As an alternative attempt to simplify the development environment setup, we are also introducing Vagrant.
The reason being is each operating system has it own quirks, making writing instructions on development environment setup a challenge.
On the other hand, it is not without its drawbacks. Virtual machines may not run on computers with lower specifications, or it can slow down your computer.
Vagrant is an open-source software product for building and maintaining portable virtual software development environments (quoting from wikipedia).
Install instruction:
Virtralbox is a free virtual machine monitor for running virtual machines.
Please follow the instructions on both Vagrant and Virtual box before proceding.
- fork of Woman Hack for Non Profit's SEO London repository in your github account:
- login to your github account
- goto
, - click fork icon in the upper left column
- cloned the forked repository
git clone [email protected]:<your git username>/seo-london.git
- cd into the cloned directory
cd seolondon
- Start up the virtual machine. If it is the first time, it also runs the setup of the virtual machine, instruction of which is stored in the file
. It will take little while. And there would be some npm warnings, please ignore.
vagrant up
Please ask for the a database dump url for downloading a database dump, before proceding to the following section.
- ssh into the virtual machine
vagrant ssh
- within the virtual machines, restore the database using the provided database dump url (plase substitute
<database dump url>
with the provided url). There would be a error/warning on 'PL/pgSQL procedural language'. That can be safely be ignored.
SEO_SCRUBBED_DB_URL="<database dump url>"`
mkdir -p /tmp/seolondon/
curl $SEO_SCRUBBED_DB_URL > /tmp/seolondon/scrubbed.dump
sudo -u postgres pg_restore --no-owner --role=seolondon -d seolondon /tmp/seolondon/scrubbed.dump
- use virtual environment
(which will also cd into the project directory/vagrant/
in the virtual box, which is mapped to the directory on the your cloned github repo directory on your host computer.)
pew workon seolondon
- make a copy of the images locally. Again this can take a little while. (Here there will be a few '403 CLient Error', can be ignored)
python copy_media_file
- To test the setup, run the following (you should be able to see the website on https://localhost:8080)
python runserver
- If javascript/css source files are updated run
gulp build
afterwards to have them built. (Can also rungulp
which will run the build process continuously at the background)
The virtual machine can be shut down by running vagrant halt
on the host machine.