The Wellcome Images website was a collection of images about the history of medicine and human health. It was shut down in November 2017, in favour of our new image search at
This repo has the code for redirecting users and URLs to the new site.
URLs for an individual image are redirected to the corresponding image page on /works (if it exists)
URLs for searches or galleries are redirected to a search on /works
Otherwise, the user is redirected to an empty search page
There's a CloudFront distribution for in the experience account.
The CloudFront distribution is connected to a Lambda@Edge function (defined in edge-lambda), which decides where to redirect the user.
(We use Lambda@Edge instead of CloudFront Functions because we sometimes need to make HTTP requests before doing a redirect. e.g. looking up an image ID from a URL so we can find the appropriate works page. Also, this work was completed several years before CloudFront Functions were released.)
The Route 53 hosted zone for is defined in a D&T account. We create DNS records in that hosted zone that point to our CloudFront distributions.