All notable changes for this project will be documented in this file
- setup configuration for rotary encoder switch
- rename ventialtionFanPWN to ventialtionFanPWM
- Handling sensor error. If sensor fails during drying cycle, then drying process will be stopped and error message appear on the screen.
- Refactoring Heating data. All values for heating power and heater fan speed are handled in an own class
- Turbo mode for faster heating up in the lower ranges
- values for ventialtion time and final ventilation time
- replaced fix define for air exchange intervall with value in HeatingData
- bugfix in function dryController(). Heater now is shut down after ventilation.
- bugfix in rampUpTable. Range over 50 degrees wasn't regarded and so powered to low.
- additional range over over 45 and 50 degrees. Now there are 6 ranges.
- display showing state of heater, heaterfan and ventilation during drying.
- refactored initializing power values for each tempeture range.
- adjust current values for low Hysteresis
- last final ventilation after dry process is finished
- first final version