- Maximum Hit Points at first level.
- To Grab an opponent, an attacker must make a successful Unarmed attack, and then win an opposed Punch or Exert skill check, as per Forcing Enemy Movement. Damage is only rolled after winning the opposed skill check. The enemy is now restrained and must make a successful save vs. Evasion as a Main Action to break free. On subsequent rounds, the attacker may deal Unarmed attack damage to the restrained target automatically.
- Called Shots can be made during combat by rolling an attack roll with an additional -4 penalty. All other modifiers still apply, including normal Armor Class and cover modifiers. At the GM's discretion, damage from a Called Shot may be treated as an Execution Attack, dealing maximum damage and the victim must save vs. Physical minus the attacker's skill level or they are mortally wounded.
- During an attack roll, in place of a single -4 penalty, a player can substitute a Disadvantage. The attack is rolled twice, simultaneously, using the lower of the two results. Only player characters can make such rolls. Disadvantages provide a bit of cinematic flair; the math gives a similar penalty while still offering a small chance of success.
- Ship-class weapons deal quadrupal damage against vehicles and power armor.
- Starships and Vehicles that are stationary in relation to their attacker have AC 10
- Starships and Vehicles that are stationary in relation to their attacker and are within 10 meters are hit automatically
- Vehicles in motion use their normal AC plus their Speed
- Starships use their normal AC against all targets
- Additional gravity rules adapted from d20 Future within SWN guidelines.
- Speed: A creature's movement is double their normal rate for all modes of movement.
- Carrying Capacity: A creature's normal carrying capacity is doubled.
- Skill Checks: Creatures gain a +2 bonus on Strength-based skill checks but suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls and Evasion saving throws, unless they are native to low- or zero-gravity.
- Falling Damage: Falling damage is reduced to 1d4-1 points per 3 meters fallen. Creatures in a zero-gravity environment do not take fall damage.
- Speed: A creature's movement is half their normal rate for all modes of movement.
- Carrying Capacity: A creature's normal carrying capacity is halved.
- Skill Checks: Creatures take a -2 penalty on Strength-based skill checks, attack rolls, and Evasion saving throws, unless they are native to high gravity.
- Falling Damage: Falling damage is increased to 1d8+1 points per 3 meters fallen.