- Add MariaDB to list of RDS engines [GH-368]
- Add ap-northeast [GH-373]
- Add T2 Nano [GH-374]
- capability support for cfn [GH-375]
- Update to resource list in documentation [GH-383]
- More info from validator function errors [GH-385]
- Add testing for python 3.5 [GH-388]
- Extended title validation [GH-389]
- EC2 NAT Gateway [GH-394]
- Add AWS::ECR::Repository [GH-395]
- Add KmsKeyId and StorageEncrypted to DBCluster [GH-396]
- Add awacs soft dependency [GH-397]
- New dynamodb2 module to replace dynamodb for consistent interface [GH-398]
- Add IsMultiRegionTrail support [GH-399]
- Add IncludeGlobalResourceTypes to RecordingGroup [GH-400]
- Capitalize examples [GH-404]
- use location constants for bucket creation in cfn [GH-409]
- Add RDS Aurora support [GH-335]
- Change DeploymentGroup Ec2TagFilters to list [GH-337]
- Correct EC2 SpotFleet LaunchSpecifications [GH-338]
- RDS::DBCluster change AvailabilityZone to AvailabilityZones [GH-341]
- ECS LoadBalancerName property is a string [GH-342]
- CodeDeploy S3Location Version property is not a default requirement [GH-345]
- Add AutoEnableIO to AWS::EC2::Volume
- Only discard Properties in JSONrepr [GH-354]
- CodeDeploy added ApplicationName [GH-357]
- CodeDeploy DeploymentGroupName property missing [GH-358]
- Add in cloudfront properties for max, default [GH-360]
- Allow RDS iops to be 0 [GH-361]
- Add CodePipline support [GH-362]
- Implemented CloudFormation changes from Dec 3 and Dec 28 [GH-366]
- Add AWS::Config, AWS::KMS, AWS::SSM
- Add new resources from 2015-10-01 CloudFormation release:
- AWS::CodeDeploy
- AWS::DirectoryService::SimpleAD
- AWS::EC2::PlacementGroup and AWS::EC2::SpotFleet
- AWS::Lambda::EventSourceMapping and AWS::Lambda::Permission
- AWS::Logs::SubscriptionFilter
- AWS::RDS::DBCluster and AWS::RDS::DBClusterParameter
- AWS::WorkSpaces::Workspace
- Add updates to these resources from 2015-10-01 CloudFormation release:
- AWS::ElastiCache::ReplicationGroup
- AWS::OpsWorks::Stack
- AWS::OpsWorks::App
- AWS::S3::Bucket
- Add ElastiCache (Redis) Example [ GH-329]
- RDS: Added postgresql-license [GH-324]
- tail: only add unseen events [GH-327]
- Make Ref() work with datapipeline.ObjectField.RefValue [GH-328]
- Fix DeploymentGroup resource_type (AWS::CodeDeploy::DeploymentGroup) [GH-333]
- Add concatenation operator function add for Tags [GH-334]
- Give more info about type errors [GH-312]
- Move
within the troposphere library. This lets external libraries leverage this function [GH-315] - Improve opsworks validation [GH-319]
- Fix RDS validation with conditional parameters [GH-320]
- Bugfix for RDS Ref/GetAtt issue [GH-310]
- Add support for EFS
- Elasticache: only validate az choices if azs is a list [GH-292]
- Add from_dict function to BaseAWSObject [GH-294]
- IAM: Path is optional for Role and InstanceProfile [GH-295]
- Validate parameter options based on Type [GH-296]
- RDS: Add more specific validators to DBInstance [GH-297]
- Add constants for the parameter types [GH-300]
- Add lambda ZipFile property [GH-301]
- Adds VPCEndpoint resource type [GH-304]
- Supports tags in ElasticBeanstalk environments [GH-308]
- Move cloudformation attribute setting to setattr [GH-309]
- Clarify the license is a BSD 2-Clause license
- Add FindInMap type check for AutoScalingGroup validation of group sizes [GH-285]
- Implement the template Metadata section [GH-286]
- Rename lambda->awslambda [GH-268]
- Add t2 large instance type [GH-269]
- IAM: status required and managedpolicyarns [GH-272]
- Fix wrong prop name in rds.OptionGroup OptionGroupConfigurations->OptionConfigurations [GH-274]
- Add CloudFormation CustomResource [GH-278]
- Add rds snapshot on delete example [GH-280]
- Unable to pass Cluster name as String [GH-281]
- Fix unable to set StringValue on ObjectField in DataPipeline [GH-283]
- added AWS::CloudFormation::Stack NotificationARNs property [GH-243]
- Add additional import for PrivateIpAddressSpecification [GH-247]
- Add true s3 bucket name validator [GH-249]
- Replace strict
comparison by flexibletroposphere.validators.integer
[GH-251] - Add validation for AZMode property on CacheCluster objects [GH-252]
- Fixing Opsworks Naming (ThresholdWaitTime -> ThresholdsWaitTime) [GH-253]
- Adding AutoScalingType to OpsWorks Instance [GH-255]
- Allow extending classes + tests [GH-257]
- Release June 11, 2015 [GH-259]
- Add M4 instances and Memcached port [GH-260]
- Add property for Subnet: MapPublicIpOnLaunch [GH-261]
- Minor improvements and fixes [GH-262]
- Update LoginProfile. Note: this is a breaking change and requires adding a
keyword parameter into LoginProfile. [GH-264] - Add 2 additional properties (elasticache:CacheCluster:SnapshotName and opsworks:Layer:LifecycleEventConfiguration) [GH-265]
- Fix two elasticache properties [GH-196]
- Add interim MinimumProtocolVersion to CloudFront ViewerCertificate [GH-218]
- Missing OriginPath in cloudfront.py [GH-220]
- Fix DBInstance constraints in order to allow the creation of RDS read-only replicas [GH-221]
- Add properties CharacterSetName, KmsKeyId, and StorageEncrypted to AWS::RDS::DBInstance [GH-224]
- Add Route53 HostedZoneVPCs, HostedZoneTags, HealthCheckTags
- Add new properties from 2015-04-16 CloudFormation release [GH-225, GH-240]
- Allow default region for GetAZs() [GH-232]
- Make AvailabilityZones parameter optional in AutoScalingGroup
- EventSubscription resource + EC2 types [GH-227]
- Python 3.4 support [GH-228]
- examples fix: users is list [GH-237]
- SNS Topic fields are not required [GH-230]
- Make AvailabilityZones parameter optional in AutoScalingGroup [GH-236]
- Support AWS helper functions in lists during validation [GH-179]
- Update README [GH-183]
- Fixing RedshiftClusterInVpc example; incorrect SG setup [GH-186]
- Add optional NonKeyAttributes to DynamoDB Projection class [GH-188]
- Change AutoScaling ScheduledAction StartTime, EndTime, and Recurrence to optional [GH-189]
- CloudFront forwarded values required on cache behavior [GH-191]
- DynamoDB attribute definitions required [GH-192]
- Add some ec2 required fields [GH-193]
- Fix ElasticBeanstalk resources [GH-213]
- Fix iam Policy Resource/Property bug [GH-214]
- Fix UpdatePolicy validation [GH-173]
- Add AWS::CloudFormation::Init ConfigSets support [GH-176]
- Change CloudWatch Alarm's Threshold prop to be basestring [GH-178]
- Added new Google Group for discussion: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/cloudtools-dev
- Fixing ValueError message to refer the correct package [GH-135]
- Change cfn to add -R with no argument lists all the Stacks [GH-138]
- Add eu-central-1 region (Frankfurt) [GH-139]
- ConfigurationTemplate is an Object [GH-140]
- Release: AWS CloudFormation on 2014-11-06 [GH-141]
- Remove duplicate security_group from port [GH-143]
- UpdatePolicy and CreationPolicy [GH-144]
- Fixes duplicate key error reporting [GH-145]
- Fix warning in CloudFront example description [GH-148]
- Cfn script create bucket in the specified region [GH-149]
- Remove Unnecessary EOL whitespace [GH-150] Note: this changes the default JSON separators.
- More metadata options [GH-153]
- Metadata auth [GH-155]
- Fixed CreationPolicy [GH-157] [GH-160]
- Addded AWS template VPC_Single_Instance_In_Subnet example [GH-162]
- Add 2014-12-24 CloudFormation release changes [GH-167] [GH-168] [GH-169]
- Add GSI & LSI Functionality [GH-161] [GH-172]
- Fixed landscape.io issues [GH-170]
- Update to 2014-09-29 AWS release [GH-132]
- Add ElastiCache & Port # Constants [GH-132]
- Add ELB Tag Support [GH-133]
- Fix DBSecurityGroupIngress required properties [GH-134]
- Update InitConfig per AWS docs [GH-120]
- S3 improvement + essential constants [GH-125]
- Allow FindInMap() for ec2.NetworkInterfaceProperty.GroupSet [GH-128]
- Use subnet group for param, not vpc securitygroup [GH-65]
- Add support for Equals function and Condition [GH-66]
- Added ELB access logs and CrossZone test [GH-67]
- Added support for more condition functions [GH-69]
- Tweaked a few integer validation messages [GH-71]
- Fix resource.name backward compatibility regression
- Fix pep8 errors due to new pep8 1.5.x changes [GH-72]
- Allow Ref() in VPNGatewayRoutePropagation RouteTableIds list [GH-73]
- Add OpsWorks Support [GH-74]
- Add AutoScalingGroup TerminationPolicies [GH-77, GH-87]
- Add new property MetricsCollection [GH-79]
- Patching Users class to use basestring or Ref type for Groups [GH-80]
- Added support for Kinesis [GH-81]
- Allow autoscaling group to support 'min instances in service' and 'max size' values that are Refs [GH-82]
- Added support for Redshift [GH-84]
- Add DestinationSecurityGroupId in ec2.SecurityGroupRule [GH-85]
- Add CloudFront CacheBehavior [GH-86]
- Tweak UpdatePolicy properties [GH-88]
- Tweaks to rds.DNInstance [GH-89]
- Tweaks to EC2 DeviceIndex property values [GH-90]
- Fix AutoScalingGroup MinSize MaxSize [ GH-92]
- Add Encrypted option to AWS::EC2::Volume [GH-96]
- Add missing config to s3.Bucket [GH-97]
- Add CloudFront DistributionConfig, CacheBehavior and DefaultCacheBehavior [GH-98]
- Add EC2 Instance InstanceInitiatedShutdownBehavior [GH-99]
- Updating the block device options for AutoScalingGroups [GH-100]
- Added support for AWS::CloudFormation::Init in AutoScalingGroup [GH-101]
- Added VPCPeering class [GH-102]
- Opworks CustomJson property expects a JSON object not a string [GH-103]
- Add support for VersioningConfiguration on S3 buckets [GH-104]
- Added Logs resource type [GH-105]
- Add PlacementGroup param to AutoScalingGroup [GH-111]
- Add VpcPeeringConnectionId parameter to EC2 Route [GH-113]
- Make RDS DBInstance MasterUsername and MasterPassword optional [GH-116]
- Add CloudTrail, tweaks to CloudWatch Alarm, and support route53 AliasTarger EvaluateTargetHealth [GH-117]
- Add LogDeliveryWrite canned ACL for S3 bucket [GH-118]
- Add OpenStack native types [GH-61]
- Make
validator work with any integer-like object [GH-57] - Add support to ELB ConnectionDrainingPolicy [GH-62]
- Add more OpenStack resource types and validation [GH-63]
- Allow to extend resource classes by adding custom attributes [GH-16]
- Add AWS::ElastiCache::SubnetGroup [GH-27]
- Fix examples/VPC_EC2_Instance_With_Multiple_Dynamic_IPAddresses.py [GH-29]
- CacheSecurityGroupNames not required if using VpcSecurityGroupIds [GH-31]
- Add VPNConnectionRoute object and attribute to VPNConnection [GH-33]
- add new CrossZone option to ELB [GH-34]
- Add VPC_With_VPN_Connection example
- Fixup some of the network related validators and pep8 changes
- Add support for Tags and PortRange
- Add more resource name properties per CloudFormation release 2013-12-19
- Add Tier Environment property per CloudFormation release 2013-12-19
- Add VPNGatewayRoutePropagation per CloudFormation release 2013-11-22
- Add Tags properties per CloudFormation release 2013-09-24
- Add network changes from CloudFormation release 2013-09-17
- Canonicalize integer and bool values for more consistent output [GH-35]
- Add travis-ci for automated testing [GH-38]
- Check output of examples in test_examples [GH-40]
- Add support for conditions and for Fn::If() [GH-41]
- Tweak ELB ranges to match ec2 console [GH-43]
- Handle bool values better in cfn2py [GH-45]
- Allow strings (as well as Refs) for Subnet VpcId [GH-47]
- Add InstanceID to AutoScalingGroup and LaunchConfiguration
- ec2.DHCPOptions NTPservers -> NtpServers [GH-54]
- Add SQS dead letter queue from CloudFormation release 2014-01-29
- Add AutoScaling ScheduledAction from release 2014-01-27
- Add Tags for SecurityGroups [GH-55]
- RecordSets in Route53 not formatted correctly [GH-51]
- Allow Ref() in NetworkInterfaceProperty GroupSet list [GH-56]
- Adding separators options to print to json function [GH-19]
- Add cfn2py script to convert json templates to Python [GH-22]
- Add EnableDnsSupport and EnableDnsHostnames properties for VPC [GH-23]
- Add VPC support to elasticache [GH-24]
- Fix missing Import Ref [GH-26]
- Add missing AWS::SQS::Queue properties
- Add resource naming (Name Type)
- Allow Ref's in the list objects
- Fix Ref() to output the name only [GH-17]
- Add Ref test.
- Fix some IAM issues
- Convert VPCDHCPOptionsAssociation to not have __init__
- Fix Output, Parameter and UpdatePolicy to not output a Properties dict
- Raise a ValueError if adding a duplicate object to the template
- Set the correct dictname for UpdatePolicy
- Make the code more DRY [GH-15]
- Add a optional
argument to AWSProperty constructor - Add ability to push large stack templates to S3
- InstanceType is not required (defaults to m1.small)
- Add AssociatePublicIpAddress property for AutoScaling LaunchConfiguration
- Make Tags an AWSHelperFn to make it easier to assign
- Resource property types should not be in a Properties dictionary
- Clean up "required" error checking and handle property types better
- Do not validate AWSHelperFun's [GH-8] [GH-9]
- Add missing return in integer_range [GH-10]
- integer_range validator for ELB HealthyCheckInt
- Convert RDS::DBInstance::VPCSecurityGroups to new list type checking
- VPCSecurityGroups for RDS should be a list, not a basestring
- Fixing ELB LoadBalancerPorts not required (error in the AWS docs)
- EC2 SecurityGroup Egress & Ingress rules should be objects
- Fix Attributes validator for ELB Policies
- Allow PolicyDocuments to use (if present) awacs Policy objects
- Add test for matching against a tuple of types
- Add cfn script to create, tail and show stack resources
- UpdatePolicy validation enhancements [GH-5]
- Add VPCSecurityGroups property to AWS::RDS::DBInstance
- DefaultCacheBehavior is a required property for DistributionConfig
- Fix CustomGateway -> CustomerGateway
- Domain does not have any properties
- Fix VPC security group rule bugs
- Added EBSBlockDevice and BlockDeviceMapping classes.
- Add a post-validator to allow individual object to validate themselves
- Add ability to use validate functions on property values
- Add validation of list element types
- Add unit tests
- Add support for autoscaling notification configurations [GH-2]
- Add support for AWS::ElastiCache and AWS::RDS
- Move to AWSProperty entirely.
- Add shortcuts for the NotificationTypes strings
- Add Python 3.x compatibility support
- Pass pep8 and pyflakes
- First PyPI release
- Add S3 bucket support [GH-1]