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Automated Testing for WordPress with Behat
Understand how to use Behat to write automated tests for your WordPress sites.

If you're developing WordPress sites, there's no doubt you've had something working only to later find it broken. Dev, Test, and Live environments reduce the risk of breaking something in production, but it's tedious to manually test every time you make a change. Behat is the answer to this problem for PHP developers. Describe a feature once, in plain English, and every time you run Behat it will script the browser to do things like click, fill out forms, and verify text.

In this guide you'll learn how to setup Behat on your local machine and run automated tests against a remote WordPress site. Before installing, review the following test, which is called a feature:

# features/blog.feature
Feature: Blog
  In order for our website to be awesome
  As a visitor
  I need to be able to read published posts

  Scenario: As a user with the editor role I can publish blog posts
  Given I am logged in as "editor-qa"
  When I follow "Posts"
  And I follow "Add New"
  And I press "Text"
  And I fill in "post_title" with "My Awesome Blog Post"
  And I fill in "content" with "This post was made by robots."
  And I press "Publish"
  Then I should see "Post published"

The test is easy to understand so designers, project managers, and even non-technical team members can collaborate to ensure functionality.


If you don't already have a WordPress site, you can create one for free on Pantheon. In this guide, I'm using Git, but you can adjust the following steps for SFTP if you prefer.

First, I'll download my WordPress site's codebase by doing a git clone of my Pantheon site:

git clone <string from Pantheon Site Dashboard>

Next, create a new directory for Behat testing:

cd site-name/wp-content
mkdir tests
cd tests

Download WordPress Behat Quickstart:

curl >
mv WordPress-Behat-Quickstart-master behat

Let's take a look at what was downloaded:

cd behat

You'll see the following output:

behat.local.yml.sample	behat.yml	composer.json	composer.lock	features

Add to the Git repo for our site:

git add .
git commit -m "Add WordPress Behat Quickstart"

Next, copy behat.local.yml.sample to behat.local.yml:

cp behat.local.yml.sample behat.local.yml

We'll return to behat.local.yml in a bit, where we'll add passwords to be able to log in as various WordPress users.

If you look at the composer.json file, you'll see a list of software packages to install with Composer. If you have Composer installed globally run:

composer install

Or to download and run Composer in the current directory:

curl -s > composer.phar
php composer.phar install

Downloading everything may take a while, with a lot of output. We used Composer to install Behat, Mink, and two browser drivers for Mink. Behat is the testing framework, written in PHP. Mink extends Behat and lets you work with web applications. The two browser drivers we installed for Mink are Goutte, which is fast, and Selenium, which is slower than Goutte, but supports Javascript.

It should finish with the following output:

Generating autoload files

Now that we've installed Behat, you might think it's a good time to make a commit to save our work, but everything we've installed would be ignored by Git and not added to version control. This is because they are listed in the .gitignore file bundled with the starter kit to keep the repo lightweight and ensure passwords in behat.local.yml stay out of version control.

To verify Behat is installed, list the available step definitions:

bin/behat -dl

You'll see a longer list of available step definitions like the following:

    When /^(?:|I )follow "(?P<link>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/
    When /^(?:|I )fill in the following:$//
    Then /^(?:|I )should not see "(?P<text>(?:[^"]|\\")*)"$/

Each definition has regex placeholders. For example, the first allows you to include steps like When I follow "Contact Us" in your features that would look for the "Contact Us" link and click on it.

Now that we've installed Behat locally, we can configure it for your WordPress site.


The starter kit comes with a behat.yml file that configured Behat to use Mink (browser drivers) and a placeholder base_url for the site we want to run tests on.

Open behat.yml with your text editor or IDE of choice (lately I've been using Vim or Atom) and change the base_url under the default profile from to the URL of the site you want to test, and then save.

Verify your changes look good with git diff and then commit your changes:

git add behat.yml
git commit -m "Update base_url so Behat will test against"

Open features/homepage-works.feature and replace "Test with Robots" with a phrase that is on your home page and you'll be ready to test to see if your homepage works!

Save, commit, and push your changes. Your team members will be able to skip this Configure section, since you've already done it for them:

git add features/homepage-works.feature`
git commit -m "Customize homepage feature for My Awesome Website"
git push origin master

Write & Run Tests

Feature: Home Page Test

Running Behat without any arguments will execute every feature in the features directory. Here, we'll run the test using a tag:

bin/behat --tags=smoke

In my case, I see the test fails:

Feature: As a visitor I should be able to load the home page

  Scenario: Home page loads              # features/homepage_works.feature:3
    Given I am on the homepage           # FeatureContext::iAmOnHomepage()
    Then I should see "Test with Robots" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()
      The text "Test with Robots" was not found anywhere in the text of the current page.

1 scenario (1 failed)
2 steps (1 passed, 1 failed)

Although not shown above, the output will be color-coded so you can quickly see if a step passes in green, fails in red, or if there's a notice in yellow.

After seeing that the test failed, I visited the home page and realized it was because WordPress isn't installed yet. Even though I created the Dev environment I never actually installed WordPress. I could visit the home page to do the famous 5-minute install, but I decided to use terminus and wp cli to install from the command line:

terminus wp core install --url= \
                           --title="Test With Robots" \
                           --admin_user=admin --admin_password=something_incredibly_secure \  
                           [email protected]
                           --site=withrobots \

I get the following output:

Success: WordPress installed successfully.

Now that WordPress is installed, run Behat again (this time instead of designating a tag we're using the feature filename):

bin/behat features/homepage-works.feature

After installing WordPress and giving the site the title "Test with Robots" the test now passes!

Feature: As a visitor I should be able to load the home page

  Scenario: Home page loads              # features/homepage_works.feature:3
    Given I am on the homepage           # FeatureContext::iAmOnHomepage()
    Then I should see "Test with Robots" # FeatureContext::assertPageContainsText()

1 scenario (1 passed)
2 steps (2 passed)

The process of writing a test before the feature has been implemented and then incorporating the feature so the test will pass is the core of Behavior Driven Development (BDD).

Add @javascript

When you add @javascript to the beginning of a feature or scenario, a browser driver that supports Javascript will be used, in this case Selenium 2. Using Selenium requires the following:

  1. Download Selenium Server
  2. Execute Selenium Server from the command line:
cd ~/Downloads/
java -jar selenium-server-standalone-2.45.0.jar

If you've upgraded your browser and Selenium tests stop working, try downloading a newer version of Selenium Server. Drivers like Goutte are faster than Selenium, so don't tag your test with @javascript unless it's necessary. More drivers are out there, so feel free to experiment!

Note: You'll have two terminal windows open: one to run Selenium server and one to run Behat.

Scenario: As a visitor I can see a recent blog post
Given I am on the homepage
Then I should see "My Awesome Blog Post"

Now when you run a test tagged with @javascript, you'll see a browser window open and the test running. The first time you do it, it definitely feels like magic!

Authenticating Users With a Custom Step Defintion

While we could hard-code passwords into each and every feature that requires logging in to the WordPress site, there's a better way. The starter kit extends Behat to define new step definitions in features/bootstrap/FeaturesContext.php. One of our new step definitions will look up passwords in the behat.local.yml file for a corresponding user. We're adapting this approach from the BDD project.

Now is a good time to create a few users with various roles for testing. For the test included in the starter kit, create a user named "editor-qa", with the role of "editor" and add the password in behat.local.yml. Then, run the test with the following tag:

bin/behat --tags=@wip

You'll see the following output:

@javascript @wip
Scenario: As a user with the editor role I can post to the blog
Given I am logged in as "editor-qa"
And I follow "Posts"
And I follow "Add New"
And I press "Text"
And I fill in "post_title" with "My Awesome Blog Post"
And I fill in "content" with "This post was made by robots."
And I wait for the message to appear
And I press "Publish"
Then I should see "Post published"

You'll also see the browser open and run through the test:

Feature: Editor can post to blog. Behat, Selenium Server running, automating browser

Now you should be on your way to writing and running more automated Behat tests for your WordPress sites!

Next Steps

In this guide, we ran "black box" tests from our local machine against a remote site. Even if you've already implemented a continuous integration system and are ready to add Behat tests to it, running tests from your local machine can be helpful, especially when writing and debugging tests.

You can use existing step definitions to write more features. Going forward, you can expand your testing with the following:

  • Add Behat tests to continuous integration/continuous deployment pipeline.
  • Do more than "black box" testing. Extend Behat to interact with the WordPress API or DB directly.
  • The Behat DrupalExtension is actively maintained and could serve as inspiration for a WordPress Behat Extension.
  • Run Behat in the cloud with services like Browserstack and Sauce Labs to test browsers you don't run natively.

Adding automated testing into your development workflow will help you deliver higher quality WordPress sites and set you apart from other agencies. Every time you add a feature, you've removed the burden of manual testing, while adding peace of mind for the next time you deploy.

Start small, one test at a time. Progress, not perfection.

Happy automated testing!

See Also