This LED matrix code has been made in two sizes a 100 pixel size and a 256 pixel size. Both are able to fetch data from the web and display things such as local time and weather, tweets, news and so much more! They are also able to display a variety of animations and gifs.
The most important part of an LED matrix is being able to drive the LEDs! I used both the very popular FastLed library and the Adafruit Neopixel library to coordinate the colors of my WS2812b individually accessible LEDs. The service Thingspeak was used to help parse data from websites as well as Google Sheets.
Instead of using a boring Arduino, a more exciting and more powerful ESP8266-12E is used for its ability to connect to wifi. Specifically, I am using the Node MCU Lua flavour developed by Amica for its on-board usb serial and 5v regulator features.
The included Illustrator file is to be laser cut (or hand sawed if brave enough) out of pretty much any material that is 5.35mm thick and sturdy. There is also a Fusion 360 file with the proper paraments to change material thickness accordingly.