- create-react-app
- nodemon
- sequelize-cli