A Flutter plugin integrating the official android and ios SDK for Mono (financial data Platform) (https://withmono.com/)
Mono Connect.js is a quick and secure way to link bank accounts to Mono from within your app. Mono Connect is a drop-in framework that handles connecting a financial institution to your app (credential validation, multi-factor authentication, error handling, etc). It works on mobile and web.
For accessing customer accounts and interacting with Mono's API (Identity, Transactions, Income, DirectPay) use the server-side Mono API. For complete information about Mono Connect, head to the docs. https://docs.withmono.com/docs/ .
- Register on the Mono website and get your public and secret keys.
- Setup a server to exchange tokens to access user financial data with your Mono secret key.
- Add the key
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
and a usage description to yourInfo.plist
If editing Info.plist
as text, add:
<string>your usage description here</string>
<string>your usage description here</string>
State the camera permission in your android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA"/>
If you already use Mono Connect or DirectPay, you will need to upgrade your widget to version 2 to get access to these new features. To upgrade to v2, take the following steps:
Log in to your Mono dashboard
Visit Preferences in the Settings section, toggle on the new version of the Mono widget, and confirm the switch.
If you would like to use the new widget and Mono's open banking APIs to build innovative solutions for your customers, you can get started by creating a Mono account here.
you can checkout a web preview here https://wiseminds.github.io/mono-flutter
Import package:mono_flutter/mono_flutter.dart
and use the methods in MonoFlutter
For web support add the following to index.html :
<script src="https://connect.withmono.com/connect.js"></script>
function setupMonoConnect(key, reference, data, authCode, scope) {
const configJson = JSON.parse(data ?? `{}`);
const options = {
onSuccess: onSuccess,
onEvent: onEvent,
onClose: onClose,
onLoad: onLoad
const MonoConnect = new Connect(options);
if(authCode && String(authCode).length > 0) {
import 'package:mono_flutter/mono_flutter.dart';
void main() async {
class App extends StatelessWidget {
Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Center(
child: RaisedButton(
child: Text('launch mono'),
onPressed: () {
// authCode: 'code_sGjE1Zh48lFR8vr3FkrD',
reference: DateTime.now().millisecondsSinceEpoch.toString(),
scope: "auth", // NEWLY INTRODUCED
"customer": {
"name": "Samuel Olamide", // REQUIRED
"email": "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
"identity": {
"type": "bvn",
"number": "2323233239",
customer: MonoCustomer(
newCustomer: MonoNewCustomerModel(
name: "Samuel Olamide", // REQUIRED
email: "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
identity: MonoNewCustomerIdentity(
type: "bvn",
number: "2323233239",
existingCustomer: MonoExistingCustomerModel(
id: "6759f68cb587236111eac1d4", // REQUIRED
selectedInstitution: ConnectInstitution(
id: "5f2d08be60b92e2888287702",
authMethod: ConnectAuthMethod.mobileBanking,
onEvent: (event, data) {
print('event: $event, data: $data');
onClosed: (code) {
print('Modal closed, $code');
onLoad: () {
print('Mono loaded successfully');
onSuccess: (code) {
print('Mono Success $code');
newCustomer: MonoNewCustomerModel(
name: "Samuel Olamide", // REQUIRED
email: "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
identity: MonoNewCustomerIdentity(
type: "bvn",
number: "2323233239",
id: "6759f68cb587236111eac1d4", // REQUIRED
Checkout the example project for full implementation
###Reauthorization Passing the [authCode] to the launch command This package will automatically call [connect.reauthorise(authCode)]
Reauth code is a mono generated code for the account you want to re-authenticate, which must be requested by your server and sent to your frontend where you can pass it to mono connect widget. Mono connect widget will ask for the required information and re-authenticate the user's account and notify your server. Once the reauthorisation is complete, the mono.events.account_reauthorized event will be sent to your webhook, following with mono.events.account_updated once the synced data is available.
For a custom page or with a dialog, use the [MonoFlutterWebView] widget, but this is not supported on the web.
context: context,
builder: (c) => MonoWebView(
scope: "auth", // NEWLY INTRODUCED
customer: MonoCustomer(
newCustomer: MonoNewCustomerModel(
name: "Samuel Olamide", // REQUIRED
email: "[email protected]", // REQUIRED
identity: MonoNewCustomerIdentity(
type: "bvn",
number: "2323233239",
existingCustomer: MonoExistingCustomerModel(
id: "6759f68cb587236111eac1d4", // REQUIRED
selectedInstitution: ConnectInstitution(
id: "5f2d08be60b92e2888287702",
authMethod: ConnectAuthMethod.mobileBanking,
onEvent: (event, data) {
print('event: $event, data: $data');
onClosed: () {
print('Modal closed');
onLoad: () {
print('Mono loaded successfully');
onSuccess: (code) {
print('Mono Success $code');