Based on the classic game “Battleship”.
- Two players
- Each player has a 10x10 board
- During setup, players can place an arbitrary number of “battleships” on their board. The ships are 1-by-n sized, must fit entirely on the board, must be aligned either vertically or horizontally, and cannot overlap.
- During play, players take a turn “attacking” a single position on the opponent’s board, and the opponent must respond by either reporting a “hit” on one of their battleships (if one occupies that position) or a “miss”
- A battleship is sunk if it has been hit on all the squares it occupies
- A player wins if all of their opponent’s battleships have been sunk.
- NodeJS v14.17.3
- Typescript 4.3.5
- nodemon
- ts-node
- @types/chai
- @types/mocha
- chai
- mocha
The task is to implement a Battleship state-tracker for a single player that must support the following logic:
- Create a board
- Add a battleship to the board
- Take an “attack” at a given position, and report back whether the attack resulted in a hit or a miss
- Return whether the player has lost the game yet (i.e. all battleships are sunk)
The application should not implement the entire game, just the state tracker. No UI or persistence layer is required.
- clone the repo
git clone
- change dir to battleship
cd battleship
- install npm packages
npm install
- run mocha test scripts
npm run test