Feature | Feedback |
Baseline | |
Answered comprehension questions | |
Used Git Regularly | |
Wave 1 | |
All provided tests pass | |
Using the appropriate attr_ for instance variables |
Wave 2 | |
All stubbed tests are implemented fully and pass | |
Appropriately parses the product data from CSV file in Order.all |
Used CSV library only in Order.all (not in Order.find ) |
Used Order.all to get order list in Order.find |
Wave 3 | |
All stubbed tests are implemented fully and pass | |
Used inheritance in the initialize for online order | |
Used inheritance for the total method in online order | |
Appropriately created Customer class and class methods all & find |
Use CSV library only in OnlineOrder.all |
Used all to get order list in find |
Appropriately searches for Customer orders in find_by_customer |
Additional Notes |