An open BI Dashboard platform that supports interactive multi-dimensional report design and data analysis
Server side framework is Spring+MyBatis and front-end is based on AngularJS1 and Bootstrap. The whole architecture graphic is as below:
**Be attention, refresh level is cube level rather than whole dashboard **
- Simple and beautiful interface and layout
- Lightweight architecture and concise source code, the entire project does not rely on any third-party multi-dimensional analysis tools
- Interactive, drag-and-drop OLAP classisc report development experience
- One dataset, multiple report widgets. Maximize reuse query resoult
* Supports OLAP slice filter operation
* Supports sort multiple columns/rows at the sametime
* Global query cache, to avoid repeated query requests for data
* Support common charts and cross tables
* Columnar/Stacked vertical and horizontal bar and line mixed chart with dual axis view
* Pie chart
* Radar Chart
* Sanky Chart
* Funnel Chart
* KPI Widget
* Cross-tabulation
* Other graphs is coming soon
* Support JDBC data connection
* Support to connect one of the most popular open source multi-dimensional analysis of products **Saiku2**, and will be able to selectively create data and graphics
* Cube level data refresh / realtime chart for quick query
* Easy to implement your own **DataProvider** to connect any data source. Even for expensive commercial BI suite, it's not possible to connect all the NOSQL and NewSQL data source in the era of big data. Due to the schema of NOSQL are various, such as hash tables, arrays, trees, maps, etc., different people using the same NoSQL products designed Schema may vary widely. The user who most familiar with their storage schema are the user themselves. And it's easy to find a Java programmers to code a Class to connect their own data source. So we leave this part of work to the end user with an easy extended data connection framework in CBoard
1 Download or git clone project
git clone
2 Install metadata of CBoard
take MySQL database as example
Execute ddl to create metadata table: _sql/mysql/mysql.sql_
3 Modify metadata connection properties file according to your db environment
validationQuery=SELECT 1
4 Comile and package project with Maven
cd root path of CBoard
# Install SQLServer JDBC Driver into your local respository
mvn install:install-file -Dfile=lib\sqljdbc4-4.0.jar -DartifactId=sqljdbc4 -Dversion=4.0 -Dpackaging=jar
mvn clean package
5 Deploy war to Tomcat application
- Copy CBoard\target\cboard.war to webapp folder of Tomcat and rename cboard.war to ROOT.war, Make sure deploy app as ROOT, Otherwise the application will not work
- Start up Tomcat
Default login username and passwor: admin/root123
For more detailed Chinese document CBoard Wiki
You can create any issue or requirements through the Issue system of github.
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Waiting for your Contribution and pull request!
CBoard QQ Group for Chinese: 301028618
Email: [email protected], [email protected]
Front-end question:Fine[email protected]