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2.1.0 Major Release

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@dhenl2 dhenl2 released this 24 Nov 03:40
· 68 commits to master since this release

The following changes have been made to the library:


  • Added Haystack utility functions for ease of use. These include:
    • removePrefix(value): Remove the Haystack prefix from the given String value if applied.
    • getId(entity, tag): Get a UUID from the entity, or the Haystack reference tag is specified.
    • getReadableName(entity): Get the fqname or id tag of the entity.
  • Added new argument options to WideSkyClient constructor to accept configurations for the underlying axios client
    instance and WideSky client batch operations. The options argument is expected to have the following structure as
    defined in Client Options.
  • Added a new static function make to create a WideSkyClient instance from a configuration Object. The Object can
    have the following options:
    • serverURL: The URL to the WideSky API server (required).
    • username: The username for a WideSky user (required).
    • password: The password the above WideSky username (required).
    • clientId: The Client ID for OAuth 2.0 authentication (required).
    • clientSecret: The Client secret for OAuth 2.0 authentication (required).
    • accessToken: A valid WideSky access token for OAuth 2.0 authentication (optional).
    • options: An Object containing attributes axios and client for configuring the axios and WideSky client
      respectively. The options argument is expected to have the following structure as defined in
      Client Options.
    • logger: This can be one of:
      • Empty, meaning a default Bunyan logger is used.
      • Object, for which a Bunyan instance will be created with:
        • name: Name of logging instance.
        • level: Bunyan logging level to shows logs higher than
        • raw: If true, output in JSON format. If false, output in prettified Bunyan logging format.
      • Bunyan logging instance
  • Added new set of functions under property v2 of the WideSkyClient instance. v2 consists of client functions:
    • find: Same functionality as the existing WideSkyClient.find but returns only the rows.
  • Added new class HisWritePayload to more easily create payloads suitable for the hisWrite function.
  • Added new function performOpInBatch to perform client operations in a batched and parallel manner. Will be used
    as the basis for all new batch functions added.
  • Add new batch functions:
    • client.batch.hisWrite(payload, options)
    • client.batch.hisRead(ids, from, to, options)
    • client.batch.hisDelete(ids, start, end, options)
    • client.batch.create(entities, options)
    • client.batch.update(entities, options)
    • client.batch.deleteById(ids, options)
    • client.batch.deleteByFilter(filter, limit, options)
    • client.batch.hisReadByFilter(filter, from, to, options)
    • client.batch.updateByFilter(filter, criteriaList, options)
    • client.batch.hisDeleteByFilter(filter, start, end, options)
    • client.batch.migrateHistory(fromEntity, toEntity)
    • client.batch.addChildrenByFilter(filter, children, tagMap)
    • client.batch.multiFind(filterAndLimits, options)
    • client.batch.updateOrCreate(entities, options)
  • Added new utility class EntityCriteria to be used with client.batch.updateByFilter.
  • Added new function entityCount(filter) to get the number of entities from a filter via a GraphQL query.
  • Added new function findAsId(filter, limit) to optimise functions that only require the ids of the entity,
    normally discarding any other information that would be returned from client.find.


  • Client no longer throws a Axios error if a response has been received and response is a Haystack of GraphQL error.
    Instead, the error found in the response as received from a WideSky API server is used as the error message.
    This has been changed as the WideSky API server already created good responses to request errors and changes should
    only be in API server.