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The Liquibase Test Harness repository uses localstack and the awslocal CLI to run tests against different AWS RDS (MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, and Microsoft SQL Server) databases locally. localstack provides a local AWS cloud stack for development and testing purposes, and awslocal is a CLI tool for interacting with local AWS resources.

Check out the full localstack RDS documentation here.


  1. Docker: localstack runs in a Docker container. Install Docker by following the instructions here
  2. localstack: Install localstack by following the instructions here
  3. awslocal CLI: Install the awslocal CLI tool by running the following command: pip install awscli-local
  4. Creating RDS instances is a localstack PRO feature so you need a valid localstack PRO API KEY

Starting localstack

Before creating local instances and running your tests, start localstack by running the following command:

localstack start -d

Creating a local RDS instance

To create a local RDS instance for testing, you can use the awslocal CLI. Here's an example command to create an Aurora MySQL instance:

awslocal rds create-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier aurora-mysql-primary-cluster --engine aurora-mysql --engine-version 8.0 --database-name test --master-username test --master-user-password test

awslocal rds create-db-instance --db-instance-identifier aurora-mysql-primary-cluster-instance --db-cluster-identifier aurora-mysql-primary-cluster --engine aurora-mysql --db-instance-class db.t3.medium

Check the output to see the instance port:

  AllocatedStorage: 200
  AutoMinorVersionUpgrade: false
  AvailabilityZone: us-east-1a
  BackupRetentionPeriod: 1
  CopyTagsToSnapshot: false
  DBInstanceArn: arn:aws:rds:us-east-1:000000000000:db:mssql2019
  DBInstanceClass: db.t3.medium
  DBInstanceIdentifier: mssql2019
  DBInstanceStatus: creating
  DBName: lbcat
  - DBParameterGroupName: default.sqlserver-ee
    ParameterApplyStatus: in-sync
  DBSecurityGroups: []
  DbInstancePort: 4510
  DbiResourceId: db-9CB674E4
  DeletionProtection: false
  EnabledCloudwatchLogsExports: []
    Port: 4510
  Engine: sqlserver-ee
  EngineVersion: '2019'
  IAMDatabaseAuthenticationEnabled: false
  InstanceCreateTime: '2024-01-11T06:52:28.087000+00:00'
  LicenseModel: license-included
  MasterUsername: lbuser
  MultiAZ: false
  - OptionGroupName: None
    Status: in-sync
  PreferredBackupWindow: 13:14-13:44
  PreferredMaintenanceWindow: wed:06:38-wed:07:08
  PubliclyAccessible: false
  ReadReplicaDBInstanceIdentifiers: []
  StatusInfos: []
  StorageEncrypted: false
  StorageType: gp2
  TagList: []
  - Status: active
    VpcSecurityGroupId: sg-e66159e3935e2e43a

Running Tests

With localstack running, execute your tests against the local AWS resources. Make sure your application or test suite is configured to use the local AWS endpoints provided by localstack (e.g., http://localhost:4566).

You can check the instance port by executing a describe command over the local instance:

awslocal rds describe-db-instances --db-instance-identifier mssql2019  --query 'DBInstances[0].Endpoint.Port' | jq -r 

Check how other local databases platforms are created in the aws.yml GitHub workflow.