This document describe how to create a nice looking documentation with little effort. I'm a visual focused coder and therefore interested in content, text and screenshots. After a couple of years operating system change completely as they look and work, if at all. Assuming you keep functioning system or even use virtual machines a detailed documentation becomes very useful. This reasoning has been supported by a dear customer of mine form the old days working in Switzerland, BKW; just to emphasize the relevance.
On the other hand, I don't like to spend time formatting fonts,headers and such, used to work with LaTex. As time went by a new way became available which is based on markdown. Markdown is integral part of many platforms, I would say of any relevant platform for the future (github, gitlab, ...). A very small set of format instructions are available to do the job, fitting on a single cheat sheet. On the other hand you may like to get a PDF, one way is by means of pandoc a 😎 and flexible converter. Last but not least vscode function as backbone. Calling vscode an powerful editor doesn't do it justice; it's an infrastructure a worthy successor of emacs.
Documentation is a love letter to your future self.
Google has integrated its Co-Laboratory into Google Drive.
An easy way to use Jupyter Notebook validateDates.ipynb
available at public sharing wroACDHitp202003.