Version 2.0 uses Symfony 4. You have to upgrade every BC break from Symfony. These are a lot, but here are some Tips:
$form = $this->get('form.factory')->createNamedBuilder(null, FormType::class, $json, array('csrf_protection'=>false))
- if your method is put you have to change
toarray('csrf_protection'=>false, 'method'=>'put')
->add('name', 'text', array(
is now->add('name', TextType::class, array(
is now$form->handleRequest
is now$form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()
- Forms that are sent empty will fail to pass isSubmitted(). So for empty json sets as a farm, it returns only one error (form is empty) instead of errors for all required fields
- bundle extension was removed in symfony 4.0
- replace "%root_directory%" with "%kernel.project_dir%"
- env variables with "SYMFONY__" wont work anymore use (in config.yml):
tenant_name: "%env(SYMFONY__TENANT_NAME)%"
for workarounds or use dev variables directly - use your own
- great a job_dispatcher service, to optimize generation of meta data for uploaded files:
class: 'Webforge\CmsBundle\JobDispatcher'
- '/app/bin/'
- '%kernel.environment%'
- '@logger'
- { SYMFONY__TENANT_NAME: '%tenant_name%' }